Will it succeed?
Will it succeed?
>literally cannot go outside for fresh air
Only if they send hikikkomori astronauts, otherwise expect murder suicides.
I want a basement just like that
it already succeeded, they conned money out of a lot of mongoloids that actually fell for it
>murder suicides
How come this hasn't ever happened on the ISS then? NASA has gotten alot better at keeping people sane since the olden days.
They come back eventually
Wasn't this just a reality-tv scam?
you have to be 18+ to post here
>messy as fuck room
>wooden everything
They want this mission to fail
Everyone has the wrong idea about space colonization. Sending humans to do it is just retarded. You build robots and program them to build structures and get the infrastructure built first THEN you send humans.
Robots can do it cheaper. They don't need food or water or air. They can work 24 hours a day.
Robots can't adapt to circumstances. That's why it hasn't been done. Maybe in the future when robots become a few orders of magnitude more complex.
It wont be long. Technology is advancing faster now than ever. Just look at the breakthroughs in machine learning.
Once the software is up to par; Building the hardware should be pretty straight forward.
No, Mars One is a scam.
>NASA is recruiting on /r9k/
Robots can lay bricks.
If the unmanned demo mission goes through, will you still consider it to be a scam?
I can just imagine all the moon hoaxers rally up and start saying it's fake. You people and your conspiracies, it never ends.
Well, they succeeded in collecting money so I would say it's a success already.
>fucking wii
>two watches
>praying mat
>24/7 surveillance
Is this what they done with all the money?
It's depressing knowing people this fall for this shit in the current year.
why are you posting a brazillian home?
>two watches
For mars time and earth time
>the two watches home screen joke will identify martian anons in the future
I bought two black cups from their website and got the white ones
how are they gonna get rockets right if they can't ship my merch?
Which is why they send a message to us and we figure out the problem and send back solutions.
Robots aren't fucking assembly-line tier any more.
Robots like this are more than capable of doing physical labour capable of constructing habitats out of resources found on Mars.
Just slap a welder on one hand and let it go to town.
I'm a hikikkomori, send me to mars and I'll sleep the whole way
>setting up internet on a new planet
And die halfway.
Worth it
>spending 6 months in a tin can where you can see your home planet in all its splendour by looking out the window and where if something goes badly wrong you can be rescued in a matter of days
>spending years (probably the rest of your life) in a tin can where your home planet is a smudge through a telescope and where if something goes wrong you're basically just dead
Can I still shitpost from there. If so send me off.
Even better
That's how robots do my man
That's not exactly a skill that would help your team survive now is it
Think of the publicity that they could get from my shitposts. Also we could finally find out what flag you would get.
Reminder that NASA literally has a problem on the ISS with particles of literally everything staying sealed in the ISS. They literally have bacteria growing on walls from shit particles. There's no where for that junk to go.
I honestly think they'd be fine as long as they could go outside and have a walk around in their space suits. After a certain point the whole never seeing earth again thing would wear off. It might be a little depressing but not murder-suicide worthy.
You have millions of shit particles on yourself right now.
That's not the point.
No I want to creampie ppl
What's your point then? There's more fecal matter on your smartphone screen than on your toilet seat. It's not like they don't have chemical cleaning agents on the damn ISS
16 minutes ping
Yeah like that's going to happen, the unmanned mission keeps getting conveniently delayed, first it was 2017, then 2018, now it's 2021:
All they have done so far on lander design is just a concept study. They aren't doing any lander development. No launch contracts are in place.
It's all a scam
remembered forever
Assuming you could have great internet and all - this seems like a super comfy lifestyle to a anti social loser like myself who just plays games, video editing, and shitting around on Sup Forums.
It's RFC 2549 all over again.
>Assuming you could have great internet and all
16 minutes latency Think the waiting time after posting is long?
Send roaches first
>implying Turkey has a space program
So they can mutate into huge monsters that will come back to invade Earth? Have you never watched Starship Troopers?
Mars One's model is terrible
SpaceX's is so much better
>year 0: send a massive (50 meter long, 17 meter diameter) unmanned ship to Mars with 300 tons of cargo
>year 2: send another ship of an identical design with 10 astronauts and another 100 to 200 tons of cargo to begin unpacking and building everything
>year 4: send another identical ship with 100 colonists to move into the outpost the first 10 astronauts have begun building. By now there's a rocket fuel refinery on-site meaning if they so wish, any or all of the first 10 astronauts can go home in any of the three ships that have landed there
>year 6: send two more of these big spaceships, carrying 200+ colonists, and another of the ships parked on Mars refuels and returns with any of the last expeditions 100 colonists who want to quit
>year 20: by now every two years the launch window sees dozens of ships flying to Mars and a fraction of them flying back with returning passengers and scientific samples, anyone with $200,000 can purchase a ticket to fly to Mars
>year 40: a million people are living on Mars in a massive complex forged from Martian steel, with windows of Martian silicate, eating crops grown in specially treated Martian soil, breathing air filtered and compressed from the Martian atmosphere
As a bonus Mars One is being run by some literally whos on Kikestarter who have scrounged up $1.5 million while SpaceX is currently a $12 billion company
>Wake up one morning and realize you are really never going home and internet speeds suck.
Not a chance
>>year 0: send a massive (50 meter long, 17 meter diameter) unmanned ship to Mars with 300 tons of cargo that explodes right after launch
You're going to run into a scaling problem around year 8 with all those people on-site
Balance board won't even work properly cause of reduced gravity
Just have them fight each other to the death for entertainment of the people back on Earth. Or for air supply.
inb4 some people go nuts and start murdering other colonists
Given that SpaceX is essentially a cult at this point I expect mass suicide.
at around 900-1000 people, it becomes unfeasible without proper large scale infrastructures
I wouldn't want to live in 4 square kilometers with 900 people
the only time i am outside is if im walking to or from my car.
just give me internet access...i grew up in the dialup days so i have no problem spending hours at a time waiting for a webpage to load.
Doesn't bacteria hyperevolve on zero gravity conditions?
I don't know anything, by the way.
It goes without saying that this will eventually happen. You cannot have a million people in one place with zero murders. Iceland, which is the best example I can think of that's very remote, very peaceful and fairly heavily populated, still experiences a murder on average once every three years.
I would presume they would simply jail the murderer until the next return window then send him back to Earth to serve his sentence.
The complex would definitely have to be continuously expanding. I've also heard all total there might be 10 cargo ships for every 1 passenger ship - that's an average of 30 tons of "stuff" per person.
*I misstated Iceland's murder rate, it's 0.3 murders per 100,000 people per year but the island has 332,000 residents, meaning the whole country experiences just about one murder per year, or a fairly even distribution of years when there are zero murders and years where two people are killed.
How did you escape the SQT?
>The complex would definitely have to be continuously expanding
My dick likes what I am i reading.
Shieet, they have so much planned out already
ping is worse than what aussies have
>I wouldn't want to live in 4 square kilometers with 900 people
This is such an odd sentiment when every major city has more than 10,000 people per square kilometer and many of them surpass 20,000
There's even a few spots in India that have over 250,000 people per square km
>make epic shitpost
>have to wait 30 minutes before the first (you)s come rolling in
Fuck it just create their own internet.
>year xxx: pic related
>>year xxx: pic related
Depends how fast domes can feasibly be built.
Hopefully some kind of rigid inflatable structure could be transported from earth, Give people maybe 500m square of open space to live in, maybe bring some seeds, plant a few trees and take some pressure off the o2 recycling.
Bigelow claims this is a suitable long-term habitat for 16 people
>earth time
Its a scam in the same way solar roadways is a scam. Wishful thinking and deliberate ignorance of problems for money.
They are working on it though.
You really should build structures out of materials sourced on the planet.
This fucking faggot goes to Mars to play wii.
>implying you can fit 16 people in a corvette
Are you a Mexican?
Yeah. Absolutely insane. Can you imagine living your life with the Wii as your only entertainment? Extremely limited space and your Internet connection is extremely limited in latency and bandwidth.
No you clearly bring a large set of raspberry-pi and a massive collection of emulator games.
What a terrible existence.
You really have to be a scientist so you have something to do.
Won't all the burgers be spoiled by year 2?
I mean I assume they don't have energy to just refrigerate them for 2 years
>robots can't adapt
But the humans can adapt them remotely. It's true that patching software on Mars is a bit annoying but its not impossible.
>put 300 tons into space and land it on Mars
Failed hard at the first step there.
Assuming there's 2-3 floors in the main chamber, that sounds about right.
>dozen or so bedrooms and common kitchen/sitting area, etc
do you have a problem with that? We do have a universally coordinated time you know.
That's what they're doing dipshit.
>NASA starts recruiting /r9k/ citizens
>they try to post on Sup Forums from space
>the captcha expires before the signal reaches earth
>infinite error loop with 16 minutes of wait between each one
>NEETs start killing themselves without shitposts
>Sup Forums traffic lowers
>quality goes up
>space station nukes itself due to civil unrest and mission fails
I'd say it's worth it. Fund the project.
how are you going to fix the issue of atmosphere? seriously mars has those hemispherical clusters instead of single atmosphere
It has been confirmed time and time again that mars has no ability to host an atmosphere because its core has stopped a long time ago. The planet is literally dead. I really don't understand why people keep giving their attention to these scams anymore.
we could send a drill with a manned crew to nuke the core?
marsone =! nasa
SpaceX's vertical rocket landing is the crown jewel of their entire enterprise
Their proof of concept is going to be a Dragon capsule with 4 tons of probes landing in 2018 or 2020
If you managed to install an earthlike atmosphere it would still take one to two million years for the solar wind to blow it away, even without a magnetosphere.
We're not even talking about an atmosphere though, we're talking about a large enclosed habitat. Maybe eventually turn the entire surface of Mars into an incredible sprawling self repairing self replicating space station.
is it a problem?
I think the fact that we don't know if healthy foetuses can develope at mars gravity is the bigger issue.