>$30 cheaper than the Haswel and Skylake i3's
>same threds
>faster single thred
>equal multi thred
>runs cooler
>signifincatly better graphics
i thought intel wasnt making any improvements?
>$30 cheaper than the Haswel and Skylake i3's
>same threds
>faster single thred
>equal multi thred
>runs cooler
>signifincatly better graphics
i thought intel wasnt making any improvements?
>poornigger chips
Intel got spooked by Ryzen.
>dual core in the year of our lord
Actually the 4560 is THE chip
sorry is this 1997?
You're thinking of celeries.
>buying a 2 core 4 thread CPU
>in 2017
2 core CPUs are only excusable if you're ultra poor, buying it for your grandma, or are using it for something light like your own mail/DNS server.
>he doesn't run a public DNS out of his home
This, 4 cores is the absolute minimum right now.
AMD R3 chips should be arriving soon but I highly recommend at least the the R5 1400.
Why is it so cheap compared to an i3?
The PC i built for my mom has a 2 core 4 thread i3.
It's actually very fast for the price point
Dropped an old hyper 212 on that bitch and the fan doesn't even go past idle.
My i3 6100 overclocked will run basically any game at 60fps
Sure if you want 144Hz it'll bottleneck but if you're buying an i3 you can't afford a 144Hz monitor
ummm, threds is all that matters now
>paying literally $150-200 more just for 2 physical cores without HT
>literally same single clock speeds
>only 10% better multi thred improvment
>have to pay autism for i7s to get actually more cores
>that wattage
did they use 775 socket as their benchmark?
>Fake cores are better than real cores
Can all the shilltel cocksuckers please self-immolate themselves?
That just shows how much of a scam Intel is running with their trash i3/i5/i7 lineup and pricing. Intel's panic flailing moves in the face of AMD's rising competition are exposing it for what it is.
minimum for what? to be called a gaymer neet?
sure -> Sup Forums
Kill yourself, retard.
>not enough
Poorfags are playing poorfag games, which are either free to play (and optimised for laptops and low end systems) or old. The g4560 is a good product for it's target market.
>hurr durr it's gud enuf fur muh vidya why would you ever want to do anything else with your PC?
Drink bleach. A lot of it.
whoaahh, strong argument there, r u gonna call mommy? and tell her that ppl bully and your processor you over the internet??
Most laptops are still dual core... Because laptops dominate the market outside of gaming, most applications are going to be coded with dual core as the very least as the minimum spec for the near future.
>hurr durr im professional i koded last year also i need 100core to shitpost and watch anime at the same time
Then why do people reply with:
>you must use your computer for whatever reason I use and only
>min framerates under 60 in one game, at 60 in two, and barely above 60 in another
Throw in a web browser or music and you'll be dipping below 60 lol.
vidya is one of the most cpu intensive things out there for a normie, especially demanding vidya. I guarantee you that the majority of PC users are more prone to gayming than content creation.
i only see 1 minimum frame at 55 in bf1 and with 100avg
but maybe its too hard for a non gamer 2 understand these charts
nigger we are talking about a $60 chip here. literally an entry point chip.
you have two choices as far as $65 bucks will bring you.
AMD Athlox x4 860k or Pentium G4600. And the Pentium, with less cornz, is better.
lol @ you thinking firefox will drag my fps down.
yeah but nobody has it in stock except the jews and they're charging $70 for it
this is faster an better an only $10 more and plus i didnt have to wait till after fucking schlomo-day for them to take my order since apparently this last friday was another jewish muh feelings day
or you know...casually shitposting and streaming HD content and dont wanna bother with GPUs so they get a cpu that can do everything and doesnt even require case fans to run because its never hotter than 80 deg from the mobo and the CPU is around 20-30 with the stock fan and no dust
Its 49€ in the europes
Too bad its 54 W, I wanted to build some little server
its out of stock for all the MSRP shops, only BH has it
Well, as I said I'm on the europes, amazon and 2 online hardware shops from my country have it in stock
People here is too retarded to buy anything that don't have "gamer" stuck into the name
Pentium lacks AVX because of Jews.
>doesn't show maximums, 1%, 0.1%, or frametimes
>1%, 0.1%, or frametimes
Thinking that matter for CPU test, wat an idiot
Frametimes GPU driver problem, or poorly coded engine
My 6100U works just fine for web browsing, and my gayming pee cee has a 4130.
>Conveniently not advertised
Do you have fire insurance?
i was like almost sold on this chip as im looking for a budget option, but then i actually looked at the lows.
dips of 30fps-50fps. that can not translate into a smooth game play experience.
wonder if an overclocked to hell Athlon x4 860k would do better?
It's pretty god tier for budget builds
Intel is absolutely killing AMD in price-performance now
It's only 51W
>there will never be another g3258
This thread makes me ashamed of my fellow AMD fans...
Stop being such autists, if AMD made a CPU that cheap and it performed well you would rave and bitch about it to Intel drones.
Grow up and stop this retardation
>2 threads
I bought one from them and they had it shipped within 48 hours.
>checked intel's page
>says 4 threads
>user claims 2 threads
He's an AMD shill
AMDshill on suicide watch
The 860k can't really compete, it's not about the clock, it's the architecture that do the magic here.
Some games used to lag or stutter on Pentiums because of core/thread count and old & cheap amd quad cores gave maybe less FPS but better overall smoothness, right now these new 2c/4t Pentium wipes every amd cheap and mid-range CPU for almost any kind of use, gaming included
It doesn't even come close.