AMD is gimping their older cards.
If you own a R9 or older DirectX 12 capable card, after installing the latest driver, it will be magically gone! No more DirectX 12.
AMD is gimping their older cards.
If you own a R9 or older DirectX 12 capable card, after installing the latest driver, it will be magically gone! No more DirectX 12.
Care to back up that clickbait bullshit with some credible sources?
Pooniggers on suicide watch.
What? No wonder then, yesterday I updated the drivers on my 380 and Hitman would not start anymore, only would give me a error that this game needs directx 12, had to play it in dx11 mode
No discussion about this anywhere. It's nothing but FUD.
What the fuck are they doing? December and January driver broke WattMan core overclocking function on any older card then an RX.
Now the February stable and March beta eliminate DX12.
now that's shitposting
Not OP, but it's not shitposting, I don't think they are doing it on purpose to gimp their cards, but new drivers don't have DX12 anymore on older cards.
GNU/Linux doesn't have this problem.
gnu shit does not even have dx12
the joke's on AMD, my driver's auto update keeps crashing every time I launch it
Fucking hell, just got a new mobile after my 1700 bricked it and now I can't even play games with d12!
I'm buying Intel and nvidia tomorrow.
>be me
>own R9 390
>update drivers to 17.3.1
>GPU magically disappears and I'm left with a gaping PCI-E slot
thanks AMD
It has Vulkan which is much better.
Except most Steam games and ports are just Wine wrapped Windows games.
Heck, there are more DX12 games now then there are Vulkan games.
Now that's gimping
His ass of course.
check dxdiag
This. What's the DirectX Version in dxdiag.
now together next to the driver version
We done here, Shlomo?
>too poor to buy a wii u for botw
that's not a source shill
his ass
Man, mine just shows 11.2 with the new drivers, it doesn't even say DirectX 11.2, just the number.
>he owns a babby lake
wew lad
i'm sure my geforce 240 also has directx12, you retard
why show dxdiag?!
>chrome dev edition
>origin running
>16gb page file
So, this is autism.
>i5 with 16gb of ram
>25gb page file with 7gb used
what the fuck are you doing
fuck off with your pagefile, m80. i've set it i don't know how many times, windows keeps putting it back on every update and i can't even be assed to change it anymore. i'm using two slc ssds anyway
and i'm doing actual work, btw
>hes OS does not respect his choices
>s-show dxdiag
>w-why are you showing dxdiag
Wew morons
>implying i have any
i didn't ask for dxdiag, moron
>falls for shit bait and starts defending he's autistic graphics card company and consumer choices
Look in the mirror if you want to see a moron.
>i-i never cared anyway :^(
lmao butthurt cucks
>falls for bait
>thinks others are butthurt
>i-i was baiting guise i promise
>origin running
I subbed to Access just to try the new Mass Effect.
It's shit.
don't let us keep you then
Posting in the antiquing aficionado thread.
AMD has temporary market advantage and blunders it. Many such cases. Sad!
You don't have to have DX12. You can always ride out Windows 8.1
If you look closely at the thread you'd see that you're an idiot.