Been playing around with this for a while. Installed spotify on it and have it connected to a speaker in my dorm. Pretty cool.
Screenfetch thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What year is this from?
>1.2 Ghz processor
How do you do anything?
Cheers, i'm also doing stupid stuff with my pi.
tech-illiterate gaymerfag detected
toasting in ebin bread!!
Empty your trash you disgusting heathen
Ubuntu is fine, but please use a different desktop. Unity is fucking garbage. Get gnome, kde, xfce. Anything but unity.
i like unity so eat shit nigger
Looks familiar...
Wrong picture...
gentoo is gay but you got some nice digits chum
>gentoo is gay
Can you not install it? :^(
it isnt hard to follow some guides online its just i would rather do work than wasting time compilation every little thing chum, the enlightened used shit like debian
I'm straight, I use Gentoo thus Gentoo isn't gay.
You can't manage your time then, it you wait compilation, time doesn't wait.
whats the fucking point anyway
and how would that benefit me belta
this is one of the greatest desktops ive ever seen in my entire life...
p-pls post feet
i agree
LOL at 5.9GHz. It's 4.5GHz really.
got you stumped there buddy got you stumped
Are you guys serious? If it came to the point that my life had devolved so low that this would even be close to acceptable for an adult, I'd have to kill myself.
I am suggesting that you kill yourselves
thanks you too
take his suggestion seriously chump
Go back to being dead, Arthur
Benefits of zsh over bash?
The z makes it sound cool
cute toes :- )
Well, I like that it has better history handling and completion.
cyclic completion is retarded
it does not
>zsh ftw!
Does not what?
>has better history handling and completion
can you not fucking read you shitty retard?
(not the person you replied to btw, just saw retardation and had to comment)
Just stop!!! You're giving zsh users a bad name.
I've come up with an inventive way to upload screenshots to Sup Forums. This is my first time testing it though I imagine that it will work fine. Depends on having 4chanx and xfce4-screenshooter.
>take screenshot
>select host on imgur
>it will show the link to where it is
>use the upload link option on 4chanx
>no need to save a screenshot in order to upload it
I just thought that this was interesting.
Testing with upload to zimagez next. They are .php so I am unsure.
Holy shit I just found out that If there's an image in your clipboard and you hit CTRL + V in the reply field 4chanx will add it so you can upload it. This is a game changer.
>Testing with upload to zimagez next
No zimagez didn't work. It says 'cannot read file'
Well, to reply to the guy above, yes, it does have both.
Glad to see Windows isn't the only OS doing this shit.
Constantly reporting my 4.1GHz 2500K at 5.4GHz
first arch install, very happy with it so far.
OP you are doing it wrong
>N Series Celeron
why are you here
im outclasses by a pi
Since we not only post Desktops
Fucking love Ubuntu Budgie, checking out the daily builds atm. Will likely switch when then full release is out next month.
Pls r8
wtf are these specs
40 days up, jesus christ.
Same. I use KDE Neon right now but I might switch to budgie. My favorite Ubuntu variation atm.
What can you even do on this computer these days?
ssh into a better PC
install funtoo
is this the new autistic speccy thread
this is my travel laptop, it was cheap and it's light.
full desktop: now with 100% less screenfetch!
install mate newfriend
I've got the midas touch.
increase your terminal width, your ascii is cut off.
its quite small for a desktop monitor
I like GNOME 3.
it's a laptop.
says right in my post.
>liking GNOME3
best de
What's wrong with it?
What the fuck is the issue with Unity? I fucking love it. I would love to see one legitimate argument as to what's wrong with it in 16.04+
Whats wrong with GNOME 3?
What laptop is that? Looking to get one for travel. Got a chromebook with Xubuntu right now, but looking for something a little better.
do you get off to posting that or something?
-hard to customize
-RAM hog
this thing was just called 'HP Laptop 15" at best buy, very generic. 15" display though, and it looks very polished. It was $340 CAD for me but i got it during a sale. It is usually $440 CAD. I can try to find the best buy link if you'd like.
also crouton is awesome, it's what got me into linux originally. got me into gaming, too, i used to play cs:source on my acer chromebook with vanilla ubuntu, kek.
>A nightmare to customize
>RAM hog
>GPU hog
>thick panels wasting space everywhere
>thick panels
tweak tool is installed by default on most distros
>ram hog
it takes up ~900mb
>gpu hog
i use integrated graphics and have never had issues with it
>hard to customize
once again, tweak tool.
>uploading to a third party
>downloading it from that third party
>then uploading it to Sup Forums
No, it isn't.
>-hard to customize
I agree, there's little customisation is comparison to some other DEs. However, I like it very much as is.
>-RAM hog
I never come close to maxing out my RAM so it's not relevant for me.
freetards BTFO
That's retarded.
>screenfetch thread
>winfag can't post screenfetch
wtf am I looking at