What do you think about coding classes being in elementary school?

What do you think about coding classes being in elementary school?

at least some of them use thinkpads

Poor quality coders will flood the market putting thousands of autists out blinking in the sunlight for the first time ever.
If schoolkids are learning to code it's time for coders to learn something else.

Children should be taught code like a language. They should learn the fundamentals of how to read and understand html and a scripting language like python.

Instead, these classes involve kids playing terrible games that reveal part software code if they win and people pretend like they're going to make the next mineecrafta with their coding skills. They're wasting kid's time.

>3 thinkpads while the rest are shitty asus
>Only one person actually using a thinkpad
>The one person that is using it is also using the trackpad like a normie

This, I was in the fucking robotics club in middle school because those lego brainstorm things were huge at the time and I didn't learn a fucking thing

This is the same as teaching kids how to use Excel except even more useless.

Too early, they're still learning basic life logic. Middle school is just right.

I think that we shouldn't force technology in schools because then the job market would get flooded with new tech people. If the tech market gets over saturated it's going to be a shit show.

I don't get all this hype with teaching kids coding. Yes, it's good for them and the future, but not every kid will love and understand it. Programming is not an essential everyday language like English. It shouldn't have to be a class and this is just a waste of resources.

if anything just teach them really basic probability or discrete math

I doubt they are doing real coding. in my programming class in like middle school they had us just mess around in alice, I didn't learn anything

There's nothing wrong with losing some of the specialization in the field. There will of course always be specialized jobs that require the best of the best, but we'll soon be so inundated with tech that coding in some form will be useful to solve everyday problems for even blue collar workers. Learning fundamentals, high level languages, and project development cycles very early and without additional perceived academic investment will prepare a much larger percentage of the population for simple tasks, while also attracting more future specialists and giving them a headstart. Even if they never directly use the skills they learn, they'll be better off for their increased computer literacy. We can expect a lot more independence in fixing minor issues, knowing what tools to use, seeing through the scam that is your favorite OS, and savvy kids knowing how to avoid dangerous software. All of those are good for everyone who uses computers, not just the kids.
The only real downside to this is that it might tighten already stressed academic schedules and budgets and certain education systems are ass when it comes to curricula prioritization.

i sat in on one of those lessons and all they are doing is just getting pushed along by "coding games" that are just basically telling them what to do to get the end result. the classes are entirely useless imo

Yeah more useless shit right next to cursive and spanish

Innate talent needs to be spotted early so it can be nursed into full potential. So yeah, if it helps sorting out the kids with talent for coding and lets them go though appropriate secondary education, more power for them. Sure majority of the kids that actually take the class will never used any of it later in life, but same goes for History, Math or Literature.

literal script kiddies

>a la snackbar using a chinkpad
whom'st'da thunk it

this is stupid, boys only want to play video games at that age.

They want to flood the market with programmers.

Face it, being a programmer is no better then being an electrician, mechanic or plumber. Just another guy that keeps the back end moving along for everyone else. Companies specifically want to lower IT costs, paying $100k+/year for a senior developer is not going to be a thing a decade from now.

Anyone whining about muh jobs doesn't get that this is basically arts and crafts tier shit. You don't see every kid becoming some kind of master painter just because they did some finger painting in grade school.

>but not every kid will love and understand it
Why teach kids math, history, or science then?


We don't teach kids even basic machanics and they are all expected to drive a car at some point, why should we teach coding if most of them will only use computers but not necessarily work on them?

Teach kids how to be somewhat alright humans, how to cummunicate and how to care, leave it to highschool to give them a glimpse of what could be and college for actual learning.




As said, this is an initiative pushed by tech companies like google and microsoft so they can increase the supply of coders and lower wages.

Because they're essential to the understanding of life in our society while coding is not, I can learn how things work in Russia without learning Russian.
I think they should be teaching more about how computers work, hardware, software, programming (in a general sense), levels of software, security ecc, those are the basis to understand every interaction with machines without thinking apps are magic, but teach how to write a "hello world" is mostly useless

>mfw I wanted to become a programmer in childhood because I was geniunely interested in compiters and low-level optimizarion miracles
>mfw I am considering to change profession because programming now is more about slapping shit together

took a "programming after school class in grade 5"

dude did some logic questions and had us loop and print trees out of stars in console

shit was kinda cash but I didnt retain any of it

misplaced a quote
should be after class

>4 Women teach hacking

>They're wasting kid's time.
Majority of courses that are taught in school are pure waste of time. It is just useless shit that they will forget right after they are done with their exams. Education system needs to be nuked and rebuilt from scratch.

Children's shouldn't be taught how ro code because it's fucking autistic shit for nolifers

Nothing, just that they will get introduced into something they will love or hate. I used to love developing and shit, now i am 27 don't feel like doing anything.
Have degree but don't want to work with programming.

i think "fucking lol" because that was normal back in my day (early 1990s, so most schools had a room full of ancient shit like apple 2s or 286s or the like)

our computer time in class was split between babby-tier programming in logo and games like oregon trail or carmen sandiego

in middle/high school they advanced to teaching shit like qbasic and later, early versions of visual basic on 386 and 486 shitboxes

i wouldn't teach it as a career thing but teaching kids something like python or ruby for scripting will probably help them out in future as they can automate basic tasks for themselves and shit like that

in my shithole we study pascal in the 2 last years of high school

Rather than people becoming programmers instead of other professions, integrating programming into other professions should be the point. It's like learning basic maths. So starting early is good.

At least that's what I think, let's try it in a few American generations and see how it goes.


wow, the IT jews are really desperate to lower programmer wages

which is retarded because it won't really happen, good luck normalfags

>tfw some normalfags on freelancing websites ask for ebay copies that they pay you $1000 for

normalfags gonna normal

I went to an alright high school that had AP Computer Science I and II. The teacher was shit! They were just some math teacher that scrapped together a curriculum so that the school could look progressive and the program had been around for at least five years. I highly doubt they are teaching these kids anything of value mainly because computer scientists aren't working in high schools let alone elementary schools,

Is source available and do I need some proprietary compiler for that?

>oh no we have to pay these programmer faggots 100k a yeeaaar, FUUUUCK
>quick, sponsor some kindergarten coding courses so that we can lower their wages, fuck economy


the best way to counteract this aggressive and obsessive movement of trying to lower wages in IT is to become better, learn more math because that's what separates brainlets from the master race and spend more time reading and doing research about computer science, hardware, math and other relevant subjects

FUCK YOU microsoft, apple, google, etc I will fuck you in the ass, you will pay me 100k a year and more, no less than that

fuck your kindergarten coding camps, they won't do shit

>Is source available
>do I need some proprietary compiler for that

yes and yes

It's just a thing that politicians implement because it's trendy and they get pats on their backs thinking they have improved education.
Programming is fucking niche ok, teach them better math skills and maybe branch out to some cs related logic.

Right now it's just wasted time

i teach 10 year olds at codeclub once a week after school.
Curriculum starts with scratch, html, css then python.
It's basic and all the instructions are laid out to their level but they get so excited by the end product.
There's always at least one or two who are gifted as fuck it's amazing really, it's more about them desu


maths is the answer

and maybe teach them some finance as well, for fuck's sake, aren't people tired of paying brokers and other brain dead cocaine zombies so much money?

aren't people tired of paying CEOs and financefags so much money for the shitty jobs they do? Aren't they tired of paying the partying cocaine-zombies so much?

bond trader bootcamp when?
CEO kindergarten bootcamp when?
mergers and acquisitions bootcamp when?
lawyer bootcamp when?

people have this idiotic idea that if you're doing math, engineering or programming you're just a little kid playing with papers, numbers and computers

and on the other hand they think that a guy who is 0.1% cocaine is some sort of genius, like, he actually deserves his salary, even though economy and finance are a fucking joke and any brain dead mongoloid could become a financefag

I get kinda mad at how shit my school life was and how I still can't program, but I am glad it's a choice for the children of the future.

don't be so optimistic, it's not about that, it's about treating those kids as resources, as objects, by subjecting them to programming at such a young age multi-nationals and governments are hoping to find and convince more above-average fags to become programmers later in their lives

if they accomplish this they can lower the average wage of a programmer

it's basic econ, supply and demand

it's actually sick and Machiavellian when you analyze it

That is an interesting perspective. I guess that is likely the idea.

>gifted as fuck at following paint by numbers instructions

Get out you stupid faggot.

t. 20 yr old who just started browsing /biz/

Not really but just think about it, everyone views engineers and programmers and anyone in IT with a slight disgust, where on the other hand lawyers and finance fags are very respected. This respect is more about tribe mentality and disgust towards the unknown, the abstract. Most people don't give a shit about IT and have no idea how complicated even one button on a website is when you analyze all the effort and technologies that went into making that shit functional. But laws and money? hell yeah, that shit is awesome, no way in hell we can make a lawyer or a financefag bootcamp, ever, that shit is too complicated, right?

Yea that's what 14/15 kids do.
There's always one or two that are done in 5 minutes (instead of the hour it takes the others), ask for extra projects and show proper understanding of the concepts. It's always the quiet ones it's pretty cool really

>full of ancient shit like apple 2s or 286s or the like
>our computer time in class was split between babby-tier programming in logo and games like oregon trail or carmen sandiego
I am older than you given the timeframe you cited, but this was literally the exact same elementary school experience I got when it came to computing. Mind you in highschool we had the following for technology electives: Robotics, C++, web design, a class that was literally a teacher just going over the very first course from the CCNA program on netacad, and computer animation.

lmao what planet are you on where laywers, CEOs and accountants aren't universally hated?

that's the thing, they're hated, programmers aren't even hated, people just think that they're some lonely, stupid, socially-anxiety ridden autists who had too much time on their hands

I wish I was exposed to programming when I was that age. USA is behind the curve when it comes to computer sciences. If anything, programming is applicable logically to algebra.

Franquista de mierda.

They want to drive down my wages any way they can. But I should be set if I can keep it up for another 15 years before the flood. Probrably just in time to be the manager hiring this broodspawn.

>tfw they're building the slave race that will automate everything so the demos can live free

Initiative should be taught in school. The kids who deserve to know anything will go out and learn on their own. The kids who belong in menial labor will reap what they sow.

Same, first started programming in 4th grade on green screens. In highschool we had a class where we could play with computer controlled cnc mill. Programmed that to make cool statues that were totally not phallic at all. Even had a Web Development course with python and basic mysql stuff, th I spent most of my time playing chess and checkers on yahoo gaming or whatever it was called.

It would be good for the economy to have students start coding at younger levels of education.

This is the true kind of STEM equality people often cry about.
It's not about forcing minorities into field they don't want, it's about sowing the seed and foster interest from an early age

Sow the seed for electricians and plumbers, faggot.

I'll sow the seed inside your boypussy

I don't have a boipussi, twink faglord.

post your tits then tranny

It will non-ironically produce better programmers than 95% of India.
Better than said 95% of India fused in to a hivemind consciousness, in fact.

Fucking summer-course cunts.

This. Math basics they learn will still be relevant in 30 years. Some stupid hipster coding course will be obsolete within five years. Coding (they never calling programming) is something very few people need to know about. Math is relevant to essentially everyone doing actually productive jobs.

why would i show them to a faggot, go look for bears on grindr so they can pop your boipussi

It took me a good 10m to realize why I couldn't read that fucking page. It's not English AND in pascal kek

nobody buys the transbian thing, just embrace it and accept my dick

I learned HTML2 after school. It was awesome because I was surrounded by kids who wanted to make webpages on the internet.

What was funny was that we were taught to save as .txt instead of .html in AppleText. It took me a while to realize that was wrong.


Vainly stupid. Teacher here, kids are fucking idiots now a days.

Most children are emotionally retarded and not able to concentrate for longer than 30min if you're lucky. Especially elementary school children.

Almost useless.
supply and demand, there is more demand for programmers so wages are high, by flooding the market with the "everybody can be a programmer" wages lower and good programmers are now obliged to get lower wages or less benefits.

Is it normal that all of them are obese, malnourished, and sand niggers?

Literally, the only normal child I see in that pic is the future Sup Forums autist.

retard. is that why chemists, biologists and mathematicians have low wages and bad befenits?

that's good for us, we're going to enslave them in the future and the slaves who will not be able to do mental or physical work will be recycled for the resources contained in their bodies

we were cucked by the frogs


just like how elementary school math teaching is causing the mathematics market to be flooded with poor quality mathematicians

I wonder how difficult it is for non-English/non-Hindi speakers to pick up programming languages.

>everyone views engineers and programmers and anyone in IT with a slight disgust, where on the other hand lawyers and finance fags are very respected.
What timeline am I in?

Why is all the kids wearing advertisements?
And do you have to be muslim to get out of that deal?

Programming in elementary school is fine as long as they don't call it "coding", why wouldn't it be?

I took 5 years of spanish in middle and high school combined. Most of my classmates and friends did the same. Not just for spanish but for other languages as well. Very few of us could speak it at a passable level. Just did the easy assignments and cheated, also the whole no child left behind is a godsend for slackers.

You might try to say that learning a language is the exception but it occurs for all subjects. Math, English, History and I promise you it will happen in Coding especially in elementary school.

French Canadian here, learning how to code is a lot easier than learning English.

Of course, having a base in English helps when starting but there's like what? 100 to 200 different words in a programming languages?

>i wish im at home playing minecraft
>im bored
>i wish they taught me C and Assembly so I can be those elite hackers
>my back hurt
>why there's girls in this "coding" class?
>that girl next to me is a 3/10, i seen better on the internet

I know that feel...

i'm 32 now, started school in 1990

robotics was a thing by the time i reached 10th grade in 2000 but it was all lego mindstorms with the potato flowchart "programming" and i hated that shit, worse than fucking PLCs

small town public schools meant that was about as advanced as things got for us

28 here, by the time I got to high school, robotics was removed. I've been pissed ever since, I know I probably wasn't missing much but it was the only interesting thing that came out of that shit school.

Basic computer literacy classes should be taught instead. Password practices, word processor programs, simple keyboard shortcuts, basics of the internet, etc.


Doubt they will be able to teach much at elementary level. At best it will be like a bunch of if statements, already shaped up, that the kids can fill with funny strings to make a basic "guess my number" type of game.
Just trying to teach them about variables will be a challenge, they don't even know about algebra (or do they? Been a while since I was in elementary)

There are no good professions, only boring ones because businesses wants a lot done with very little.