The irony about critizing wireless mice

A wire is very likely to be inflicting way bigger interference by its action of lateral physical forces, than any theoretical disadvantage of short-distance wireless technology.

Of course, the best is something like pic-related (both data-wired + wireless on demand), but still I bet most that claim can tell differences would fail a blind test.

The G900 is actually completely wireless, the cable is just for charging and RGB sync

That's not what they claim. Anyway, I have a G700. I can confirm it works without a wireless receiver connected at all.

yeah, but wireless uses radios, so someone might be spying on your clicks

I have a G700s and use it exclusively as a wired mouse. Not because of any deficiencies with wireless latency or polling rate or anything. As I understand it that used to be an issue 15 years ago but hasn't been for quite some time. No, I deal with wired because of the big advantage OP forgot: Not having to be bothered changing or charging batteries.


I just stick it as well to the wired mode a lot of the time for that reason. But, if I have to play something with very high precision, wired mode is just shittier.

Even the mice that claim to have "very slender and amazing" cords, they can't compete with zero cords in that department of physical force interference.

Some idiots claim to "raise the cord above the mouse with an apparatus". That's even more disgusting as a workaround, and ugly aesthetically.

The main issue is the attacks used to manipulate your OS to thinking a new radio signal is your mouse and then they log things you do on your PC. There was a nice article write up about this attack but I forgot what the name of it was. Either way I think this only affects really old or cheap wireless products with weak or no encryption methods. Just use bluetooth.

professional game players who make millions of dollars a year use a $5 mouse bungee, it's good enough for you buddy.

>More shit to charge
No thanks. I don't give a fuck about input latency (as long as it's not ludicrous), but I don't want to have more stupid shit I have to remember to plug in every night or whatever.
I refuse to get wireless mice, keyboards, headphones, or any peripheral really, at least when it's near the computer.

>lateral physical forces
how weak are you?
>but still I bet most that claim can tell differences would fail a blind test.

I have this mouse and I never use the wireless mode because it's fucking impossible to plug that shit in when you need to charge it.

>he wants to get hand cancer

how to avoid cables being annoying

step 1: dont use braided cables

step 2: follow step 1



my ducky shine has detachable cable even though it's not wirless and it's been nothing but a nightmare. I wouldn't buy this keyboard again just because of that

but ye I been eyeing the MX master mainly cause of aesthetics and wireless sounds nice.

>but I don't want to have more stupid shit I have to remember to plug in every night or whatever
Wireless mouse owner here. That's not really how it goes.
Rather, my mouse runs out of battery, I stick a USB cable in it, and carry on using it until the three indicator LEDs stop blinking. Then I remove the cable as this tells me it is fully charged.
I never worry about how much battery it has left, because I always have a microUSB cable within reach.

>having to be bothered changing or charging batteries

I have a wireless mouse, the G602. I use it at work and I use it at home for gaming. I have two Enerloop rechargeable AA 1900 mAh batteries in the mouse. They last me almost four months at work. They last me almost three months at home. I have four batteries. Two in the mouse and two fully charged in my desk and ready to go. Mouse dies, I put in fresh batteries. I put the dead batteries in a wall charger. Next morning the dead batteries are fully charged, I leave them in the charger, I put the charger in the drawer of my desk.

I change the batteries three times a year at work and four times a year at home. I don't consider that bothersome at all. Especially moreso considering I don't ever have to deal with any cumbersome mouse cord.

until the connector breaks and you have to buy a new one from apple for 72 USD plus a blowjob.

>because I always have a microUSB cable within reach
Then why the hell wouldn't you just have it plugged in all of the time?

Why hasn't someone made a mouse that charges from the motion of being moved around? I don't like having to recharge stupid shit like mice and prefer wired, but if someone made a wireless mouse that charges from the motion of being used like some watches charge from being moved, I'd buy one.

People who get paid to play games also get paid or told to use certain equipment provided by their team who have obligations to make sure their team players use sponsor hardware and anything else.

Because the cable is an inconvenience. It really makes more of a difference than you'd expect.

No it aint, just stop using braided shit, a good regular rubber cable like on the intellimice cant be felt.

You mean like this one ?

That one looks decent, but not sure if its rigid enough, if the cable is too "soft" itll just feel like youre dragging it along

Good bait.

The G700 is perfect for multi computers setup, you could leave the receiver on a computer, and plug the cable on another one, it will work wired, but will switch instantly once you unplugged it.
That's what I'm doing with my desktop and laptop: plugged in desktop, receiver always in laptop, if I need a mouse on the laptop I just have to disconnect the cable.

Former wireless mouse owner here. Never again.

Fuck wireless mice and fuck charging batteries.

It has a good balance between rigidity and softness. It's tied up to my monitor's stand so it hangs down from there instead of dragging along the desk when charging my mouse, or getting hung up on cables below the desk and snagging on the edge of it and other things. It is just a little longer than it absolutely needs to be so that it doesn't interfere with other things either.

Yet it's still an inconvenience to just leave it connected because I use that space between my mousepad and my monitors for other shit as well. I used to swear by wired mice, and trust me when I say that you don't really realize how restrictive the cable is until you switch to wireless.

I've seen one of those. The downside is that you have to use a special mousepad to charge it.

>all these fags buying led rgb gaymen mice
>complaining battery dies
I have a very basic wireless mouse that runs on a single AA battery and it lasts for 6 months.
Surprise surprise, I can play games with it just as well as you do.

>Surprise surprise, I can play games with it just as well as you do.
kek, bet you have angle snapping, shit accuracy, and inconsistent polling rates

They're already using optical mouse sensors to send pictures of your futa mousepad to microsoft

the thing that is worst on the batter is not the shitty leds
it is the polling rate that is put to high rates by gaymers

You are literally mentally challenged. Idiots like you claim to care about minuscule differences in response. Yet the ENORMOUSLY HIGHER differences in physical forces inflicted by fucking cables are ignored.

Don't be stupid. All cables have a physical force attribute. It's idiotic to claim that difference isn't bigger than high-end wireless mice technology.

Faggot children like you would never pass a blind test. I want to see you prove that inane theory with a very high end wireless mouse on its wireless VS its wired mode (with data via the wire).

I bet you will mainly be able to notice it has A FUCKING WIRE WITH PHYSICAL FORCES.

Only an idiotic child doesn't see the OP is right.

I bought a Steelseries Rival Optical wired mouse SPECIFICALLY because it was claimed to have extremely exceptional sensor technology for its price range. I can clearly notice physical forces inflicted by the cable. I would never be able to notice a very high end wireless mouse having problems of that magnitude at the data connection level unless it has a serious manufacturing bug.

>it is the polling rate that is put to high rates by gaymers
G700 owner here, you know you can set that, right? Personally, I've set up profiles on it so that I can switch between gaymen mode and office mode. I'm not even sure that I notice a difference but then again I game on an IGP.

Who the fuck feels the lateral force caused by the wire?
Are you fucking 3?
I've literally never in my entire life felt the force of the wire restricting my movement. Not even once.
Get less shit genes you weak ass child.

Meanwhile at Wireless, charging fucking batteries constantly, unplugging and plugging wires.
Not even twice. Once was enough of a mistake for me. Fuck wireless.

>Who the fuck feels the lateral force caused by the wire?
Are you literally stupid. It's extremely obvious.

Bullshit. That will never remove physical forces by 100%, it's just a reduction. Also you might make it EVEN WORSE if that shit is moved around.

Try to move a mouse "up and down" instead of "right left" and see how the forces are shitty and obvious.

Moving "up and down" shows the problem so obviously, even a "bungee" doesn't save it, wires are shit.

nigga that's not the problem with wireless mice

Fuck off, fateswarm. Your entire premise is wrong. Route the cable so it doesn't snag.

Fuck you moronic piece of shit. Try moving a mouse "up and down". Even your fucking bungee bullshit solution saves it.

You are idiots that only think of the electronic world.

Never of the physical.

Not that guy but
>put [...] by gaymers
Yes, I think he realizes that you can set that. People set it high anyway.
If you don't notice a difference, why do you bother setting a high polling rate at all ?

Just tried it. Can't tell the difference. Your premise is false.

You are an idiot then. Or Hulk. Take a pick.

I always wanted a wireless mouse, and went out of my way to get one. But at the end of the day, it always being out of charge was too much of a hassle. Got a wired one now and couldn't be happier.

Eat a dick.
If you want definite proof get a tension scale, and try pulling up/down and side to side.
Protip: you're not going to like the results.

The best solution is a high end mouse that does BOTH. You basically stick the cable in for 80% of the time. When you actually need precision and not having annoying cables getting in the way (e.g. 2 hours of a competitive game) you then unplug it only then.

I don't understand, do you have your mouse wire literally hanging off your desk?
I agree with the 99% of this thread that isn't you, just route your fucking cable correctly

You are literally fucking stupid. Use any cable raised with your hand at any optimal height - eliminating that way even the bungee being not perfect - and see STILL getting forces.

Sorry but you are against the laws of physics here.

You will NEVER get the physical forces to 0.

G900 owner here, you can put the dongle back into the box and use it as a wired mouse

You are a stupid moronic shit. There is literally no way to eliminate the forces that are physical by 100%. You are going literally against the laws of physics.

Fucking try it yourself. Get the fucking cable with your fucking one arm and raise it at the most optimal fucking position your can find.

Then fucking move the mouse up and down and STILL get physical forces. Jesus fucking christ. Kids these days try to defy physics.

I'm not saying they're zero, im saying they're negligible when set up properly and you're being a lazy shit with 10' of cable hanging off his desk edge and complaining that the wire has mass

Ill raise the table into your face you illiterate autocorrecting shithead
Watch as you delet this post to save your glorious reputation in this thread

>takes two minutes retyping his post to correct t to c
Sure shows how self conscious you are as a Sup Forums poster

It's both wired and wireless. Same for the g700.

But it's not if you set your mouse cable up
>me: 1
>u: 0

Who fucking cares about reputations you fucking redditors? It's an anoymous board you fucking shitheads.

Jesus fucking christ these kids these days.

ugh, I also have a G700s
they must have had their heads up their asses when they were designing that one, the battery doesn't even last a day

"Negligible" is a fucking subjective shit that does not have any power here. NEGLIGIBLE is trying to convince us that you see any difference on data connections by high end wireless mice. A blind test would expose those morons easily.

Only a moron can not OBVIOUSLY see a cable inflicting physical forces.

It's most obvious when moved VERTICALLY.

>complains about immeasurably small cable weight
>solution is to stick 15-40 grams of batteries in it
Yeah, nah, nigger. You're retarded.

It's because internet culture is main dominated by coders. They think of mice as software. In reality wireless mice are the only future, but, not on cheap versions.

don't forget mouse pads have friction and thus make your accuracy absolute dogshit

>kids! damn kids these days!
Actually laughed out loud in real life, my family.

Neckbearded manchildren aren't proficient in structural engineering. They only think of transistor technology. It comes to reason they don't get things of that sort.

Quit samefagging, you shitlord.

ITT: Buyer's remorse by wired mice manchildren.

>It's similar to the problem exposed mechanical keyboards
What? Explain.

It's similar to the problem exposed by mechanical keyboards. For decades gaymers thought only the connection matters and only now they started realizing the physical aspect of the keyboard mechanics matters. It takes more for some reason for people to realize mice aren't only connection technology but also a physical apparatus with an extremely interfering cable as a physical entity.

Youre not even timing your posts right this is just shameless
Just buy your fucking mouse and stop posting, it's not that difficult of a concept


You're looking like a retard by

You're looking like a retard by backtracking every post you make to seem less deficient

You're looking like a retard by backtracking every post you make and it's not convincing anybody of your halfassed assumptions. Try to become lucid and then we may have a grown up conversation
But I don't like conversing with tards

>A wire is very likely to be inflicting way bigger interference by its action of lateral physical forces, than any theoretical disadvantage of short-distance wireless technology.
Or just fucking lift, because if a wire is an issue to you, you've got serious problems.

Best post in this thread desu senpai

I feel Alive! :-)

You guys can really feel the cable being dragged along with the mouse? Are you fucking serious?
I use a braided cable, it was falling off the desk because it was too long, so I glued it to the back with duck tape and never had any problems with it.
I had a wireless mouse once and it was awful because of the batteries.

the added weight of a wireless mouse offsets the tiny resistance a properly tied cable has

holy shit how dense are you

>physical forces
Autistic samefag.

There isnt a logitech wireless mouse that is faster than any corded one?

Maybe for people with zero muscle mass and children.

Stop being fat / 1 years old.
My fucking 3yo niece has more muscle control

you know, i just like wired mice because they don't run out of batteries. i don't play video games though--if you want a nuanced discussion of video game controllers, Sup Forums might be more your speed! just a thought