Good books for coding

What is the reccoended Sup Forums book for javascript/node.js?

also code books general i guess

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You don't need a book. Just use the ECMAScript standard and MDN as reference and practice a lot.

yea but i know jack shit about coding in javascript, i figured the best place to go for learning it is a book
try dis



Forget learning Web Development from books. Books can't keep up.

so you'll learn old shit and practices from books that nobody uses.

i wasnt planning to go into web development that much i just ut the node.js with the other stuff because i thought node.js and javascript went together

I really like the Head First series of books as a quick and simple entry to any language.

I'm reading Byte of Python and it's alright so far, I guess. I'm looking for good books as well.

What exactly do you want to do then? Because the Node.js community is an unstable, fragmented mess and I'd quicker recommend PHP + Laravel or Python + Django than delving into the Node world as your first step into webdev.

i got roped into a robotics team, they were using labview for programming (visual verson of c#) which is god awful so i wanted to shift it over to javascript

>learn 2 languages instead of 1 because Im increasingly nervous that all this C style syntax Ive memorized is obsolete.

I don't think thats really a use case for javascript. Are you sure your not thinking of java? Are you trying to program a mindstorms?

Trying to program a roborio and a jetson

Yea it's just java, no script or node stuffs added to it

C language Modern approach.
C Programming: A Modern Approach by K.N. King --- *Beginner
K&R C Programming --- ***Advanced
Visual C# step by step
The Bjarne's book.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
HTML, JavaScript, and Advanced Internet Technologies: BASICS
New Perspective on XML
Android – How to Program

I hope I've finally been of use to Sup Forums after Sup Forums has been of use to me for so long.

There's no stuff for java on there, is there more to the list?

I made that list myself with book suggestions from Sup Forums and some from my college courses. Give me a bit to find the one on Java. I also had one on SQL but that fat fuck worthless Professor made me dislike SQL from how utterless useless he was. He literally did nothing.

This is pretty good start.

Here's some more to add.
Programming in C (3rd Edition) - Stephen Kochan
C Primer Plus - Stephen Prata
C Programming: A Modern Approach - K. N. King
A Book on C - Al Kelley/Ira Pohl
Learn C The Hard Way - Zed Shaw
The C book - Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran
Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition - Steve Oualline
C: How to Program (6th Edition) - Paul Deitel & Harvey M. Deitel
Head First C - David & Dawn Griffiths

Applications Programming in ANSI C, by Johnsonbaugh & Kalin

Object-oriented Programming with ANSI-C - Axel-Tobias Schreiner
C Interfaces and Implementations - David R. Hanson
The C Puzzle Book - Alan R. Feuer
The Standard C Library - P.J. Plauger
21st Century C - Ben Klemens
Algorithms in C - Robert Sedgewick
Pointers on C - Kenneth Reek

Data Structures - An Advanced Approach Using C, by Esakov and Weiss
C Unleashed - Richard Heathfield

Above Intermediate
Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets - Peter van der Linden
Advanced C Programming by Example - John W. Perry
Robert Sedgewick, "Algorithms in C".

"Computer Programming: An Introduction for the Scientifically Inclined" Great book about scientific use of programming languages.

Reference Style - All Levels
The C Programming Language (Second edition) - Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
C: A Reference Manual - Samuel P. Harbison and Guy R. Steele
C Pocket Reference (O'Reilly) - Peter Prinz, Ulla Kirch-Prinz
C - Traps and Pitfalls - Andrew R. Koenig (Bell Labs)

not the user you're talking to but thank you for the list.
