Linux Is Only Free If Your Time Has No Value - Edition
Linux Is Only Free If Your Time Has No Value - Edition
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Great job pajeet, 3 poos have been deposited into your loo. Keep up the shilling work.
brainwashed linux neets please stay out of this thread
This is some very stale and very weak bait, famalam
pls no
>being such a beta manlet you have strong feeling about a tool
Stay mad cucks.
what did she mean by this?
>Muh M$
>Muh Pajeets
>Muh Botnet
You need to go back
>install Debian with GUI installer
>takes about 20 minutes
>no command line bs
>automatically sets up users and everything
>one click to choose the desktop environment
>select MATE
>been using it for almost a year
>zero problems
Feels good to not be a retarded nigger like OP.
11 Reasons GNU/Linux Sucks
Most posters here browse reddit regularly and nothing you say will ever change that
Have a nice day friend
If it keeps thin skinned faggots like him out, I'm all for it.
>yahoo answers
t. mactoddler
>being this triggered
back to tumblr, femboys.
Stallman admits to being of Jewish ancestry in an early 00's interview, has deceived people I to working for free for 30 years.
Make of that what you will.
but macOS is a Linux Distro
I'll never forgive gnu/linux for forcing me to confront the fact that by comparison, windows is garbage tier malware.
Nice try pajeet, I know it's you. Stallman is not linux, he just promotes the userland tools and a license.
Why the GNU/Linux desktop sucks for people who have a life and don't want to play pretend sysadmin in their spare time.
seriously, what are you trying to comunicate?
The website as a whole hates reddit. They steal our jokes, our ideas, try to act as a counter-culture to us and is simply our retarded cousin.
Eww what is that edit job on Tux
Every single one of these threads is created by some faggot too stupid to figure out GNU/Linux.
Microsoft pays indians to shill on Sup Forums and spread FUD.
FOSS Housing
GNU Make can't handle spaces in filenames after 20 years, amateur-hour software that is the backbone of building literally everything GNU/Linux.
Freudian slip?
Open Source & Linux Sucks
>Linux drivers = just werks
>Windows drivers = find and download exe
>Linux is digging the pool yourself
What did you mean by this?
windows vs linux disable camera
>re-using a stale meme made by a retard with a bmi of 40
Good job pajeet!
lol what a bad shoop
Fuck Linux, I'm too deep in to change but holy fuck. A month or two ago my entire OS crashed and I couldn't even load into it, it would just show a blank screen. Tried every terminal command I could and all the settings but I had to reinstall it. Now my dual booted computer has am empty windows file I can't delete and sometimes when I load into Ubuntu everything is all zoomed in. Crashed for no reason.
"womanless losers". I stopped right there. Fuck yourself.
its only bad when you dont get triggered by it like a linux cultist
you did though so it accomplished its task
Windows doesn't actually disable it since microsoft can remotely turn it back on whenever they want to.
Linux users are almost always google shills. Must be a (((coincidence)))
I swear these shitty memes are always made by ubuntu children.
>go on youtube searching for help on Fedora commands
>the guy speaking is from india
GNU is not the same as linux, pajeet.
found the problem
GNU is a Pajeet friendly project, all the mad lil white boys screaming "pajeeeet!" all the time are just jealous losers because Stallsham prefers Indians.
Guide to becoming the perfect GNU/Linux Luser
At least I don't have a botnet.
Thanks for your FUD, pajeet. You'll have to work harder to get me to install windows 10.
>paaajjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt !!!!!!!!!!!
How is this any different from macfags saying "you just hate Apple because you're too poor to afford a MacBook"?
Oh, right, it's from a pro-linux article.
Just read the end,
And you my dear pajeet, should kill yourself.
Not an argument, pajeet. I think you've earn a free stay in the executive streets to shit in, all exclusively for you.
What was Sup Forums like before Sup Forums discovered the poo in loo video?
>dude Linux isn't for communists! Many corporations profit from Linux because they sell support contracts for it!
Aren't you admitting your OS is shit when the only way to get people to use it is to give it away for free and then charge people when it breaks?
jolly funny
Yeah its better to charge people for the OS and also charge them when it breaks like microsoft does.
Telemetry does not equate unto Botnet
try again stalltist
>Reporting back everything you type and do isn't botnet
Nice try pajeet goldberg.
Isn't it ironic how freetards claim Linux is good to protect your privacy, yet the only times Linux has become commercially successful is when it is used to invade people's privacy? IE: Google with Android, and many servers that host websites that collect your data run on Linux. Even GNU/Linux.
>le windows botnet may may
Back to Linux reddit, fatty.
# Fun things to do when using GNU/Linux:
* Pretend that the difficulty of use and the incomprehensibility of commands inherent in GNU/Linux is actually a badge of honor.
* Look at ugly, distorted fonts in your browser and on any other application you might want to run
* Reformat and install another distribution. (People have been known to do this continuously for weeks. Hint: they all suck. Stop wasting your time.)
* Watch a console display error messages.
* Convince yourself that LibreOffice is "just as good" as Microsoft Office.
* Read countless manuals to do the simplest of tasks... and still fail.
* Say you use Linux (which will get your ass kicked, even by other GNU/Linux users.)
* Think of ways at work to bring up the subject of how you use GNU/Linux, because the penguin thing didn't work.
* Fail to realize that, penguin or not, noone gives a fuck about what operating system you use.
* Eat KFC chicken around the clock.
* Manually edit config files.
* Run a virtual instance of Windows so you can play games, while at the same time saying how much you hate Microsoft.
* Argue that KDE is better than GNOME.
* Argue that GNOME is better than KDE.
* Argue that both GNOME and KDE are inferior to your chosen environment.
* Develop carpal tunnel from keyboard usage between bouts of excessive self-pleasure borne out of social-retardation.
* Depend on easy to use programs like vi.
* Try to learn how to do simple tasks in vim/emacs, eventually using gedit to complete the same task.
* Keep your virginity.
* Be a badass non-conformist.
* Never get viruses, ever, like how a virgin never gets STDs.
* Graphically chart the shrinkage of your penis over time with bundled, GPL'd software such as GNUPlot. This is a highly requested feature among GNU/Linux users.
* Discussing the awesome non-ntfs filesystems you can use with GNU/Linux, for example one written by a convicted murderer.
* Spend hours of your life compiling bits of code, just to find out it was EPIC FAIL!
You can use android without google apps pajeet and you can disable scripts that collect your data too.
So this is the power of paid shills...
There are more than a few similarities between GNU/+Linux and a typical religious cult.
For example:
* Both worship their leader.
* Both have a distended, warped view of their subject matter.
* Both are obsessed with something that most people know nothing about.
* Both believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong.
* Both insist on proselytizing or converting every single person into the fold.
* Both have a warped view of the economy. IOW give everything away for free.
* Both have socialistic tendencies.
* Both seem to attract oddballs, social misfits and the mentally ill.
* Both encourage obsessive behaviour and total devotion to the cause.
* Both disparage and try to discredit the mainstream or competition.
* Both have a militaristic attitude of you are either with us 100 percent or against us.
...and so it goes on.
It sure seems like GNU/+Linux is a cult.
Linux cancer should be stopped.
>>>/reddit/ back to the designated shitting street with you.
A lot of phones have locked bootloaders, and do you really trust some Pajeet on XDA to have not installed malware on your custom ROM?
>which will get your ass kicked
>implying malnourished manlet pajeets are going to kick anyones ass
Thanks for the keks.
>Trusting Microsoft
GNU/Linux are cults for the mentally weak. Consider the similarity between Linux and religion:
A common remark among GNU/Linux users when somebody complains about open source is that we must read about open source until we “get it.” This is similar to the religions in which a person becomes born-again, or discovers Jesus Christ. Religious people cannot explain the process of being born again or discovering Jesus. Rather, we must simply “get it.”
The Linux people ask for donations, as do churches.
Linux fanatics routinely publish “feel-good” articles about how wonderful Linux and open source is. They never discuss issues seriously, nor do they tolerate criticism. Churches also routinely bombard their congregation with biased sermons. The sermons never discuss issues seriously, nor do churches tolerate criticism.
Religions have a god, and the worshippers often have symbolic items that they wear as jewellery or collect in their homes. For example, the Christians collect crosses and images of Jesus. Many Linux people treat Torvalds and Stallman as gods, and the penguin seems analogous to a statue of Jesus.
To some Linux users the penguin may be nothing more than a corporate logo. However, compare Linux to other software applications. Are you aware of any other software in which the users or the developers have such an attraction to the software or its logo? And if you can find such a product, do you consider those people to be mentally “healthy”?
Some Macintosh users are described as having an extreme attraction to the Macintosh, but even they do not seem to have the same level of attraction to the Apple logo or to Steve Jobs as the Linux people do to the Linux penguin and Torvalds. Steve Jobs was even tossed out of the Apple for a while; ie, he was treated as just another human being. Would Linux people consider dumping Torvalds and getting a different leader?
>Install windows 10
>No network drivers so need to use another computer to get the drivers.
>Update takes forever.
>Install the drivers from windows update.
>No sound.
>Search the driver from the manufacturer's site.
>Ok, no problem.
>Suspiciously high storage drive usage.
>Processes using high amount of resources for no reason.
>Forced updates, give up trying to customize it because the updates sets the defaults again.
>No more possibility to know what are the updates about.
>Error messages are not useful.
>Must uninstall crap often but gets installed again.
>Cannot disable cortana.
>Pretty obvious i don't control my OS.
>Read MS privacy statement.
>Fuck this shit.
>Install windows 7.
>No drivers, must hunt them this time.
>mfw i read that MS is issuing updates that backports W1's bullshit to windows 7.
>mfw i must use third party programs and be careful with the updates to protect myself from my own software provider.
>what is microsoft support from India
>what's free support from normal people from linux forums
Imagine being this ignorant.
>le virgin faggot who can't shut up maymay
Are you looking at Sup Forums or normal GNU/Linux users, Rajesh?
>no difference than running Linux in virtualbox
Good luck editing files from Windows or bash in any way. All this is, is just an isolated bash prompt with your drives in a mountpoint. Useless.
>on XDA
Don't choose ROMs with a number of 3 users.
The last link, sign up and get the fuck out of here.
>At some moment got interested into looking for other software providers.
>Don't want to buy hardware and hackingtosh seems a fucking hassle so don't care about apple for the moment.
>Download ubuntu mate installation media.
>Try to boot but get black screen.
>Literally first google result tells me how to start with nomodeset and how to install the proprietary nvidia drivers.
>Proceed to install.
>Start again with nomodeset.
>Update OS (extremely fast compared to windows) and install nvidia drivers from a GUI.
>mfw everything works, no need to search for drivers.
>discovers dolphin, youtube-dl, clementine, playonlinux, kdenlive, krita, etc.
>Comfy as fuck.
>Discover my previous MS office documents don't work fine always.
>Read about the problem and discovers MS issued an standard they don't respect and no one know how it got approved something like that.
>Around half of my steam games are not avilable on linux.
>Read about it and discover how closed technologies can work as lock-in mechanism.
>mfw going back to windows would be like begging to be mistreated.
>mfw i would be actively supporting to make worse this situation.
>Use my computer normally but try to save my documents in open formats when possible to avoid being locked out from them and try to reward those developers who uses a multi-platform approach.
Funny, I had ten times the driver issues on Ubuntu than I ever did on Windows.
Drivers worked great for me on Windows 10.
I've tried using the "free" support on various forums. Its shit because Linux so fragmented that few people have your exact same problem.
And yes, I have literally dealt with Pajeets on XDA trying to help me.
It's funny what the guy implies for linux users when microsoft is the one who actually instructs their employees the way you're describing here:
-For them "evangelism is war"
-MS is the one who has something akin to indoctrination: is teach at schools to people when is young.
-MS doesn't tolerate the existence of competing technologies, for them the only true victory is when the competitor closes their business.
-MS actually encourages their employees to spread FUD.
-MS actually pays people to manipulate opinions and shut up criticism and buys positive reviews on media.
There's a lot of funny things to quote.
Oh no your thrift store Athlon had trouble installing a modern operating system.
Chill off on the Stalltism and get a computer made in the last 5 years?
76 / 24 / 26
If you love Windows so much maybe you should pay for it
Seek help you deluded creepy little man.
I wonder what would happen to Linux adoption if some enormous company pointed thousands of highly skilled devs and money to making a distribution that rivals Windows.
Like what if IBM decided to make a "for everyone" distribution based on Debian or something that was absolutely bulletproof in terms of drivers, stability and performance, also letting their devs reach out to others to help them with their code and getting their programs to run on this distribution (especially programs that only run on Windows) while at the same time making the installation as easy as .exes.
Hell they could even charge a license fee if it gets good enough.
>half the posts are image macros or copypasta
>wonders why half as many IP'd as posts
Perhaps you are the one with brain problems, was memorizing all those GNU/Linux worth making you dumb at logic?
It's the opposite for me, sorry to disagree with you guise. That makes me think, why windows always receives a free pass when something fails? If something doesn't work on linux is linux's fault but if something dosen't work on windows it's fault of that specific software or hardware provider. Really makes you think.
No pal, but i will laugh on everybody who pay for it.
Thanks for proving this image right.
>still nobody interjected
MS zombies are funny guys. Keep entertain me with some memes or shitty pasta. :^)
It's Linux's fault because it is a niche product and doesn't have widespread hardware support because it is so niche. On Windows, you can blame the hardware maker for not supporting Windows properly because Windows is the industry standard, but you can also blame Microsoft if it is a problem with Windows.
Because this is just a thread to bash linux i guess you'll not mind if i left some pasta here just to add some extra background to the topic right?
Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2
"No douchebag I am actually much smarter than you"
Prove it.
This is some great MOPPING UP!
Good work!, keep spreading bull... er, i mean facts to more potential customers. You may seem to have an unabated passion for technology so i guess you be be interested into a job as DEVELOPER EVANGELIST. Believe me, you're good at what you do. Allow yourself take this unique chance!
>Linux society
>futuristic utopia
AHAHAHAHA. Meanwhile it's backward countries like North Korea and Venezuela FORCING people to use Linux for ideological reasons.
Cause there are many reasons why you wouldn't and shouldn't buy a MacBook.
Also, that statement isn't true. Macs are expensive, but they're not unobtainable.
If you can't understand the benefits or the use case of a Linux-based OS, you're stupid, hands down.
Second pasta:
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.
The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.
I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?
Some links:
I dual boot linux though.
Most shitholes like NK uses Windows.
open source = anyone can change the source code = can get hacked by viruses
Thank you Pajeeta, we promise to gang rape you less often from now on for your great service to the Linux community.
I tried to use Linux. I had to use another, Windows based computer just to be able to download networking drivers and put them on a USB drive to install on my Linux machine. And that was just Ethernet,, wireless wasn't a even supported for my card. It several hours just to get all the other drivers working. Am I really an idiot for not wanting to deal with that?
Try to contribute something to OpenBSD and come back if they accepted your HQ malware.
No, North Korea has their own Linux distribution called Red Star OS. Venezuela has Canaima.