Underrated as fuck. prove me wrong
Underrated as fuck. prove me wrong
theres a blast from the past
10.4 is still the comfiest OS of all time only rivaled by OS9.2.2.
have a perfectly functioning white Macbook, late 2007. This thing literally refuses to die. It has 10.6.8 on it. I think that was the best OS X by far.
evan is this you
That and cock mongler are the first I can really remember. Were there any before that? Anywhere to read *chan history?
Well there were certainly memes before Sup Forums existed. I'm thinking of All Your Base around 2000 and the dancing baby around 1997.
I remember Hamster dance from the end of the 90s
you are wrong.
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1. Probably the best machine ever. Runs like a champ. Still use it For audio post.
Yeah, I know about the baby and hamster dance. I was more interested in chans history with memes.
prove yourself right
they can't every time they try they fail
Having UNIX shell is really nice. The limitations on terminal emulators in Windows were ridiculous.
Bash subsystem on Windows 10 is almost ok now.
It's really annoying how Apple keeps breaking small things here and there with each OSX update.
The old versions of the bsd utilities are much slower too; compare OSX grep to modern gnu or bsd grep builds.
Just browse macrochan for a while. That's still a thing, right?
>good os
Ask any macfag and he will tell you it's the best system ever created bestowed to the humans by the gods themselves through Steve Jobs, the messiah, so no, it's not underrated
yeah but pc fags claim its the absolute worst system ever realized and was thrusted upon the world by Satan himself.
>steve jobs messiah
user a messiah is not someone that can die.
>not having a few PPC macs to mess around with
Explain this!
I miss my G5 :[