Feds are your door in regards to inspecting your devices, computers, phones, laptops and tablets, they have a search warrant.
What would you do in this situation Sup Forums?
Feds are your door in regards to inspecting your devices, computers, phones, laptops and tablets, they have a search warrant.
What would you do in this situation Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Show them everything and be ready for the consequences.
Open the door great them cheerfully let them search my stuff and cooperate fully. I have nothing to hide so I don't have anything to worry about.
Ask the officers if they'd like some water - it's getting muggy and hot outside this time of year and that gear looks heavy
put on some pants
show em my banana collection
If you have CP or anything degenerate you deserve to be killed. Brave cops killing subhumans is what this country needs.
All I have is pirated games and porn. Doubt they could do much.
I mean sure they might find some of the porn a bit weird if they're vanillafags, but it's still legal.
>20 officers line up in conga line and point their guns in the same direction
>no one covering perimeter or anything other than the front door for that matter
Is this standard operating procedure?
Even then. All of my porn is vanilla, generic shit.
Wish them good luck
Are you literally retarded?
I have an encrypted usb drive with 'CP' written on it prepared for that so when they come they will find that and I will refuse to decrypt so they gonna spend months investigating me finding nothing but memes and disappointed ex girlfriends before I finally give them the password and they find only a HQ extended recording of Never Gonna Give You Up on it
Call the police and tell them that several armed men are trying to break into my home.
I'd gladly let them because I have nothing to hide.
Are you?
Open up OBS and twitch.tv and tell them 'daE Sup Forums swat me again xD sorry 4 waste ur time officerz'
Call the national guard and tell them that we've been invaded by the Americans.
Pray we go for the nuclear option immediately.
Lock myself in the bunker.
Don't just leave us hanging, what's the source on that?
>they have a search warrant.
Gladly comply with it, I have literally zero illegal stuff on my machines, the warrant is most likely a mistake on their part so no issue.
Im glad that usually most of the time warrants are issued when the suspect is doing illegal shit, fuck pedos and nigger scum
Repeatedly ask if I'm being detained until they knock me unconsciousness
Confirmed for literally retarded.
What happens to you when they decide you do have something to hide?
Enjoy your fines and prison time, retard.
How are they going to put him in prison with no evidence you fucking mongoloid?
answer the door naked with a raging hard on and jerk off in front of them while they search my shit
Let them in. I have nothing to hide and if they have a search warrant then they can go ahead.
Jokes on them. All my computing takes place on baremetal VMs in Yurop.
Someone didnt play swat 3
Other than pirated media I have nothing to worry about
It's called "contempt" and "interfering with an investigation", shit for brains. Kill yourself.
Someone has down syndrome.
Encrypting your own personal drive is not contempt or interfering with an investigation. Everyone has a right to not incriminate oneself. Read the constitution you inbred.
Lol they went on a hunch and got trolled by memes. If the accused denied there was CP then they can't do anything
>this mad he doesn't know about swat games
>SSH into computer from phone
>Wipe drive
>Install Hannah Montana Linux
>not installing biebian
How new are you?
Installing memebian
Rather turn myself in
Would they do anything?
I sit and hope they don't trip the grenades
>Brave cops killing subhumans is what this country needs.
So when will the whores and retards be killed?
I have a lot of child porn on my computer so I would be nervous
Invite them in for some tea and scones and tell them a story about my dog who is gassy.
Pull the plug and hope the electricity in the capacitors dissipates before they can get to my machine.
...Can I have some? OwO
Prob just warn them they're about to see my nudes. I don't do anything illegal so I wouldn't be worried about them finding anything.
Anyone have the anime version of this where he's deleting all his waifus?
Got it:
this happened to me but luckily they were only looking for bombs, guns, etc.
no hecks were given about my 100 gb of public databases i was seeding openly on my screen
>not having one big red button on your desk that instantly wipes everything
Let them have at it because I have nothing spooky.
You're a mouth breathing retard if you save anything to any sort of computerized device or even worse, a device connected to the fucking internet and think you can get away with it or it hasn't been logged somewhere in 2017.
Spooks literally create you people who fap to bad shit as a means to have plenty of legal fallguys and ways to manipulate the next generation of successful people for the 1% of you who do anything except jack it in your mothers basement.
Sure it did, kiddo.
Not care at all.
>user, I see here you browsed Sup Forums in 2017
>don't you know that Sup Forums was declared an anti-free speech site by president Sarkeesian in 2020 and any history of having visited it is chargeable
>we're going to have to send you in for re-education, I'm going to need to check your priviledge card
not sure if on too many layers of irony or too many layers of reddit
Fuck off. /s
Not worry. In my country we still have 'laws' and 'rights' and 'due process unaffected by how much money you have'. Also our police is not an extension of the military. Good luck Amerifags.
> hi, you must be looking for my hacker heighbour, he lives next door
> yes, his name is Sup Forums
That must be nice, i live in a country where the government have unlimited surveillance capacity on it's own citizens because anyone can be a terrorist/criminal
I will show them my rare pepe collection.
Godaamit get my wrench Sup Forums is leaking again
What country?
Sneak out once they enter, come around to the front door, knock on it and demand to search their electronics.
>he actually believes this
this is even more amusing than cryptards fantasies
there are no such countries in 1992+25
It's designed to break the functionality of those CIA bots that export reactions from a thread.
laugh that they're wasting their time on a shitposter with literally no illegal material
They will never find the pizza drive anyway. unless they tear down the whole place.
cooperate fully and proceed to adhere to their requests.
>storing any sensitive data at home
thats most corrupted country in the world m8. i bet you are a çomar
at a funeral?
So, is it possible to have a ghost partition or folder that is undetectable and only appears when you say, have a key inserted?
I mean, its probably impossible given computer forensics. They'd probably pick up on any odd looking partition spacings or a drive being more full than it should be.
you're no fun
Destroy my hard drives full of thick loli dragons and torrents
Sure, why not, let's go with that. That doesn't stop it coming off as a meme, at least where I've seen it outside of Sup Forums.
>undetectable partition
Impossible by software alone.
You'd need custom hardware that pretends to be a drive with less capacity than it actually is when key isn't inserted.
Maybe modified pic related with multiple same-capacity flash chips inside, and entering different keys switches between different chips?
Not sure if such a thing exists on the market.
Fucking normie.
Not shitting in the back of the cop car for retaliation for disrupting your live stream.
Sounds like an easy project for a /diy/er, even use a reed switch so you have to hold a magnet next to the USB drive for it to work, traceless. Especially considering how many of those tiny flash-drives you can fit in an old 5cm+ long case.
It's probably better to have an encrypted cloud storage.
Pay with anonymously acquired bitcoins, memorize the login credentials, only connect to it from tails or a similar system, leave no evidence you even have such a storage.
It's impossible, I'd say.
I've talked to people who work with computer forensics and the only way to protect yourself is to have really strong encryption.
Dont shit where you eat, if you have something to hide, keep it offsite.
Even just hide a micro sd card somewhere.
I'd gladly let them because I have nothing to hide.
reboot my system and laugh while they try to crack my encryption.
Let them in smugly.
>plug in ram dumping usb stick
>reboot again and boot from usb
>export ram contents
>find keys
what do you mean with this?
lets just say i have it hidden inside a book cover. aint no one gonna find it