I7-7700 or i7-7700k?

i7-7700 or i7-7700k?

I do not plan to overclock. Is the k still worth paying more for?

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R7 1700

It comes with a really good stock cooler and soldered on IHS you don't have to delid.

good goy

7700k quad core turbo is 400mhz higher so i would actually get that even withour overclocking

The 7700k requires extra dedication to overclock anyway, but the stock clocks (4.5GHz) are about as high as a 4c is ever going to reach.


Both processors cost about the same but the r7 1700 gives you like 2X better performance.

7700K br0

Don't forget about risking permanent damage having to delid that piece of shit or having to buy a $300 water cooler.

OP you'll love this: R7 1700 has been successfully OC to 4 GHz with the fucking stock cooler in most cases.


Just pay like $50 for a delidding service then

>having to delid in the first place
and lmfao, no sane individual would do it for less than $100

>2X better performance
>tfw you will never be this delusional

For rendering 4k videos

Fuck off AMD shill, the 1700 is garbage


Mods ban these fucking AMD shills, they are destroying this board

This, intel©®™ is the only cpu anyone should buy, ever!!!

Poozen is a failure.

Fuck off AMD shill, seriously kill yourself

just get a 6700k then if that fucking worries you

>I do not plan to overclock

>I don't want free performance

I've been running my 7700k at 4.7GHz and stock voltage (1.23v) since day one. It took me less than a minute to overclock it. I don't like overclocking either which is why I'm not trying to push it to 5+GHz.

Why would you get a 7700(K) when Ryzen exists?

because ryzen performs far worse than the 7700k at games which is what I'm guessing OP is doing

How is a powerful CPU even relevant to games?

>gets tired of seeing ryzen outperform intel in multicore so they post single core benchmarks

for games that are cpu dependent like GTA V or any other game

or unless you got a game that barely yses the cpu at all like witcher 3

>modern games
>single core

>getting so buttblasted that ryzen gets BTFO in what most people are buying a high end cpu for

>most people are buying high end CPUs for games
I doubt that.

>m-muh 5 second difference in encoding which I do once every 2 weeks for 3 minutes
>still gets btfo by the 7700k



>far worse
>10% slower than an overclocked 7700K

>double the cores
>20% faster
Pathetic shill. I'd rather have 40% higher single core performance.
>inb4 i-it's only 10%
No, that's IPC. 7700k reaches 5GHz, poozen shits itself at 3.9GHz.


>intel makes you pay for the privilege of overclocking
Why would anyone willing support these jews? I could see before ryzen but there is now an alternative that is good enough.

See >m-m-m-m-m-m-m-muh encoding
Unless you encode 10+ hours a day, ryzen is useless. Pathetic poonigger.

>it's a Sup Forums argues about 120fps vs 150fps while using a 60hz monitor episode again


>Doesn't specify Freqs
>probably shit memory while Intel has Highest available
>Ryzen in Balance mode
>Also buggy BIOS

Cool, now post the updated benches that actually tell you something

K versions of CPUs are different also in base clockspeeds plus you need specific types of motherboards to OC anyway

Remember to hide and sage shill threads !

>I doubt that
yeah, I'm pretty sure people are building high end rigs JUST for 3d rendering and video rendering

even though gaming is the only thing that keeps the pc market alive

you have to be fucking stupid to think people aren't buying high end cpus for gaming. oh wait, I'm dealing with and amdtard, of course you are fucking stupid

I'm not planning to play pretend in my mom's basement running mp3 conversions all day boasting about muh productivity