Which one is the best?
How do they work?
i use pass
it uses gpg for encryption
I would manage her pass :^)
I could write all my passwords on her forehead
if you're not worried about people physically accessing your computer, a sticky note is infinitely more secure than some password manager
Museum of Modern Art edition.
>needing to use a botnet software to keep track of your passwords
I have the pest password manager the world has ever seen, with 15 passwords memorized
Password Safe
This. Use your computer to make a random string. Write it down until it's committed to muscle memory. Burn it.
Only Luddites disagree
Is Yubikey worth it?
Keepass2 + Dropbox
Are you familiar with GPG?
No => KeePass
Yes => (Qt)Pass (passwordstore)
>paying for security
If you like getting cucked
I've bought a nigger, it handles my passwords for me.
It's entirely worth it to secure a server login or web application that actually supports it. All my VPSs take a Yubikey login.
It's somewhat useless for password managers though, even ones that claim to support Yubikey work with horrible hacks that are no better than a secure password.
If you can't remember your password you don't deserve computers.
I thought these password managers create passwords for you.
using a password manager with a strong central password (100char) is better than reusing passwords, even reusing password bases + unique site identifier
Keepass does.
I see you are a pajeet.
Well, I am a pajeet too. Rejoice.
I know you are memeing but wouldn't writing it down leave a trace?
Truecrypt archive in a Dropbox folder.
>Passwords on their servers
Rest in peace, goy
dubs edition
Keepass is the best multi-platform password manager.
All online password managers are complete shit
I just wish there was a good iOS Keepass app.
Android has the amazing Keepass2Droid
checked those trips
Cloud Storage
>tfw I cant memorize 50+ passwords all at least 32 digits long with random characters
Why are you posting some muslim bitch on a technology board?
Stone age myths are not technology.
Hindi is a programming language
Quite posting ugly non whites you animal Fucker.
reported for racism and derailing thread
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
Pen and paper, faggot
are you seriously that autistic to make a thread out of a password manager?
just fucking use a txt file, encrypted by 7zip.
seriously kill yourself, I'm livid right now
I just use the text file.
>trusting another person server with your passwords
Good goy
I hope all your pw manager have military grade encryption. Otherwise it is shit.
pass, the standard unix password manager
>/threading yourself
No. Watch this.