Is iPhone the official poorfag phone? Most people get them free on a low cost 24 month contract...

Is iPhone the official poorfag phone? Most people get them free on a low cost 24 month contract, and then use them as fashion accessories to look better off than they really are.

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They're actually the official normie phone. Mostly tech illiterates use them, whether rich or poor ones. This is why Sup Forums shits on iPhone users. iPhones are a walled garden, making them perfect for the kind of people who will delete System32 in an attempt to triforce. They're the newfags who don't understand simple alt-codes. iPhone users are tech illiterate.

I thought that was Samsung users?

That depends on the device. Is the person in question using a Galaxy S3 with Replicant or a Note 5 full of carrier bloat? Samsung has released a lot of hardware and some of the users are fairly competent, while all iPhones are the same cookie cutter crap used by people who ironically do not "think different".

>Is iPhone the official poorfag phone?

Ha free.
24 X $110 average bill per month = $2690

buy phone outright $500 + $40 X 24 Prepaid plan = 1460


+ stuck with the same shit phone for 2 years that will be obsolete in 6 months.

Most flagships are bought on contracts, you point being?

Also iPhones sell like hot cakes since their inception, isn't it natural that carriers want to milk Apple's money making cow?

There's no better phone than a jailbroken iPhone.

This has always been true.

>no health insurance because iphone cost too much
wtf i like apple now, they are indirectly killing the retards

It's definitely a device for the FTITS demography

Technologically Illiterate

>There's no better phone than a jailbroken iPhone.
It still does less than a Nexus phone running Lineage OS.

It still does less than a rooted pixel phone running a stock rom.

Spot on, sport.

How? It's basically the same thing? Are you retarded?

How can you be poor if you can afford to buy it?

You can buy it with NEET-bucks or nigger-bucks.

>one is a version built, tested and fine tuned by Google, one of the biggest companies in the world
>other is a version made by Ragesh in his shit-stained second hand office chair

>Is iPhone the official poorfag phone? Most people get them free on a low cost 24 month contract, and then use them as fashion accessories to look better off than they really are.- 17 posts and 2 image replies shown.
All that motherfucking butthurt... .ahahahahahahahah

Stay mad, poorfag.

Android is the officla poorshit phone.

Also, have you noticed how there's no white people in Google Play reviews? 99% of reviews are by pakistanis, indians, africans and other poor brown people.

Stay mad, stay poor, stay retarded! You will never own an iPhone.

The only reason why people jailbreak their iPhone is for the aesthetics

>Most flagships are bought on contracts, you point being?
Lmfao. People actually buy phones on contracts? That sounds like a really fucking bad idea. Every phone I've bought I've just...bought, then got a SIM for.

>iToddlers always too scared to compare flagship to flagship
>always has to lump in $10 androids into stats

Why are iToddlers so poor and defensive?

I haven't not bought a phone on a contract since smartphones became a thing.
One day I'll be a richfag who can shell out over 500 for a phone upfront

I think he meant the iPhone..?

If you can't afford the upfront for a flagship maybe you shouldn't be getting one on contract where you'll spend more money in the long run and just get a cheaper phone?

But I don't want a cheaper phone that I won't like and will want to switch out sooner thus costing more money. Not to mention I don't really get where you're getting the idea that it's much more expensive from.
When I bought my S7, it was either the same price or hardly a significant amount of money higher. Yeah I'm pretty sure it was the same price from as if I had bought it outright.

This is why poor people are poor.

Retard ""logic"" my multitool has 10 different knives, pliers, other shit and it's still useless for any real work. Just like poo in loo roms they are equally shit

Spending wisely can turn a low class faggot into middle class.

t. Middle class fag about to upgrade from Nexus 5 to Meizu pro 6 plus

If you really want to show off, just get a custom gold plated phone every year

>official poorfag phone

that's not a RN3P you fucking normalfag

That bug ridden mess with a joke for qc is the idiots phone.

▲ ▲


fuck me i forgot how to do spaces

Jesus christ you're retarded. Does mommy pay your phone bill?

But that's not an Samsung that isn't updated after 6 months.

I buy iphones outright because resale wise when I update every 2 years only costs me a couple hundred for the latest because they hold so much value compared to any other phone.

>ever reselling anything with digital storage on it
lmao my dude

>Is iPhone the official poorfag phone?
no it's the most normie phone.

The most poorfag phone is some shitty burner you buy for really cheap and pay month to month.

>There's no better phone than a jailbroken iPhone.
Please tell me more about your beautiful walled garden :^)

the original triforce in Sup Forumsgypt

>Seeing wise words on Sup Forums
get my respects kind sir

Bitch, we would punch your tiny Android sacks in the heart.

some people cant deal with the truth its okay.

>They're actually the official normie phone.
Android and Window phones are the easiest opertating system to have ever existed. Like, the chimps of phones.

>Mostly tech illiterates use them,
>Elon Musk, NdGT are tech illiterates

>This is why Sup Forums shits on iPhone users.
Most people on Sup Forums are fucking poor that can't afford iPhone you retard. How? Been lurking here for a long time and most Anons talk about budget phones in a range of >$400.

>iPhones are a walled garden, making them perfect for the kind of people who will delete System32 in an attempt to triforce. They're the newfags who don't understand simple alt-codes. iPhone users are tech illiterate.
That is exactly what a butt blasted digger faggot who can't even afford a second hand iPhone would say lol

Take your frivolous opinion and fuck out of here you lying piece of trash.

>can't afford to pay 50 dollars q month for a phone
How poor are you?

If you can't afford that there's last year's model, or the year before that.

But, why would I ever want to buy an iPhone? They're objectively worse. I defintel have the cash to buy one, but doing so is just throwing away money. I can just tell you're poor as fuck yourself; rich people are never wasteful.

I don't go around telling you "what you don't own a Rolex? POORFAG DETECTED" either

>>can't afford to pay 50 dollars q month for a phone
The fuck are you talking retard?

I have a Windows phone so am I rich or poor?

The Gearbest Sales Representative is pissed off that they missed the sales target of the new Meizu X piece of shit. I loved how hard the Xiaomi Note 3 was pushed here, now it's universally shitted on on here.

Probably. poorfags can't afford to buy a new phone every year when the manufacturer drops support

iPhones are for people who think their cellphones represent their socioeconomic class. In reality your just a fucking retard that bought a 900 dollar square of metal and glass to try to act superior to other people. This is extreme autism right here lol.


No, just confused

Neither, just autistic

>But, why would I ever want to buy an iPhone? Maybe because you're either poor or retarded for not buying the best phone on the planet?

>They're objectively worse
You're objectively wrong.

>throwing away money.
Throwing away money at the right place dolt. Don't fucking talk about rich people if you aren't mentally sound. iPhones get better resell value than any phone on the market.

>rich people are never wasteful.
Hahahahahahahahah OMG RALLY?

Fun fact if you can digest:
iPhones throw all the phones out of water.

Wow you're hilarious hahaha

Do you honestly think rich people are reselling their phones?

It's a fucking cell phone you plebian.

Please kill yourself if you believe your fucking cell phone makes you "rich"

Semi rich people do. Very rich people don't. Next question.

If you think rich people aren't smart about spending their money then your idea of rich people comes from movies and you're a delusional fuckward who doesn't understand how the world works.

iPhones may seem like a bad bet for the hardware but their resale value is better than any Android phone.

>and then use them as fashion accessory

Found the pajeet. They're just phones, only people in poor areas see them as things that are showed off.

Found the guy with a $50 chink phone from Goodwill.

>if you believe your fucking cell phone makes you "rich"
But it makes me look classy, smart and best. Period.

That's some vintage autism, 2009 I'm guessing, right? Good year. Memes are a little out of place and mismatched though. Rather forced too, shouldn't just cram them all in, ruins the flavour.

This guy gets it. The other dude defending the iPhone is just mentally ill.

All phones look the same and everyone has one, so nobody is amazed that you have one as well.
I have seen more iPhone users with spiderweb than Android phones, but that doesn't necessarily speak to their financial status (even though it makes them look poor).

No, retard, I'm on your 'side'.

You sound exactly like a fedora lover, M'lady.

Stay retarded lolfag.

Please seriously consider suicide if you really think your fucking SMARTPHONE is really that important to defend against criticism. You are a slack jawed gas huffing autist.

There are no good smartphones and no good mobile operating systems. They're all inherently harmful. But the sad truth is that the iPhone manages to be the safest, boringest, mature phone on the market right now, so I will use it. Its sole selling point for me is the mere fact that it is not Android.

iOS - Stable OS for people who don't have time to tinker around because they're too busy being successful, rich and laid.

Android - Pleb tier OS that runs on almost anything, and is merely a tool for Google to push their ads.

Obligatory, Android is what the cases on our phones run. (pic related)

How does a phone become obsolete?
The fact that more powerful hardware is available doesn't suddenly make your phone slower. I'm still on an iPhone 5 and don't see any reason to upgrade in the coming years. It still browses the web and sends messages.

You sound spooked as fuck desu.

This is what iPhone users actually believe. B8/8 m8.

that nig looks like technigger from youtube

>consumerwhore board
who could have thought

now S7 is for 400 and iphone is still 650.
you fucked up kiddo

>Android and Window phones are the easiest opertating system to have ever existed. Like, the chimps of phones.
At least you can easily jailbreak android. Iphone? It's like a jail itself.

>Most people on Sup Forums are fucking poor that can't afford iPhone you retard. How? Been lurking here for a long time and most Anons talk about budget phones in a range of >$400
Would you rather have a $500 weak phone or a $400 stronk phone?

>Iphone +
CPU: Apple A10 Fusion.
battery: 2900 MAh
headphone port?: no
price new: $649 for 32gb storage

>oneplus 3T
CPU: Snapdragon 821
RAM: 6Gb
battery: 3400 MAh
headphone port?: yes
price: approx $458

>That is exactly what a butt blasted digger faggot who can't even afford a second hand iPhone would say lol
Ad hominem won't get you anywhere.

git gud

No you're metally ill.

*Iphone 7+ whoops

Fuck back to Orkut cancer.

How was my post defending against criticism of my phone?

I have maintained that discussion of Windows, smartphones, and graphics cards should all go on Sup Forums is not meant to be a toys board.

But I am part of the problem because I reply to these threads anyway. I'm just trying to understand the mindset of these absolute niggers who buy a $?00 dollar device and then want a new one the very next year.

It does when you upgrade to the new version of iOS which requires better system requirements.

sorry didnt know that was tagged

They phase out updates when the hardware is no longer expected to be able to catch up.

Maybe there's a certain security risk you're taking by no longer being able to upgrade, but something tells me that's not why most people buy new phones. There's a more debased psychology at play.

>Would you rather have a $500 weak phone or a $400 stronk phone?
iPhone 7 Plus isn't weak, dumbass.

> Apple A10 Fusion
Best phone chip on the planet right now.

>RAM: 6Gb
Yet slower than iPhone 7 plus kek

headphone port?: no
Ever heard about Airpods? It lets you have all that 3.5mm head phone jack fun minus the wire + better quality sound than of OP3T.

>Dual Camera that shoots better than

Androids are for chimps.

>t. iToddler

kek androidrones are this delusional.
1+ 3T literally chink garbage that lags for $450, no thanks.

Am I the only one who know that all the Windows and Android devices been imitating Apple for like a decade now? From lock slider to personal assistant kek

Apple's the best.

>RAM: 6Gb
>Yet slower than iPhone 7 plus kek
nope. The iphone's 3gb ddr3 ram is slower than the 3t's 6gb ddr4.

I fucked your whore mom last night, chimp.

I have a windows phone because it was O2's cheapest phone at that time and I was poor. I can confirm windows phone is shit.

Kill yourself for being this delusional.

10 rupees have been deposited to your android shill account, Prabeesh Raya Kumar

thx. I needed lunch

> not refuting a single point
> memes blahblah memes
> sent from my iphone

If you think OP3T is faster than iPhone 7 Plus because of increase in digits then you need to go back to whatever newbish contaminant gutter you've come from.

it is. every nigger has those now