
Im interested in learning how to hack but I have no damn clue on how to start. Can any of you tell me how I can start self teaching myself to hack? It can be from books to online videos or courses. it doesn't matter I just want to learn.

Other urls found in this thread:

doc.lagout.org/security/Hacking - The Art of Explotation.pdf

Learn C.

Read (and understand) "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit".

Start reading through open source code looking for holes.

>I'm interested in learning

Welcome newfag!

Grey Hat Python is a quick and learningful read.

Look me up on IRC. I never reveal my secrets on the normie-web.

Nu-uh! IRC is full of traps.

Well for starters I can tell you that you shouldn't come to Sup Forums for actually learning things. I only come here for entertainment


Via Google.


and teaches you jackshit

Yes, indeed it is.

this is useless

Math (at least Calc I) and logic (at least First Order Logic).

If you don't like that prospect give up now.

Vulnhub, download broken / insecure systems, learn by practice and CTF, hackathons, etc.

learn general tools like nmap

Why is it useless you faggot trap cocksucker

because it's for gay fags and he's asking how to learn, not how to do retarded shit


News/CVE releases:



>owasp top 10
>reverse engineering
>common exploit techniques

You're a fucking mess user, get your life together

>dude just start reverse engineering and do web app penetration testing without learning anything.

Well done normie. Excellent advice.

Sorry not everyone is as smart as you to know everythin gof fthe bat.

You should really add "Advent of Code" to that list.

That's why it's so good. It forces you to learn that stuff to complete the levels. You get practical relevant practice instead of simply reading a book.

Lets all love lain

>Dude just start using IDA pro right off the bat

Thank you so much normie.

Do you honestly think advice is useful for someone seeking help on Sup Forums?

What's the point? Of becoming a hacker I mean.


Use a man's disassembler

>radare masterrace

>"lol xD coding puzzles" with hacking tutorials and material for learning hacking
>shill for me plzzzz

Is it that good? I've been desperate to find something on par with Ida Pro, but I refuse to pay the ridiculous price.

This is true if anything

Becoming a cyber criminal and making fat stacks

don't need to learn anything for that

Just pay multiple Boris's and Dimitry's to do it all for you

It has all, well most, of the functionality but in a terminal application.

>sudo apt-get install r2

It's a pretty steep learning curve but there's several tutorials around

Don't drop the soap.

So basically a hacker is the equivalent of a griefer. Someone who finds enjoyment in the misery they cause others.

knights are real, and they are really good hackers
see you on waiyado my dude

go back to playing minecraft you child
it's called "sadist"

Don't call them hackers, they're crackers: catb.org/jargon/html/crackers.html

Ah, the worst kind of griefer.
>I did it for your sake, user. You needed this.

Gee willy wowzers, do you mean to tell me that PEOPLE sometimes DO BAD THINGS In order to GET MONEY?

I don't believe it. You're trying to tell me that there are some people with little morals who don't mind exploiting others? No. No. Tell me it isn't so.

>what is government?

.t underage faggot


Sank you, if you're still around.

>Math (at least Calc I) and logic (at least First Order Logic).

I too like mr robot

Predicate logic, hell, even first order logic are very fucking important.

How do i stop being a skiddie?

>Install Kali
>set terminal font color to green
>get black hoodie
>Use wine too run vb guis
>hack planet

install gentoo

I'm doing it the cool Sup Forums kid way.

I downloaded kali (probably should've went with blackhat, though), put up a Lain wallpaper and an ascii of Lain on my terminal. Now i just need to find a way to keep superfluous information of my computer on my desktop at all times.

Learn the C programming language. It's the most useful general purpose programming language. The internet is a fucking meme. Learn all about PC hardware and how it works. Lean how a CPU works, what RAM does, and the various kinds of RAM. Learn about how computers boot up. Start with the BIOS and work your way to the OS. Install Funtoo or whatever.

Learn C in 24 hours: aelinik.free.fr/c/index.html

Make your own programs.

With this you can hack pentago. Erase the mensagem after read.

Why? If you can more efficiently use someone elses'?

There's leaked sourcecode for malware that you will NEVER out-code yourself. It's easier to just modify it instead.

>superfluous information about my computer on my desktop

Look into conky

Allow me to help you my good friend:


For those looking:
doc.lagout.org/security/Hacking - The Art of Explotation.pdf

You made my perfect day even better user

i do not know too man

>black hat python

I started reading that for a while, the toolkit they teach you to make works pretty well, I modified it to be reverse connection, and encrypted the connection, which they teach the connection encryption in the book.


hello you must understand cpu design, os design, compiler design, program design and language design. then you must learn networking protocols, cryptography, filesystems, circuitry, radio and databases. then you must learn web and it stuff followed by social engineering. then you'll be able to find and use exploits to gain access to systems.

sounds like a lot of work

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

underrated post

for what? you think anyone cooking up ransomware gives a fuck about maths?

good list, thank you user.

by good i mean big. i am yet to look through this in detail, i wont lie.


haha nice dude you owned him! *high fives user*

woah man

Why do you want to become a "hacker"? It is for attention? fame?

No matter how much you try, there's always someone who does better than you, so mind as well give up.

is that how you justify being a useless neet to yourself?

A security expert actually, kiddo

The media really romanticizes the idea of hacking and being a hacker. It's the same with drug use. Movies and shows make it seem like using drugs is really great but it's actually really not great.
Nevertheless, being a hacker does look pretty awesome, especially after watching the Matrix or playing a game like Watch_Dogs. It definitely piques my interest and makes me want to learn more about computer science

So why dont you give up even though you know theres people better than you?

>Start reading through open source code looking for holes.

This is why open source is literally open sores.

I have that book and it's absolute shit for a beginner. Outdated and if your system is in any way different from his, the assembly will be fucked up.

I'm just visiting from [spoiler]Sup Forums[/spoiler] so take this with a grain of salt but imo the most helpful thing for someone trying to "get into computers" is to demystify what a computer actually is. I remember being super confused for the longest fucking time because even if you read books on C or assembly there's still certain concepts that are just sort of vaguely assumed to "exist" somewhere in some abstract platonic space.

What finally cleared it up for me was reading about early mainframes, what a turing machine is, some basic logic maths, philosophy(the concept of the chinese room was very helpful for me), and analog precursors to the computer like babbage's analytical engine and mechanical looms.

FUCK I forgot there aren't spoilers on this board goddammit

Ok... Then become something productive, like a programmer, system administrator or so....
Being a "hacker" is no different than being a nigger fucking with other people and stealing bicycles.

Because I need money

learn unix, it's the language of the internet

>Learn python, easy to learn, powerful and a lot of tools are made with python.Some books for python are Learn python the hard way,Automate the boring stuff, black hat python, grey hat python
>Learn linux cause most of the servers use linux and a lot of the tools are made for it.Choose a distro there are many of which to choose from Debian,Mint,Ubuntu,Cent and the list goes on do a little bit of google search and you will find something.Also many suggest kali because it is made for hacking don't use it, use something more begginer friendly and download the tools on there.Try to do everything via the terminal (time saver).
>Learn networking,probably one of the most important things you need to know, i thought it would be a waste of time learning it but trust me.
>Choose a field you want to go in and study it.Want to go website hacking?Learn the languages of the web so you can perform sqli and xss attacks.
>Keep anonymous.Use tor proxychains or route all your pc traffic through tor.Or you can use a vpn (do research on it thouht.seriously)
>Google everything, don't understand something search for it, keep notes.
>Keep yourself interested, you are gonna get cocky and just use some existing tools that you probably don't know how they work but still use them anyway
> The list goes on....

thanks for your honesty user

>other people do bad things so it's okay if I do too

you idiot

Enjoy your freshman year :^)

not seeing many arguments here

1. Get a degree in computer science/computer engineering
2. Get a degree in mathematics
3. Get a degre ein electrical engineering

Pick two of the above

Now that you have the foundation to learn:

Prowl through bug databases and exploit bugs. Target memory leaks, buffer overflows, or any other means possible. Do some research, learn about canaries, read PhD papers, etc.

install gentoo

don't listen to this skid
buffer overflows are dead

the word 'griefer' was used way before minecraft you fucking spastic downie

Even Poo knows this shit

Fuck I have arch, gentoo, ubuntu, kali and majora installed in 5 different computers/laptops.
I always get confused which package manager do each use.
Am I correct?
Kali - apt-get
Arch - pacman
Gentoo - emerge
Ubuntu - apt-get
Manjaro - pacman

So, you want to be a hacker?

You probably won't succeed, because you're asking on Sup Forums instead of going out and learning it. If you're the kind of person who needs their hand held, you will not be a good hacker.

But some advice regardless...

Untrusted input is the main flaw when dealing with hacking any kind of software, be it web apps, network services, or browsers. There are a lot of ways to fuck up in most languages. C has memory manipulation, which is hard to do right. PHP has mysql_ functions, because PHP devs are idiots. Also it has PHP, which is a disgusting abomination. There are similar flaws in all languages. You will need, at least, a grounding in C, some basic understanding of x86/x86-64 assembly, and knowledge of whatever language you're attacking: how people commonly implement things. How people commonly fuck up. How to make use of those fuckups.

Once that's done and you have code execution or database access or whatever, you'll need to understand what you're trying to do. This means familiarising yourself with bash, and with Linux in general. The same with Windows and OS X. You'll also need to learn about databases: SQL, for example, and how different DBs implement things differently. You'll need to learn common privilege-escalation methods, either via more exploits, or by misconfigurations. This requires a fairly holistic view of the operating system; you can't just install Ubuntu and expect to learn everything. Learn multiple distros.

Finally, you'll need stealth, and persistence. Learn what kind of logs your actions will leave: vim, for example, will create a .viminfo file in a home directory. Touch can be used to mirror a timestamp superficially, but actually, won't hold up to forensic investigation. How do you create backdoors on a system? How do you write agents for Windows? Do you do in-memory powershell persistence like all the cool kids? What about backdoors on Linux?

>taking credit for someones elses work
Is your life so pathetically boring?

Serial Experiments Lain
Every knights member knows about that anime

conky is shit and so is htop if you want superfluous then use nmon

not all tools have been made for every kind of attack or problem you are going to have to write something of your own. now it may not be some thing as big as wireshark but it will start out as simple script probably taking input from a log file

read this:

hm okay digits

Don't even try this theme. If you commit something serious, you will be catched with 100% probability because the authorities will be always 2 step ahead of you

> catched

You mean 2 steps ahead of YOU?