Schway Edition

Schway Edition

These threads are for discussion of all things Cyberpunk, from movies, TV, websites, games, and even current events.
Related topics range from fashion, to personal security and anonymity, to alternative and creative hardware, and much more.

>What is cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.

>>> Resources Old Pasta

Other urls found in this thread:

Currently working on wearables with IoT/arduino. What are you guys working on?

Is this one being maintained or is it just frozen?

Not by me, but /cyb/ is kinda dead... Some of those sites will be dead. Let's revitalize it!

>Let's revitalize it!
Well, that's the thing, I try! I have been following up on that "Suggestions for new resources are welcome" part for a long time now but there is little to show for it.

I am still working on updating the old FAQ, found a less outdated starting point so there will be a bit of rework.

Awesome! We should have a place/wiki where people can post content. I mean, there are own threads for getting off the grid, avoiding botnets, and DIY-stuff all the time here on Sup Forums. The info does exist, it just needs to be gathered.

>start reading. a lot.
>recommends two books
the reading lists associated with the social theory and political philosophy courses are pretty decent ay

I've following /cyb/ for some weeks and though it does have some pretty good discussions, it's not that lively to spawn a new thread everyday.

Adding some /infosec/ and electronics in here could be good as usual Sup Forums is more about products than technology per se.

I agree, could someone revamp the "sticky" or what it's called? We should also get a new image, I heard talks about using a screenshot from one of the Hacker-flicks?


This cancer needs to be killed asap

For security reasons or what? Cause other than that, IoT is pretty damn schway

yeah, pwn2own was just some days ago and we heard not much here but we could at least use some photos of it. Dunno, maybe even a calendar of these bigger events and linking to livecasts if available. I know /cyb/ is more about attitude than anything but our reality warps around these things.

Also, linking previous threads is a must, maybe even /ohm/ in /diy/

I agree. However, threads are fleeting. We need a static bin for content.

Both IoT and Wearables was born from and for hackers though, the availability of easier and cheaper platforms like Arduino has increased the interest of loads and loads of hobbyists

So far IoT is a solution looking for a problem. Also it is a plot by semiconductor companies to drum up new markets in a flagging economy in a saturated society.

>Adding some /infosec/ and electronics
There is some already, relating to radio technology. has a pointer to the radio primer paste at
And yes, more is needed. Thanks to SDR radio is now low threshold tech. With CRISPS we will see gene tech also entering the kitchen sink availability level.

>solution looking for a problem

between a phone and a laptop what wearable would not already be redundant and if not redundant then at least more easily conceived as a peripheral?

>born for hackers
is that statement not concerning?

>>born for hackers
>is that statement not concerning?
Good hackers, not wannabe crackers.

>between a phone and a laptop what wearable would not already be redundant and if not redundant then at least more easily conceived as a peripheral?
Extra data can always be used for the better or for the worse. Health and Sports for example demands loads of data for being efficient. Fashion is currently approaching its potential.

The advance of flexible electronics and e-textiles could make more obtuse projects simpler and more viable.

There was a thread up already.

Picture d: the emitted RF power would probably sterilize the dude, explaining why we haven't seen these guys since.

As always, once your voice pitch reaches levels not experienced since you were 8 it is too late to understand why studying for a license was a good idea.

"Chairman" Bruce looks into the future:


I hope to have the FAQ ready this week (it is big). Where to place it?

>We should have a place/wiki where people can post content.
Not a bad idea, a wiki would nice, but on open waters?

Anyone else rememebr that cyberpunk Sega ad?
Basically it raids Neuromancer shamelessly.

The new Blade Runner movie: hope or desperately mining Gen X nostalgia? There has been a lot of that lately, like Elite -> Elite Dangerous, same generations.

Do you guys have any recommendations for some schway podcasts?

Try this:

>desperately mining Gen X nostalgia?
It's just a fact the movie industry can't create anything new or interesting. Look at all the reboots and remakes all pretty much the same directors, sometimes across multiple conflicting franchises. new superhero movies batmansupermanspidermanhulkfantastic4reboot, it's a reboot/remake, godzilla remake, new trekwars star movie reboot remake amalgamation, bourne movies reboot fail reboot previous, terminator reboot, aliens predators reboots might as wedge a few of them together because it worked in the 90's,
dread reboot was actually decent and pretty cyberpunk and I'm really peeved it didn't get a sequel
mad max teenage mutant ninja turtles
honestly nearly everything that comes out is a reboot or remake from the 70 or 80s the movie industry is like trying to turn people away from going to the theatre to buy a movie ticket.
Hardly any good sci fi gets made it's been B movies primarily for the last 20ish years only halfway decent stuff has been pandorum dread lockout even relatively low budget tv shows like orphan black is more entertaining than whatever tent pole reboot/remake/sequel hollywood has planned to redo.
remakes are just like the movie industry kind of admitting the movie sucked the first time, they hated the people that worked on the film, and they can do it better again, when obviously it tends to fall short nearly every time.

Ive been into cyberpunk for about 2 decades now and can confirm these threads are cancer. I dont even rly want to share ideas with normies in these threads because Sup Forums itself is cancer and has been for quite sometime now. I dont even know why I'm posting here other than to let you know these are gay and you should stop.

One /ohm/ thread on diy shits all over the best that could possibly result of these threads electronically. Sci also takes a piss on scifi content that could arise from Sup Forums.

I mean you guys are basically all from Sup Forums and Sup Forums anyways cant you go be faggots there again¿

>implying I don't post in /diy/
>implying I don't post in /ohm/
>implying I can't still talk about cyber punk
>implying you're not a faggot

Fuck off with your holier than thou bull shit.

>I dont even know why I'm posting here other than to let you know these are gay and you should stop.

Thanks for your opinion, Facebook. I'm sure everyone here gives a shit.

So what I'm gathering from the duplicate threads is that though there are many people who want a new/alternate image, it would still need to be recognizable/similar to this one. Maybe the same color text, like this.

maybe bigger

There were none threads for like 18 months and now there's 2. That's fine, shame the thread bot isn't running anymore.