What is your opinion on the nintendo switch?

What is your opinion on the nintendo switch?

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It's a big cellphone being sold as a console, it's shit

A shitty cellphone someone slower than the 6 year old wii u.

Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And you can choose to take or leave it if you please.

It's shit made for retards.

I'm getting one when they get new stock Zelda looks GOAT

I have it, and really regret it because I can't stop playing Zelda.

Just run it on CEMU, you'll get a steady 30FPS at 4K.

I bought one for Botw but I'll sell it after I played it through because I don't like Mario stuff and the other Nintendo exclusives are meh

same as all consoles I dont care, have a pc

>Just run it on CEMU
ew gross

>he thinks it's working on CEMU
I mean if you want to play the first 5 minutes of the game, sure.

ps3 has no gaems: the console

>you'll get a steady 30FPS at 4K.
you'll also get to fall through the ground every 5 minutes and get a variety of 25 other game breaking bugs ;^)

Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.

It's shit, dubs will confirm

It will improve like it did on dolphin. Anyway enjoy your 20 FPS eye cancer you retarded sacks of shit.


Double 17s confirm it, it's shit

It will probably end up being a great console, for a few reasons

1. With the Wii U Nintendo still released a bunch of good games, they just weren't as consistent as they usually are and i'm assuming it's because they saw what a failure the Wii U was. There's already a lot of games i'm excited for on it. Mario Oddysey, No More Heroes 3, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, and Shin Megami Tensei 5 along with the new Fire Emblem

2. Regardless of what your thoughts are on the Wii U, Nintendo has been killing it in the handheld department and the 3DS has been amazing. Well since they merged their console and handheld departments, all of their focus will be purely on the switch and so there will be a shit ton of good games to expect.

I have a PC and a PS4, so any multiplats I will probably buy on one of those. But i'm genuinely excited to see what's to come, especially if Breath of the Wild is any indication.

Once again the living proof that all tripfags should receive capital punishment

I can't play it in the park like with a switch

>wants to play a literally unplayable version of the game
>lashes out when someone says they don't want to
Huh. Really makes you think.


Also stop pretending like you manchilds will actually leave your house to play this shitty mountain cumming stimulator.

It could run at a billion fps I still wouldn't do it.

Emulation doesn't feel right

>It could run at a billion fps I still wouldn't do it.
>Emulation doesn't feel right
Yeah because playing it at 20 FPS is so soothing.

It's a cash grab on every front.
The device is barebones, probably requiring an SD card for one of the common use cases to function, the extra controllers cost way more than is reasonable, extra docks cost similarly stupid amounts of money, the online is paid and insanely frugal, it comes with no games, the games are full price...
It's a pipeline between your bank account and Nintendo's.

You would think people who use trips would at least try not to make an embarrassment of themselves.

Or maybe it's the complete lack of self-awareness that leads them to using a trip to begin with.

also bitches love the 'tendo

It's a low res VR screen and VR controllers without the actual VR case included. They will sell that at additional cost in a year and it will be nintendo's attempt at VR.

By that time everybody who bought one at release will have a scratched screen and broken controllers though so they will have to buy a new switch.

it barely fucking matters you silly autist

and ofc it runs perfectly fine in mobile mode :)

tripfag, no one gives a shit

games don't make a console. if that were the case, Nintendo wouldn't have tanked so hard over the years. The games are good. The consoles have been utter shit over and over again and the Switch is no different. You can't use the fucking dock without scratching your screen and the superior alternative, which was just to use a breakout adapter, is actually cheaper to implement. The joycons are barely functional and ship as the main controller. The fucking screen doesn't have a proper protective coating. A huge-ass screen on a mobile gaming device that children are going to use. It doesn't have a protective coating.

But the game carts taste bad so those little shits won't choke on them.

Honestly, I would prefer for Nintendo to tank so that another company can acquire their IP so that I can play things like Zelda and Mario without paying for the plastic shit heaps that Nintendo is peddling. Hell, if Nintendo stopped trying to build these retarded consoles and instead focused on game development and released their games on multiple platforms including PC, they'd be fine.

>Switch is no different

switch is /portable/

this is probably the truth, that way nintendo can say they have a true VR experience when everybody else will have a much better version.

Dude stfu, nobody gives a shit about you. I see you samefagging while sucking my cock in every thread I'm in.


it gets 20fps in mobile mode too lmfao

Dead on arrival nominee for 2017.

>look user, I took a shit in my hand instead of the toilet, now I can bring it with me to work

You must be 18 or older to use this website.


that's literally a shit analogy

So you're a stupid phone poster as well that alternates between chrome and clover to hide his massive samefagging too?

Ayy Mash brother

Low-end tablet that is only getting attention because of its exclusives.

Fucking Nintendo brings all the vgame drones out to buy

Is that some off brand Marilyn Manson album?


Kek. No, it's from an old tv show that Marilyn Manson really liked.

I like the music they used on the TV commercial

This: youtube.com/watch?v=Cb-srOfRqNc

Saw one of Nintendo of America's likely HR people posting a job application request on plebbit, calling for - essentially - forum shills. This was a while before the Switch was released, but at the time I didn't think anything of it because I didn't know jack shit about the Switch. Thread about it on another board is obviously long-gone, but what made anons assume it was from NoA was the fact they were looking for people around Seattle/Redmond, Washington.

Waiting for them to be back in stock. Going to purchase one.

Legit cuestion, implying CEMU will improve with time, is possible that this game runs ever on 60 fps using it? It's one of the most gorgeus and tasty games ever and runs like shit in the native hardware.

Surprised you're still not banned. Should leave Sup Forums however.

You mean for your sake or mine? You're not a very nice person are you...

tripfags should be gassed

How annoying..

Switch = failure


Launches with only 1 fucking new game, and a port of skyrim. Wii-U disaster all over again. Maybe if I find a Wii-U for $50 I'll catch up on zelda franchises. Enjoy your ports of last gen games, again...

Can you use this thing to read ebooks, youtube, and shitpost on 4chin?

Nope. It was no web browser, or any media applications.

It has a web browser, it just doesn't let you use it for anything other than connecting to wifi. Old iphone vulnerability hack already confirmed as working on it, only user land access for now.

Yea but what I meant is no usable web browser, who cares if that is there if you can't use it.

I'm a teacher who works in a special needs school.

On the day the switch was released, at least 95% of our entire student body, 287 students, were excused from class for the day because they were reported as either sick, at a doctor visit, or needing a break day. All of which are very common, but in the 8 years I've been there we've never had this many students excused in one day.

The day after, we were back to normal attendance. But a very high number of students were talking about their brand new Nintendo Switches that they bought the previous day. Many even brought them to school. We thought, OK. This isn't unheard of. Thousands of students in the district go absent the day a console is launched. It's perfectly normal.

So the day after we get the attendance reports for the rest of the district, we compare it with other console releases over the last 17 years, the farthest we could go back where the first video game console excuses were recorded. We discovered that not only were the number of absent students the lowest they had ever been for a console launch date, but for that day, the entire district saw record attendance across every grade level.

The reply from our head of district policy said it best: "Only literal retards are buying the Nintendo Switch".

Yeah, and I'll also be able to play it on my PC in the park too.


A console that I have yet to see someone playing it in stand mode. It's a handheld with a hdmi port yet everyone is a shut in who uses it docked.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

It's just a really unoptimized game, I feel like once they finished porting it they just said fuck it to making it run well. It runs just as bad on both wii u and the switch, just in different spots

> Some of those who have seen this lineup have expressed the opinion that the launch lineup is weak.
>Our thinking in arranging the 2017 software lineup is that it is important to continue to provide new titles regularly without long gaps. This encourages consumers to continue actively playing the system, maintains buzz, and spurs continued sales momentum for Nintendo Switch.


It's called a laptop you mongoloid. Switch is as underpowered as a 6 year old laptop.

it's a glorified tablet, shitty res, fps, selection of games. on top of that it has or will have paid online. fuck that shit

Lmao funny how you even trip to spread disinformation. Both consoles have FPS dips to 20fps in different locations. Its as bad for both systems.

I hope Nintendo stops trying to 'innovate' and their next console is a proper non-gimmicky one with strong hardware

I hope they go bankrupt for good.

>next console
Nah mate this was do or die, replacing both of their product lines and not being able to surpass either.

You wouldn't have Mario Maker on a PS4. Zelda Four Swords Adventures is never made for GameCube.

Nintendo builds its consoles around its games. Granted, they shoot themselves in the foot from time to time with failures like the Wii U and eReader. But the Switch is going to be a good one. I think it's gonna do one thing that PS and XB has never done right - local multiplayer.

As someone who usually loves Nintendo shit, the Switch is just an insult. Nothing more. I was dumb enough to trust them with the Wii U which turned into a failure, now this comes out and they shit the bed a little bit harder.

I thought it was supposed to be 144 fps 4K by now.
Better send more patreon bucks to the creator

*ding ding ding*
*heeere wee goo*
*boing boing wahoo*

What does the Switch do differently that makes its local multiplayer better?

Never again.


I'll buy one when it's cheaper or packed with some games.
Graphics fags ruin everything.


This is one of the rare times the graphics are a valid argument. No console should ever have worse performance than its predecessor, especially this much worse

Switch is underpowered pos with atrocious build quality. It's shit as home console and japs already moved to phones. Only die hard drones will buy it for zelda and mario.

> plastic screen
> scratched by its own dock
> 2017 CE

Yeah, Nintendo no longer knows how to design shit. I remember buying the original 3DS, that thing does kind of a similar thing: the bottom screen bezel will touch the top screen and since it's smaller, it will leave some dirty marks. All because nintendo couldn't make the bezel a tiny fucking bit lower so it wouldn't touch the screen. Ridiculous.

Plastic touchscreen that scratches easily instead of gorilla glass in 2017.

If you put it in the holder the screen gets scratched.

when did Sup Forums become filled with nintendrones?
>i don't wanna emulate, it doesn't feel right :(
>you dumb emulating plebs don't even get to make an embarassment of yourself playing with your toys outside of your house, you jelly?
>i'm gonna buy the switch because it's just so comfy :))))))

Apparently if you put it in the dock with the screen protector in it shrivels up like a shrinky dink

Shilling at a new level

>games don't make a console.
they do but it's not about quality it's about the amount too

What does Mario Maker do that Little Big Planet won't?

If it gets streaming and web browsing in the future, it will be a good travel gaming machine and a good alternative to buying a tablet.
For me the biggest problem with tablets were their uselessness.
What are they good for that a smartphone can't do ?
In a about a year, the switch will offer me a good answer to that.

However, i still won't buy it, with it's numerous other flaws
>charging port on the worst possible space on the device, will need a station dongle to prop up, play and charge at the same time
>limited software support in the future (no third party and what not)
>will probably not allow the viewing of movies i would have on a SD card, so Netflix only and probably even there without downloading episodes for longer travel times
>no voicechat over the device
>proprietary HDMI to USB-C technology, which will make cheap adapters impossible (i don't want to take the dock on travels)
>absolute necessity for screen protector and everything that comes necessarily with that.

a chance of actually coming out

What there's been 3 games, a Modnation Racers reskin, and a game on both of their portables. Level creating, 2D platformers works on Playstation so why wouldn't Mario Maker?

>what is intellectual property

That's true, but not the point of my reply.
user I replied to was posting about how Nintendo's system is tailored to the game and said Mario Maker wouldn't work on the PS4, despite LBP being a thing.