I just learned that LibreBoot is infested by SJWs and led by a disgusting tranny who hates RMS.
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>I just learned that LibreBoot is infested by SJWs and led by a disgusting tranny who hates RMS.
>I just learned that LibreBoot is infested by SJWs and led by a disgusting tranny who hates RMS.
what did (insert proper pronoun here) mean by this?
What's wrong with transexuals?
Trannies and SJWs are not essential to libreboot. Those are just details.
But no one will listen to me anyway and dismiss me as a liberal communist because I am actually saying logical reasoning.
Why would anyone *not* hate RMS?
>liberal communist
nice meme comrade :-)
Here's logical reasoning:
Libreboot doesn't support anything newer than 7 year old x86. Not a fault of Libreboot, but of Intel's forcing of a binary blob ManagementBotnetEngine.
Coreboot is the best FLOSS firmware for x86, Libreboot is for freetards who are now forced to hack ARM laptops.
absolutely nothing
Never stick it in crazy.
But... Libreboot IS Coreboot, without the non-FLOSS parts.
use tinocore
Who cares? Libreboot is pretty nice software.
Coreboot has binary blobs.
Yes, my bad. Coreboot is the most FLOSS you can get on modern x86. There's simply no way around management engine
Nope, Libreboot doesn't sync up with Coreboot upstream. It's forever stuck in the static state of the time of the fork for x86.
Coreboot took over as the only viable FLOSS firmware, and it's not even that.
Here is an example: web.archive.org
In this blog post on his website, he refers to kids with down syndrome as "pets". This is unacceptable, for a person who is in such a position of influence, as he is.
He has said similarly nasty things about children and childbirth in the past, and has made sexist jokes. For instance, he once described women who have never used GNU Emacs as EMACS virgins. Leah is an emacs virgin.
Leah Rowe is a woman, and she recommends Vim. Her .vimrc is on vimuser.org.
Personal statement from Leah: RMS's comments about emacs virgins is especially offensive to me. Not only is it sexist in general (and directed at me, because I don't use emacs), but also offensive towards my sexuality. His statement implies that men are supposed to have sex with virgin women, and that women only lose their virginity to men. To this day, I've only ever been in lesbian relationships, although I am bi. I lost my virginity to a woman. I find it extremely insulting when someone assumes that I only like men, or that I'm generally interested in men. The woman that I lost my virginity to also happens to be a Vim user, and she is indeed an emacs virgin, like me.
You can't make this shit up sounds, like Ms. Garrison
Who cares?
So I guess they were sort of justified in breaking away from GNU.
What the fuck. IT sphere is fucking heap of freaks. I regret that i have to study fucking CS in university, because IT is full of degenerates
So what?
If it works for you, use it. Ignore the devs. Don't give them money.
If it doesn't work for you, don't use it. Ignore the devs. Don't give them money.
Time to ditch cuckboot I guess.
Why not just use Coreboot? It's basically the same thing, just without the freedard limitations. This has allowed it to be forked to dozens of devices. I use it on a T400 and T420 and it just werks. You can even disable the Intel management engine on newer devices now using ME Cleaner. Libreboot is old news.
any links or guide to a working t420 with coreboot and ME disabled?
Is Trannyboot only for chromebooks? I'd like to put either libre or coreboot on my desktop motherboard but nothing is supported. How are they even a thing when no meaningful hardware can actually use em?
>There's simply no way around management engine
Really? Is there absolutely no chance that ME could be reverse engineered in the future?
>without the freedard limitations
what are you on about, coreboot is still under the gpl
another victim of Sup Forums trolling?
>Libreboot is old news.
coreboot is much older and is what libreboot was forked from
Not the guy you're replying to, but I tried to swtich from libreboot to coreboot, but for some reason coreboot won't work on my PC while libreboot does.
I suspect there's some patches present in libre- that weren't upstreamed to core- but it's too much of a pain in the ass to figure out how the libre- patch system works, so I just said fuck it for now.
Let me know when the ARM laptops arrive...
Yeah, support Coreboot instead.
No, sorry. Its been almost a year and I forgot what guide I followed. For the ME Cleaner, just Google it and I'm sure you'll find something. The firmware for the ME is modular which makes the process pretty straightforward.
By "freetard limitations", I meant that Coreboot will still work well with other non-free components, including the Intel management engine. Coreboot gives zero fucks about whatever else you run on your machine. It's simply there to be a BIOS and boot your PC. And by Libreboot being old news, I meant that it's fucking dead. People still fork Coreboot to new devices. Libreboot on the other hand hasn't added any new hardware in fucking forever. I don't want to be stuck solely with ancient 32-bit dual core crap or an ARM Chromebook. Fuck Libreboot.
What computer are you trying to install it on? In what ways is it not working? How did you flash it? Ras Pi? BBB?
I rate RMS even more for calling out potatos. Who in their right mind thinks those fucking retards should be allowed to live? They're literally a burden on society and whatever guilt ridden parent that has to take care of it. Fucking abort them all.
You just learned? What the fuck fǟm
You're wrong, people with down's syndrome can be pretty intelligent and definitely enjoy their life.
Pretty intelligent? You're joking right?
>people with down's syndrome can be pretty intelligent
I'm not sure whether I should laugh or close the tab. You're joking, right?
Yes, you obviously haven't interacted with many if you're think they're all stupid. For some it mainly just effects their motor skills.
mental illness
mentally ill person
sane person
This is a sane person, I don't care what you support. If your shit works, I'll use it
>For instance, he once described women who have never used GNU Emacs as EMACS virgins. Leah is an emacs virgin.
I'm sorry, is something wrong in here? It's the correct terminology for someone who hasn't done a specific act. It only makes it worse that you stated he specifically assigned his definition to it since it makes you lose all credibility
There's no reason to use it over coreboot
Your computer isn't the only one anyone cares about. The important thing is, it's possible to have a computer that runs no proprietary software at all.
Seems like you're right on their level, bud.
Not an argument
I'm not saying he's right but, the 1% is actually smart. They're like dogs (pets), if you teach them to repeat something they will. They still should be euthanized IMO, they contribute nothing
shut the fuck up H.M
They're provably mentally ill.
Use Coreboot.org
Libreboot is a nice initiative, but I rather eat in corporate's proprietary firmware than being dependent to transvestites under female hormones for my bios (and also being obliged to run c2d in current year).
>Consolidate GNU statements into a single file
Also it looks like the floating notices on the homepage are gone.
It's nice how you don't even question who develops that proprietary firmware, or even what kind of social justice bullshit Intel and friends are into. If you actually care about that stuff, it's probably best to stop using technology all together.
T400 via BBB. It flashed just fine, but failed to boot.
I forget exactly what I've tried, but I think I did get it to beep at the grub prompt but no video (used to also be a problem for libreboot until a patch was submitted that fixes it).
I want to creampie him
Using a C2D isn't that hard or unpleasant... I'm still using my P8800 (even for compiling shit on Gentoo) and it isn't really a problem at all.
this no one cares about that stuff as long as the code is good
And the FSF is led by a disgusting RMS who hates trannies.
There are no winners here.
I viisted this link earlier this morning, along with three other links they had up on their page bashing GNU and RMS. Now they're all gone. It seems the disgusting tranny browses Sup Forums.
Watch this talk to see and hear what this disgusting tranny looks like. It has a super deep voice, not passing.
>this no one cares about that stuff as long as the code is good
Wrong. We do now, because it causes more trouble down the line.
Anyone who buys laptops from this outfit deserves what they will eventually get.
AFAIK it's possible to overwrite ME header on a motherboard chip and disable it.
not flashing it yourself, yes they deserve it.
who cares it a toy with NO real world impact.
take your autismCraft and fuck off
like firefox. nothing bad happend at mozilla that influenced the browser after a bunch of sjw got brendan eich fired
Who ever made that need to turn their screen brightness way down.
They are currently working on supporting the x220 series. X230 series is possible too.
So hardware is getting better.
so do i like stallman now?
They're overreacting but it was a definitely a bit autistic. He singled singled out women for some reason and then went on to say that it was a sacred duty for members of the church of emacs to relieve them of their virginity. He was just being the typical social retard you find around these circles and they took more offense to his bad taste in jokes than they should be legally allowed to.
both are autistic.
But it's quite a stretch from "emac virgin" to
"Leah: RMS's comments about emacs virgins is especially offensive to me. Not only is it sexist in general (and directed at me, because I don't use emacs), but also offensive towards my sexuality. His statement implies that men are supposed to have sex with virgin women, and that women only lose their virginity to men. To this day, I've only ever been in lesbian relationships, although I am bi. I lost my virginity to a woman. I find it extremely insulting when someone assumes that I only like men, or that I'm generally interested in men. The woman that I lost my virginity to also happens to be a Vim user, and she is indeed an emacs virgin, like me."
People makes stupid jokes all the time.
And this political correctness bullshit just cause more problems.
I go to a technology board because I am feed up with politics and I get this shit.
They should focus an development.
There has been quite some progress. This blog post is an interesting read.