When I was a kid and had just started programming, I was fascinated by the fact that some programs would never finish...

When I was a kid and had just started programming, I was fascinated by the fact that some programs would never finish, programs such as

while (1 == 0) {


I set out to write a program that could figure out whether another program would return or loop infinitely.

After a few months I finally figured out that such a program could not exist.

Some years later I learned that this was known as the halting problem, and that I had solved it in my teen years.

Nobody believes me. Alan Turing will forever be remembered as a genius and hero, while I'm just a shitposter on the internet.

>tfw you independently figured out the proof for undecidable problems and nobody gives a fuck

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Did you actually figured the proof tho, or did you just give up at some point?

post your proof


I figured out the principle that you had to feed a certain program into another. I obviously did not have the background for a rigorous formal proof, but now I could easily convert it into a proof. The ideas were there..

It's the same, without the mathematical notation.

There is literally no way I can prove it therefore I'll always be known as a liar because it's too wild for anyone to believe it.


You guys ever thought it was weird that you could represent everything to happen in history with a randomly generated set of pixels? Not only that but you could create things that haven't even happened yet? Going off that you could possibly train a neural network to generate the next frame in a movie by feeding it other movies and training it to find patterns. Through that it could predict what would happen in a given real life event with extreme levels of extrapolation. And no matter how smart the AI was it would never be accurate and that there's no order to anything and if you wanted to predict the future you'd have just as much luck with the randomly generated RGB values from earlier.

Really makes u think..

Except it would take literally forever to generate an image that isn't just a bunch of noise.

The program you used as an example would return immediately.

Anyway, you could definitely write a program that detects *some* types of infinite loops in other programs. Compilers do this sometimes.

But I could imagine independently convincing yourself that the halting problem is undecidable. The proof is straightforward enough to follow; here's a summary:

> Turing imagined that there was a special machine that could solve the Halting Problem. Then he showed how we could have this machine analyze itself, in such a way that it has to halt if it runs forever, and run forever if it halts.
> the mythical machine vanishes in a fury of contradiction.

No it would be impossible to prove that it isn't noise.

And you'd have to prove it wasn't noise based on our (humans) standards.

I invented tennis-soccer but no one believes me.

Op you're so special.

Sure we did bro

But we made the world so small

>You guys ever thought it was weird that you could represent everything to happen in history with a randomly generated set of pixels? Not only that but you could create things that haven't even happened yet?

Yes. To me the interesting thing is that because there's many more "things in the universe" than possible images made out of pixels, every one of those images is a picture of many different things. The old picture of the house you grew up in could also what the inside of a distant star looks like, from a certain perspective. "Fictional" images are also real, but we will never know the real reference point.

There is a website, by the way, that has a low-res copy of every image, as well as every book - you might find it as interesting as I. libraryofbabel.info

It finishes after the first run


I ever imagined how cool it would be if someone randomly finds a 10000x10000px image with the solution for infinite energy.

I discovered L'hopital's rule in Calc 1. Learned it was a thing in Calc 2. Some french faggot 100's of years ago stole my thunder. Such is life.

too bad you were so late
those who do not learn from history
are doomed to repeat it

You can though. The halting problem only applies to machines with infinite memory, and we will never have that. You just have to check at some point all the memory is in the exact same state as previously.

That's how I detected Brainfuck infinite programs.

I mean considering the proof is pretty trivial, I believe you.

This is nothing, I found a proof for Fermat's theorem when i was just 2 years old but because I couldn't talk yet I couldn't communicate it

You had the inspiration but not the necessary technical knowledge to properly prove or communicate it. This is something that happens to people at every level of education.
I say keep educating yourself and you could discover a few niche things before you die, especially since you know your brain is capable of concieving this kind of idea.

Are you in school?

>I couldn't talk yet I couldn't communicate it
Fermat is a god tier shitposter.

This is true but pointless. Using physics models is probably our only chance at future predictions


>Being taught L'Hospital's rule in Calc II
What a shitty school.

wtf I was taught that in high school

Does EU not do calc and differential equations in high school :thinking: