26 leechers

>26 leechers
>0 seeders
>everyone stuck at 5.6%

This is why we need hevc/opus so god damn much.

cool story bro

ITT things that never happend

>"I've never tried to download obscure, long forgotten porn"

Like you getting laid.

more like
>everyone stuck at 86.2% after hours of torrenting

>literally never torrented something before
I have managed to torrent things with 0 seeders a few times and only leechers, and is it a fucking godsend when it works

Often I can fix this by adding a long list of reputable public trackers.

>still using torrents
Expunge self immediately


Well what the fuck is a better alternative, then?

Why the fuck do people even download anything these days? Stream is the future.


when a protocol dominates a market it becomes the market
there are things that have been torrented more than they sold

Mmm yeah gimme that 360p oh baby


Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.

Happened all the time before normies got to torrents. A lot of people didn't leave their machines on to seed like they do now.

Though it's clearly much less rare to find people stick in the high percentages.

HDD sharing communities. I wouldn't worry about it, though. You'll never get an invite.

I once got an old torrent that was basically dead and was stuck at 30% for months. A kind soul reseeded it and now it has 8 permanent seeds.

HDD sharing is only for pedos trying to share kiddie porn.

Someone dox this fucker. Most likely a pedo with 3tb harddrive of kiddie porn.



there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo in 2017

Dude, is it that artsy thermal camera porn? Oh man I have been waiting for that torrent to finish for YEARS now.

0/10 and fuck off!

Am i doing something wrong here? Why won't these seed? I don't want to use uTorrent anymore, but qbittorrent seems to always suck at seeding

>being this butthurt

Cucked is reaching 99% and then realizing that the last 1% is a block spanning files that will never be seeded because the last seed deleted an .nfo file.

only if you're a poorfag and cant afford a decent connection.

and a ryzen thread died for this

>paying to pirate

>implying Ryzen was ever relevant

its faster than downloading directly from the site.



>I have shit music taste

>be the only seeder on some obscure torrent
>seed to 99%
>close the torrenter

>26 leechers
>0 seeders
>everyone stuck at 95.6%

>torrent sitting at 16,3% for a few weeks
>some Jap cunt with 100% bumps it to 16,4% and disappears

>Releasing the torrent before any actual seeders are online
>Enforcing "balanced load" meaning that everyone gets the file evenly instead of faster boxes getting it first and then redistributing it faster to other people.