How do I destroy a hardrive so the NSA can't see it?


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Don't download anything illegal you stupid neckbeard

Throw it inside your mother's vagina.
It will either get lost in there, or some nigger will find it and steal it.

>implying they don't already know everything that's on it

What's that even supposed to mean? Read?
Melt the metal of course.

If you want to wipe the data then use DBAN. If you want to literally destroy the drive platter then use an electric bench grinder.

Project harder. Retard.

Hide it underground

wrap it in foil to deflect the transmissions

tough luck kid we could reconstruct the powder. even if you lit it on fire

The niggers at the NSA already have your data. My advice is to load up your disks with pictures of your butt so the NSA has to look at your butt pics.

Wow stop posting, any time.


Melt it. It wouldn't actually take much heat or be very difficult.

Shred it and burn the pieces afterwards. Scatter the pieces across several dumpsters.

What is the point of namefagging? Why do you do it?

It's the equivalent of making NSA look at your butt.

this is strangely similar to this:

Sure thing. Retard.

Back to le reddit.

Okay. Filtered. Have fun talking to all of the fags too stupid to filter you.

This thread is fucking cancer.

ebin le maymay redditor XD

pretty sure this is nsa baiting users to reveal their methods so they can counteract it

that's not how you spell attention whoring

This is how to mount a hard drive.

unscrew the screws on the drive and remove the top, you should be able to see the platters.

jack off on top of the platters, shit on then, piss on them then lick them in that order.

stick a fork in it

After wiping them the best you can, shred it. Once shredded drop the pieces in the ocean at 1 mile+ depth. They cannot find a whole fucking plane down there. Doubt they'll find shredded pieces of your hard drive.

format it =^)

just dban then throw it in a smelter

Put it in the microwave for a minute or two, that will do

microwave, but they already have it.
