Why is my GTX 950 so fucking bad at mining Sup Forums?

Why is my GTX 950 so fucking bad at mining Sup Forums?

>anything involving compute
nvidia cards are for gaming, if you wanted a mining rig you'd get AMD.


Or you go for the expensive quaddro cards.

AMD can't afford to take advantage of market segmentation because Nvidia already is.

Nvidia is good for gaymen. That's it.

Pro tip, used quadros/teslas can be found on ebay and similar sites pretty cheap sometimes.

>single 4k+ card
>or multiple 300$ cards

This is why i'd never touch an AMD refurb

AMD created bitcoin and all derivatives of it so it works best on their cards.

Because its NOvidya!

Good point.

Get the Quadro.

>cryptocurrency mining

Are people really this dumb? The ship has sailed around the world 15 times, been part of countless folklore tales globally and is now part of a coral reef off the coast of Australia.

>i buy a consumer gayming video card
>muh mining experience

Its old and slow compared to today but you can oc for up to 30+ rate

>Nvidia is good for gaymen. That's it.
What is cuda? Bruh, the whole deep learning hype eats in NVIDIA's hand. They do their marketing as gayming hardware because gaymers are the ones who spend tons of money very regularly for overkill hardware hence reducing the production costs.
The ones that do research in industry or academy don't care if their hardware have sharp angles and big fans as long as it gets the work done. CERN's computer farms are the same intel CPU and nvidia GPU you can find on the market.
And industrial don't care how the (hidden) hardware they use is marketed like as long as they make money selling the end product.

I'm genuinely mad I missed the hype because I was a poor teenager at the time and was too chicken to invest it all in mining. I should have listen the coin craze on Sup Forums back then instead of filtering these threads.

Bitcoining is a joke. Stop falling for virtual money meme.

Is this bait, cause i feel like this is bait.

It is a meme, but you can still make money off of it.

Quadro has the same floating-point shit performance of an equivalent GTX card.

If amd vega is 2x-3x of fury in mining it will sold like hot cake, fuk gayming

People use in nvidia now too

By the time Vega releases it will be literally impossible to end up in black numbers with GPU mining.

Nvidia is for real compute work

AYYMD HOUSEFIRES is for wasting electricity with mining shit

That's generally the case for enterprise hardware

>look mom I fucked up 100 bucks of your power bill to mine 15 cents

$100 onto your power bill huh...
Have you been in an accident recently, possible brain damage?

>what is hyperbole