
take notice

certificate update needs manual intervention

sudo pacman -Syuw
download packages
sudo rm /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
remove conflicting file
sudo pacman -Su
perform upgrade

Other urls found in this thread: bug/1456511

i use manjaro bcs im not jobless

Experienced this on my brand new antergos install and had to 'sudo rm' the crt file.

You're just sour because you're using Arch handicapped. It may surprise you but there are people employed and using Arch Linux.

Im not employed.

You're lucky. Jobs are for the vermin of this planet. I hope one day that I'm as enlightened as you.

>not using exherbo

>tfw --force

Retina Display doesn't have this problem

How incompetent can you be to let your cert go bad? Arch is officially trash on the same level as Manjaro now.

Well might as well use Manjaro now, folks

feels good to be a debian and opensuse user. they just work.

eselect news read

isnt that for gentoo tho?

I used Arch to fix grub on Ubuntu the other day, stay mad faggots

Arch has plenty of bugs also, friend bug/1456511

had to sort this today.
these are the mythical "problems" with Arch.
they are not actually problems..that I would consider problems anyway.

I don't use this subpar shit for schoolkids.

I use Xubuntu because I'm not a turbo autist!

Thank you.

It's no problem to check the forums and buglist every time you update?

something is wrong with the distro if that is required

I do not check each time.
if pacman fails to complete ill have a read, resolve it and im on my merry way.
Arch is fine IMO


This is why i use a Mac. It just works.

Both Arch users and Mac users have a high level of pajeetry and are subpar in the tech world.

do you think that this is a problem that would take more than 30 seconds to resolve ?
this is such a non-issue.

The developers can't spend 30 seconds fixing it, why should I be forced to fix their incompetence?

Why you should switch to Manjaro - exhibit a

Arch, not even once.

t. faggot brainlet

Did you even read the news? The cert did not go bad. They just changed the way it's shipped and since there's symlink there already, any update to the certificate would fail because the package manager wouldn't override the file, as thus, they recommend that you remove the symlink manually (that was generated in post installation) so that in the future the package manager can take care of it.

Broken is broken. It would actually be easier if the cert was expired to roll back your clock

I was assuming you're a dumbass but you're just shitposting, thanks for clearing that up.

and also manjaro i3

It's odd that someone would defend a distribution that activity works hostile to its user base, while relying on the same users to fix their incompetence.

It's not being hostile towards the userbase, it's just being a rolling release/bleeding edge distro (and is advertised as such) that does not have update timeframes for stable releases. Users willingly opted in for that when choosing a distro and as such a manual intervention once a year or so shouldn't be a surprise. If it's not something that you're willing to do then don't opt-in for a rolling release distro - simple as that. In no way does it mean that it's "broken" or "the cert got bad", they just changed the way the system ships those, and that's it.

Manjaro is Manjaro the DE is irrelevant. Also they fucking butchered i3 in the community edition imo. They did a ton of crazy shit to i3 it's hardly even recognizable and they even managed to fuck up some of the default keybinds.

> update needs manual intervention
top kek

All of this junk about arch breaking is not true at all dude

take notice

Arch isn't minimalist.

"It has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible."

"It has also never been a distribution offering much user freedom / choice compared to Gentoo and even Debian. There are very few cases where there are multiple packages offering different configurations of the same project. There's no equivalent to update-alternatives or the comparable uses of USE flags. Changing /bin/sh from Bash will be broken, as will changing the python symlink to point to python2 instead of python3 even though this works on some other distributions. It doesn't strive to offer choices like this, and never has."

"Arch is the opposite of a user-centric freedom. The opinion of users has no weight here. Only the developers have an opinion, and there aren't voting systems as there are in Debian. Technical decisions are made based on merit via consensus among the developers, not popularity."

"Arch has never been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages, etc."

"It has always used significantly more disk space and a measurable amount of additional memory than Debian and especially Gentoo as a consequence of keeping things simple (again, from a development perspective)."

"Memes about minimalism and user freedom != actual distribution policy / principles / history."

t. arch wiki admin

>t. guy posting in a thread about arch breaking

who said arch was minimal?

archfags are extremely delusional and think arch linux is a minimalist distro.

i use arch myself, and i've never considered it minimal

in fact, one of the reasons i chose it was because packages typically have almost everything compiled into them

They just broke the way certs work, and shipped that on to the users? Quality system

you don't use the system, so you're only reminded of these when these threads pop up
these threads don't happen often, and there has been a thread for every one for quite a long time
these interventions are rather rare, far rarer than one could reasonable expect from a system that has no release/upgrade system at all
i've spend far less time with these than i did fucking with backports and dist-upgrades in ubuntu/debian

Did this too.

Can't you just
pacman -S ca-certificates --force


I always loved this picture, because in the end it wasn't the arch guy who offed himself.

did it
all is fine

when will arch get a nonshit package manager?


any specific complain?
I am interested in hearing whats better and why
especially why

the fact it can't solve migration issues like this by itself?

even apt can handle whole distro upgrades or rolling release packaging behavior.

only pacman has problems which require any kind of manual fuckery

also pacman doesn't even have shit like autoremove or support for globbing in argument strings

it's interface is a clusterfuck of bad design and the only response arch kiddies have is to learn shell scripting.

I should have to type out bash expansions and shit just to use a simple fucking tool that should only be used in interactive context and rarely in a scripting context.

dnf with gnome integration takes it to the next level allowing you to install binaries on demand using polkit for passwordless sudo-like behavior and then installing that bitch.

Fedora Rawhide is a drastically superior rolling release distro as a whole over arch.

If they can't be arsed or are too dumb to make some whitelist with symlinks that allow pacman to overwrite symlinks then I can't be arsed to use their meme distro, simple as that. The fuck is the package manager for if it can't even manage packages?