Ryzen 5 Preview


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I love Amada!

intel is bankrupt, intel is finished.


Amada keeps me warm on these cold spring nights.

Man I don't know what to get.
This or the r7 1700 with stock-aftermarket cooler.
What do you think Sup Forums?

If all you're doing is gayming, then get an R5, if you're doing more intensive stuff with programs that fully utilize all the extra cores, get the 1700.

Isn't the r7 better for multi-tasking while gayming?
Plus I am considering to get involved with some programs that utilize cores.

>Thanks Robert
>Do you wanna uh...join me?

fucking top kek, the scripting is so cringe

Yes, you can run more programs in the background while gayming with an R7 than an R5. If you're really torn, wait for the R5 benchmarks to come out and compare the R5s to the R7s in the programs you use. Then you can decide whether the R7 is worth the extra dosh.

>that Logitech G15

To those wondering why the top 4c/8t is only clock at 3.5/3.7 instead of 3.6/4.0 or higher:

It's likely the CPUs with a defective core are made into a 6c/12t 1600 or 1600X.

The chance for a CPU to have 2 defective cores on the same CPU is incredibly low, so instead the 1500X and 1400 are likely CPUs that had 8 working cores but were too power inefficient to be 1700s. They'll likely take 1.5v+ to reach a 4.1ghz overclock.

Maybe 3.6/4.0ghz or higher 4c/8t CPUs will come once Raven Ridge comes. Then they'll have CPUs with defective GPUs but otherwise good CPU cores to sell.

Personally I'm just going to get a 1500X (Or a 1600X if it looks like cross-CCX issues will be fixed by April...)
I don't want to buy a CPU and hope the gaming shit gets fixed as many games won't patch and it's really Windows' scheduler that needs optimized to prioritize keeping an application's threads on one CCX when possible.
I'll wait for the 2018 Zen+ update to go 6 or 8 core.

I'm on a 2500k so the 1500X is a pretty big upgrade as it is.

It's never cringe with goddess empress Lisa.

Thanks user.

Ryzen 5 analysis:

You're welcome.


reminder that Intel wants to cuck everyone

Do you think she is a gamer? She runs a company that markets a shit ton of what they sell to gamers.

>"4 years of building Zen"

>memory incompatibility problems
>awful gaming performance
>high end boards bricking
>shitty w10 performance
>no itx mobos

what else am i missing?

>r7 are shit
>r5 are defective slower r7
>destroyed by 7700k
I can imagine how shit this r5 abortion is going to be.
Nice try redteam+

>it's cold where he lives
It's already in the mid 90s F where I live.


Its increasingly looking to me like if I do Ryzen this year it will be to build a HTPC/Steam Machine out of the upcoming Ryzen+Vega SOC hardware.

With a new desktop build waiting till next year.




Those'll be sweet if they somehow manage to have the performance of an RX470.

It's possible, given the tiled rendering coming with Vega, but 11 CUs is still quite few.

>Do you think she is a gamer?
Very unlikely, she is whipping, managing all those electronic monkeys to produce better chips with her smug face.

AMD is too fucking poor for mechanical keyboards LMAO

1600X no cooler? WTF

At 10:30 tho.
AMD: R5 1500x ($190)+$100 mobo (with overclock)= $290
Intel: I7 7700k ($350) +$150 mobo + $30 cooler= $530

Now he says the i7 will beat the r5 (obviously) but for what cost?

Kek all those faggots who have been insisting that the R5 would be close to 5 ghz can suck it.

People have been discussing this for a bit, but what are the likelihood that they will laser off the other CCX to make sure you can't "unlock" it with a mobo?

I have no doubt that the six cores, at least the vast majority of them, can't "unlock" the other cores due to semiconductor manufacturing defects which aren't fixable.

The only question that hasn't been answered is how the R3s are going to be binned with no SMT and 4 cores though. I doubt that SMT won't magically work though due to defects.

Take it, (You)

Haswell tier IPC, stock sandybridge speeds.
Surprise, it is shit.

Chinese mom is single and ready to mingle.

Moderate quality bait.

Why the fuck would they waste money on noisy meme keyboards when they're in an already loud room full of test benches.

Its business, not a fucking pleasure palace.

I live in Virginia, and our weather is autistic. It was snowing yesterday.

>quad core ryzen $169
damm son

>Haswell tier IPC
IPC doesn't change. It has Broadwell-E tier IPC. With Haswell tier clocks.

Did you even see or read any reviews? Did you not hear Lisa talk about the launch at the beginning of the video?

Same as the 1700X and 1800X not coming with coolers.
Cause you probably want to put your own 140W TDP cooler on them, not a 95W TDP one.

Makes perfect sense.

Not everyone likes mechanical keyboards. I didn't until the patents expired and they started coming out with better switches. Cherry MXs suck ass.

I think it's pretty likely they'll physically disable cut the bridge between the CCXs. I would not be surprised if they laid out the wires in such a way that the CCX bridging wires don't cross anything else.
But with a 6 core, maybe you could potentially unlock it as a 7 core?

Yeah, I'm not as much of a cuck to pay nearly double for 5-15% better performance.
There was no way I was paying $200 for 4c/4t when almost every new game coming out now days benefits from HT significantly. So I'm glad these came around.

1500X for now and maybe I'll get a 6 or 8 core when they work the issues out and put them on another process so they clock higher.

My quad core 10 years ago was $270


>amd doesn't hire autists

Really makes you think




Autism has become a meaningless buzzword on here. If weather was "autistic", it'd be very consistent 99% of the time, then have violent breakdowns 1% of the time.

>quad core ryzen $169
Not only quad core, but 8 threads.

Cheapest 8 thread intel is $350.

There's guides out there on how to un-brick them, samefag.
I haven't heard of anyone who's not incompetent that has a permanently bricked one.
That's the fault of the mobo manufacturers and not AMD, anyway.

These test benches are being used to show how good Ryzen is for gaming. How am I supposed to know how good it is if they aren't demonstrating it with ALL the VITAL gaming gear?

Well, that's still pretty accurate because it usually snows like a foot in the last week of March.

>Le assus

>AMD's fault that motherboards they don't make are bricking.

Considering the mods are literal amd paid shills from red team+, it's no wonder.


desu, AMDrones blamed Nvidia when some board partners made bad boards for Pascal, so AMD should take the blame for this

>that's RMA

How much would you be able to overclock your 1600? Is it possible to hit 3.9 with included cooler if we look at the 1700?

It kinda seems plausible but the problem is that the layout seems to imply that they would prefer having the left CCX over the right one functional, IMO, and you don't get to pick and choose which CCX is defective.

H-he's good!


>faulty motherboards are the same as faulty gpus

I had one of the shills question why I haven't been banned form Sup Forums for posting benchmarks that show Ryzen is bad at gaming when people claim otherwise. They are verrrry triggered they can't just ban people they disagree with here.

It would be kickass if you could unlock the other two cores on your 1600.

do you seriously believe this fucking idiot who's never touched the product can give an accurate answer to such a stupid fucking question?
overclocking on even 5 year old cpus is as random as shooting stars. some might hit 4ghz, some might never pass 3.5.
why are there so many stupid fucking people here

It looks like the 1600 is about equal to the 1700 and the 1600X the 1700X or 1800X.

So the 1600 should go to 3.9 at around 1.35v or less on the included cooler unless you're super unlucky.

What I said originally is that, in all likelihood, neither CCX is defective on most or even all of the 4 cores.
It's just their efficiency is too poor to be a 1700.

So yes. They do get to pick and choose which CCX is defective since they're going to be intentionally disabling a perfectly working one.

This always happens with new shit. I remember having the exact same issues with a brand new i7-920 way back in the day.

>slow as shit 2400mhz
lmfao why do people do this? probably spent over $100 on that shit too rofl.



i want lisa to be my mummy

Cool, thanks. :)

If benchmarks hold i'll get the 1600 unless the 1700 is priced well in my country.

She'd spank ya rry day. mm

We need to go smugger.

Friendly reminder that ryzen IOMMU is a broken clusterfuck.

How does that affect my gaymen?

>new bios every day
>rampant bricks
so this is the power of amd

>Not yet

this part with the male chink (not lisa) is so cringey aaahhhhhh

$189, 3.5/3.7, 4C/8T. With XFR up to 3.9GHz.
$195, 3.0/3.5, 4C/4T.

It means it's a pain in the ass to run Linux and have Windows in a virtual machine using GPU pass through to play games in a virtual machine.

He says 7700k costs 530 Dollars and that why you should get ryzen 5?!

>7700k will beat ryzen 5 in every bench mark, how ever by how much, my guess is 15%

>you go from 290 bucks for the 1500x to 530 bucks for the 7700k

JESUS! Is this like a hired AMD shill or something?

So literally nothing. But I still whana know, is it possible to fix it in the future?

+ Board and cooling solution you retard.

>JESUS! Is this like a hired AMD shill or something?
How do you get to that conclusion?

Everything he says makes sense.

The 7700k costs twice as much. It's probably only 10-15% better on average.
In some applications, the 1500X is likely actually better due to better multithreading and integer performance.

>m-muh motherboards ..
>m-muh RAM ..

Last desperate gasp of the Intel shills. Kill yourselves.

>It means

Look at this buttflustered redteam+ shill and laugh.

Now if they can bring 3200+ RAM to work on mobos and get some CCX optimizations going its a deal.

Since when is board and cooling solution PART of the fucking CPU cost you retarded dipshit?
What if I already have a motherboard that accepts 7700k cpus, or what if I already have a custom cooler.
Mean while you HAVE to buy the new AM4 card since it's literally made for one CPU.

Don't start throwing fucking components that somebody might or might not have just to make your product look better.

>The 7700k costs twice as much.
Expet it doesn't cost twice as much.

>In some applications, the 1500X is likely actually better due to better multithreading and integer performance.
Here we go again, like clock work, hype with no proof, better preorder now.

Intel is Jewish. Intel will survive when they really shouldn't.

You could swap 1800x and 7700 and your statement would be accurate

4c/8t parts have an entire CCX disabled

3200 ram already works on several motherboards.

>What if I already have a motherboard that accepts 7700k cpus, or what if I already have a custom cooler.
Then it doesn't apply to you and you shouldn't buy Ryzen

Whoa relax. What's the weather like in Israel right now? Go take a nice walk bro.

His preview was meant for people that build PCs from scratch and have nothing. Stop making yourself looking like an absolute mongol.

Why are AMDrones so anti semitic? Is it because one of the largest investors in AMD is the Saudis?

Fuck off back to the middle east.

I only want AMD to succeed so that Amada can still live.

Give the middle east back and we'll consider it

Looking forward to the 1600/1700.
Great, hope more get it on soon too.