What does Sup Forums think of this genius teenager?
What does Sup Forums think of this genius teenager?
>embracing autismo
kek, they didn't react to mine this way
his face looks like a pear
It just seems to me that he isn't a genius: just a white kid with a lot of resources and access to education.
Why do normies love this shit so much? Seems like every time you turn on the TV there's a story about some "genius" kid making a dumb iPhone app like he's Mozart or something.
His apps don't even look very impressive
I think the reason is that normies think technology is a sort of magic.
Who the fuck hasn't dreamed about a problem? How is that impressive?
When I've been spending a lot of time working on something, I often get revelations or new ideas when I'm trying to go to sleep, or as soon as I wake up, for some reason.
Why are you so butthurt about him?
Doesn't everybody tho?
Even Don from Mad Men makes note of that.
they're jealous
>develops ishit "apps"
>ultimate goal: working for apple
what a faggot
Yet he will be far more successful then any of you edge lord faggots and write one million more lines of code then you ever will.
Stay mad losers.
>Magic Oracle
>you will never prank the school and then sue them for millions of dollars while get gibs from NASA, Microsoft, Facebook and the White House while moving to an oil county that has the highest GDP per capita in the world
>us nerds amirite
Fuck off normalfag
life is a journey, not a destination
also if he is half as smart as video shows, he will end up killing himself
breakfast tacos. 2 thumbs up
For you
I've been here since 2007. I'm not going away.
This dude is one of those "child geniuses" that you never hear of after 5 years because he begins work for a corporation that makes mega bucks off of him spinning in his hamster wheel; getting paid chump change because he does it for the "love of learning." The corporate equivalent of getting beat up for your lunch money.
Stay pleb, kiddo.
I'll give it to the kid, he's smart. Probably a lot smarter than I am. You need more than smarts to be happy though. And if he's happy making apps good for him.
I'm willing to bet by the time he gets bored polishing the millionth UI for Apple he's already too deep in corporate cuckholdry to work on something else.
>mega genius
>IQ under 80
>literally doesn't understand what a loop is
We all used to think that, that's why we became Sup Forums. Then once we learned how it all worked the magic slowly wore off until we became depressed neckbeards shitposting all day trying to elicit even the slightest emotion in our shriveled hearts.
We hate the normies because they still have magic in their hearts.
Nobody who uses the word normie has been there before 2011.
Are these posts usually bait or are moralfag cucks from reddit really invading Sup Forums?
Take a guess.
I never get tired of seeing this meme
That not true in the slightest. I've been here since '06 and adapted to the changing language and culture of the chans. I have no where else to go so hence the "when in Rome" attitude I hold.
Thank you for confirming you haven't been here until 2016.
In my experience the newfags like you are the ones most obsessed over seniority. Like back in '07/'08 when the obsession over newfaggotry hit its peak.
Thanks for further confirming you have no clue about Sup Forums or its history.
This is my case and point right here. Only someone who was around back then would know I what I was talking about. Sure, the usage of the term "newfag" has steadily increased, but in terms of density of the term per post the peak was back then, around the time when "newfags can't triforce" became a thing.
>Now 19
>Already has masters and is on the way to get his Ph.D