Winblows 10

> taskbar icons flicker whenever you move or delete a file or when you empty recycle bin
Windows users will defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

That flicker indicates "action". It's so the mongoloids using Windows can be sure they're task was completed.It's subtle, I know, but it prevents keybashing retards from screwing things up.

>It's so the mongoloids using Windows can be sure they're task was completed

You like Windows threads, huh.

it refreshes the desktop

Wow stop posting, anytime.

No. Icons on desktop don't flicker. Also if I refresh the desktop, the taskbar icons deon't flicker.

pretty sure thats because you are running windows in a VM

No, it's not a VM.

>Wymyng problems 2017

well i just tried this shit on my windows machine and it doesn't flicker.
you are full of shit.


>moving files to another folder instead of deleting them

Why would you do this OP?

windows 10 kills drives

Happens the same if you just delete it with Del key.

to me it happens when I press f5 to refresh and it does not happen when I put something in the bin

>No Windows Easy Transfer and all your keystrokes are sent to microshit


see which is the same as pressing F5

but it does happen if the bin icon changes, so if it's empty and I put something in, it refreshes the icon to the filled bin icon

I know, I fucking replied to that comment you tool

Fuck out

wtf i hate windows now! :(

Hah, no

Which action? It means that the file is being uploaded to M$? XD

I notice you're in every Windows thread. Do you browse /r/windows too?

Normie here, So what does this have anything to do with my productivity? I mean people would sure be able to nitpick some other such flaw in both MacOS and various Linux distros....I don't use windows BTW....

Feels clunky and the whole OS stutters for a moment (during which you see that flicker).

But you do realise that this won't have any effect on the productivity of any average windows user, right? The flicker is almost instantaneous too. U might be highly qualified in tech, so sure u would point out the flaws in the OS, but dont you think, this is nitpicking, especially when most of the windows userbase are not power users but normies

It jersk off your mouse pointer while doing so. It's iritateing when you move multiple files one by one.

>but dont you think, this is nitpicking
No, especially when this was not a problem in 7 or 8.

I'm taking your word for it, but why doesn't Microsoft fix this, if this is such a wide spread annoyance? I think normies dont find this as a problem.

Probably implemented by the Pajeet who coded the new start menu

I assume if you operate at normie pase and barely move your hand, then any PC outpases you in these circumstances. I keep my mouse at 4000dpi with acceleration deisabled, so I can always estimate where my mouse pointer would land. This flicker fucks up my prediction due to skipping a part of the my input.


Your spelling and grammar has suddenly worsened. I detect a fraud.

your computer is shit.



You showed me..

>software fucking sucks
>complain in internet forum about it but don't install something better

>find a little imperfection of Windows to complain about
defend this

I'm already using somethig better.

>a little imperfection of Windows
There's more.

no solution to this, if only there was an operating system that would allow you to control and be autistic about details like these wink nudge wink nudge.

kill yourself kike. your computer is shit, get over it.

>I'm already using somethig better.
And yet you've never posted any screenshots from not win10 in the time I've observed you.

>current state of windows




Raj.. you won't get your two rupees today

Really? lol You've veen here for only two days?

Reads and writes constantly from disk, which is what I've also noticed. Constantly between 1 and 2 MB/s through the process "System.exe" (NT Kernel). That while doing nothing.

>uses hwm firecux vlc AND nvidia
no wonder your computer is shit, the user is a complete and utter moronic cuck

>STILL using win10

Fun fact: win7 doesn't have any "system.exe" file

Nice fallacy. Pajeet coded winblows performs like crap on a fairly high end system and you're telling me that somehow Firefox, VLC, or the fact that my graphics card is from Nvidia has anything to do with it.

Fun fact: Windows 7 is a better operating system.

Fun fact: you could be using a better OS but still are using win10 for some retarded reason


Sorry Pajeet. It's garbage.

show task manager i want to see your resources are you a dumb femanon or just another gay shilll

youre literally complaining about running out of storage space?


OP's a fag, doesn't happen on my OS

file was too large, sorry

>not shown 5 year old video driver

I read that as "stop recording".
I don't know why I assumed they used windows media player to spy on the user.

That doesn't even happen on my lowly Baytrail Win 10 Tablet... what kind of shit hardware you using?


That's what you get for pirating software, nigger.

Happens on Pro as well.

> calling other people nigger

Doesn't happen on Home or on my pirated Enterprise LTSB on my other rig. See

Most likely due to your custom theme.

>calls his computers "rigs"

threw up a little

Sure enough, tried it with the default theme.

Why don't you just get a a theme or something then? DESU how often do you delete files on your desktop from the desktop window itself anyway? Icons on is dum

He also got 32GBs of RAM just because

walking meme

I'm not into themes, plus UxStyle breaks with every update on 10.

also are you really a girl

I'm a woman, yes.

Sharpie in pooper nigga

sweet, welcome to the chan.
If you need anything let me know.

No. Also hurts. So 2x no.

Why call yourself Femanon or even namefag if no sharpie?

Sharpie in pooper doesn't hurt, I've gone bigger and I'm a male.

>calls OP a fag
>proceed to ask OP's gender and expect a proper response

Hah, no. Tried once, and it resulted in me nearly crying.

I didn't notice OP was a girl when I said she was a fag.

sharpie in puss

I recreated your problem though and my discover:

Happened when multiple instance of programs are opened up.

This is not an imperfection nor a software bug. It doesn't even affect productivity.

How's this babe?

>Happened when multiple instance of programs are opened up.
So always. Great.

Looks like it hurts more than sharpie in pooper. Nigga just deliver with time strap not fucking hard


My Vaio came with windows 8 back when i brought it.

Nowdays it runs windows 10.
I was wondering if there's a way to install a Windows 7 ISO on it without losing my legit windows key, i mean i don't want to crack it.

It is possible or going backwards would fuck my license?

Keep your thread in your thread fucktard

LOL @ your APM

nigga u got a virus

Uh huh..


>still posting in this thread to announce your 'accomplishments'

You don't solve problems by hiding them, lol.

Trying to make sure a viewer could follow, and also just didn't try to go fast.

I'm the fastest mouser in my whole household

Are you the only one using that name like how many posts a day do you make. Also r u qt

You are if he blocks your name.