You can't make this shit up

you can't make this shit up


You just idd

is this a female programmer thread?

I don't understand?
Is there something wrong?

Am I supposed to be seeing something other than some random girl's work experience?

So she's into facials?

I'd love to animate her face if you know what I mean nudge nudge wink wink say no more

Mass Effect's animation is bad vis a vis women are bad is the leap I believe OP wants us to make

ME:A has horrible facial animations.

that's obvious to someone like me who has been following reddit's posts
m.e. andromeda's animations are shit

>they hired a car audio sales person as an animator

how does someone from sales becomes an animator? they fucked somebody
I'm not even sexist

I dont know much about how games are made, I assumed that those facial animations were like cpu generated based on the text or something. How can they be that bad if someone actually designed them, like put work into hand crafting the faces. Does she maybe have autism and cannot understand faces?

are you retarded or you just can't read?

what part from my post did you misunderstand? please be specific or you are gonna have trouble again, limited friend

>Lead Facial Animator

>how does someone from sales becomes an animator?
you don't think it's possible for someone to change careers?
2011 - Sales representative
2012 - Animator, student production

it's certainly possible, but entertaining that possibility isn't fun in the least
why would you quote what's right there in the image, are you retarded?

>facial animator who hasn't spent countless months memorizing and completely studying the musculature and bone structure of human faces and the physics behind their movements, then reading psychology books to understand all the emotions that a person can express and the ways they manifest on a face, and then study and apply the correlations through at least a year of experimentation through programs or specially designed mannequins for studying facial movement and structures

I would personally never apply as a facial animator if i didn't do the aforementioned.
It's not her fault really, the faulty is with
EA's human resources management being fucking
retarded and incompetent.

>how does someone from sales becomes an animator? they fucked somebody

>are you retarded or you just can't read?

certainly you must be baiting me

Dumb question. I'm not 12. Why should I care?

>So for the first part of the interview, tell me a little about yourself.
>I'll give you a BJ if you hire me.
>Welcome aboard.

just flip your Reddit switch off and actually look and objectively judge what you're looking at, that's it!

I wouldn't blame individual animators. Maybe if there was one character that was bad you could do that. It's all bad. It looks as if there hasn't been any work done at all. "Ok her mouth moves when there is sound coming, move to next scene/character". Between having placeholder stick figures and having what they have now isn't much.
Being an industry known for these type of death marches, crunches, high turnover, having chronically undermanned projects working overtime having to adjust to last minute changes. It's lack of time, people and the management thinking they could get away with impossible not so much incompetence from animators.

Add to that I'd sure like to hear the story even though I'm pretty sure it's the standard one.

I wouldn't blame individual animators, i would blame the lead animator

Nah, being "lead" doesn't give anyone magic powers. To get stuff done you need time and people.

At least I know who to blame now for the terrible facial animations in Mass Effect.

It's not all animations that are bad, it's just human/asari that are bad. I think it's because they just used raw motion capture data for the human/asari, but had to edit it for the other races, making the animations look better in that case.

This is Sup Forums... if you came here seeking maturity, you'll be very disappointed.