XPS 15

Find a flaw.

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its shit

It's not a Macbook Pro Retina

One small flaw is all the Dell XPS astroturfing on Sup Forums

this is not a flaw
again not a flaw

>no full keyboard

>le numpad meme

Literally just got mine. QA is shit, but that's why you pay for premium support.
It's a beast otherwise

your dad doesn't love you

>5400RPM drive

Given that you can get a Latitude with the narrow bezel.

>Not a latitude

I have one. Love it, but the speakers are godawful.

Only the most expensive model is worth the price. The rest are overpriced in comparison with MacBook pros (they have only 1080p displays as well) and the cheapest model uses a mechanical hard drive. No laptop over 1000 bucks should lack an SSD.

>lowest configuration
>not having a microcenter near you

to be fair most laptop speakers are garbage

This is not even close to being true

Find a flaw? Name something decent about it. There are better laptops in that price range, stop shilling.

Oh there are? Please link them

Even the Inspiron laptops look better than this plastic turd.

Anyone who has one care to chime in? I want to buy a new laptop for school (engineering). Idc if it's 13" or 15".

Stay pleb.

Bow down to the masterrace

There is no need, you are a shill and every suggestion I give, you will ignore oe say its worse than your product. Theres a decent chance of you replying that there are no better laptops in the price range, but then again, you are a shill.

Oh so you don't have anything worth a shit to look at. As expected
Nice talking to you

it's not the xps 13


xps 13 isn't worth mentioning. The spectre x360 beats it in every way.

Does the Spectre require nonfree drivers to function on loonix?

If yes then it isn't even close.

Can get better hardware in the inspirons and for cheaper.

XPS is just Dell's attempt to attract applefags by showing how much they could be getting ripped off for a windows machine instead.


No it isn't. It's better hardware than applel shit for less price. Sorry if you hate windows for no reason.

Chiclet keyboard. Non-modular. Plastic touchpad.

>plastic touchpad
It's glass dipshit

Seeing as I typed that on the latest generation of win10 15' inspiron because the xps offered less for more money, I think you made a bad assumption

Find a flaw

i almost threw up

it's in the name, Raj

It'd be much better if it were metallic. Anyways, it's got horrid deadzones and has a delay.

What about the keyboard and modularity? Did I find two flaws?

I'm not talking about the inspiron. I'm talkking about the macbooks. Obviously the inspirion is cheaper its literally plastic

it's not a macbook

from the awesomeness of the specs you mean?
Unless you are a crapple fanboy that cares only about esthetics. then /yaoi/ might be for you

And my point is macs are for fags that like to get tremendously raped while xps is for fags that like to get moderately raped

>It'd be much better if it were metallic.

>Anyways, it's got horrid deadzones and has a delay
false, it's one of the best trackpads on the market

>clicky clack chiclet keyboard
>no physical touchpad buttons
>no dedicated media/volume buttons
>no clitmouse
>stupid skinny arrow keys
>will break if you drop it 6 inches onto carpet

it's not native 1366x768

>glossy screens affect portability
u wot m8

matte screens are more visible in sunlight

It's Dell, that's already a flaw.

I'm aware. What does this have to do with how difficult it is to move the laptop from one place to another?

Don't know anything about this computer but
>Windows 10

I think he meant it's more usable in a wider variety of places

It's a consumer class device, not business class like Latitudes or Precisions, and it doesn't offer the same warranty support.

Now if Dell was truly smart they'd release a Latitude version of this device with the same/similar hardware and the proper warranty support for business purchasers.

But they won't, unfortunately. Needs a matte non-touchscreen version as well.


Just get a third party matte screen protector???

16:9 screen

XPS or X1 Carbon?

pls help

>that NoseCam
>that giant bottom bezel
>chiclet keyboard

Would have to recommend the XPS in that one for many reasons but you'll have to figure those out yourself.

what do i buy if i want the xps 13 but with proper cam placement

Spectre x360


How is this a flaw?

Because it's not ≤13"

What if you like more screen realestate

That's what desktops are for

What if you are unable to use a desktop

Then you use your ≤13" laptop

What if you can't use a desktop but still want more screen real estate?

What sort of shitty situation are you on that you can never use a desktop?

When you're away from your desktop for any extended period of time?

So like I said, wait for your desktop or do it on your laptop

>wait for your desktop
Seems like an unnecessary thing to have to wait for when you could just get a laptop with a bigger screen

Well sure but then you'd have a less portable portable device. Seems pretty silly.

I don't really think sacrificing productivity for slightly better portability is a smart trade off.

If shaving 2" off your screen sacrifices that much productivity, you've got bigger issues than worrying about your laptop's screen size.

Not really, I really do think you're underestimating how big of a difference that extra 2" makes when working

Get some glasses, grandpa.

too small

touchpad in the center.
enjoy clicking at random stuff while typing.

Having used macbooks for many years this literally doesn't happen unless you're literally schizo


>Find a flaw.

Webcam on the bottom side of the screen, when you type the other person will see your hands istead of your face.

no problem user i saved you a bad experience

>xps 13 i5-7200u 8gb 256gb $1440
>spectre x360 i5-7200u 8gb 256gb $1658
>x1 carbon i5-7200u 8gb 256gb $1836
which one, Sup Forums? these are not usd prices

>Not a Macbook Pro Retina 13
>Not a Xiaomi Air 13.3

If you aren't buying a MBP then you shouldn't be wasting that amount of money on a windows laptop

>buys mac
>complains about others wasting money

get the spectre

I'd rather pay a bit more for a well constructed laptop with a good OS

If I was buying a Windows laptop I would buy the Xiaomi and be done with it.

I would never pay >$1000 on a windows laptop.

windows 10

Center is the only proper place for a trackpad.

Anemic low-voltage dual-core processors.

16:9 display.

macbooks are currently afaik the only ultrabooks avoiding this. its a pretty bad trend, but i'm glad other non-apple companies like ms and google (though the latter isnt doing ultrabooks) are also starting to buck it and i hope it sticks.

The xps 15 has a proper quad core 8 thread processor dummy

>lowest configuration

The lowest configuration is $999. 1,250 is greater than 999. Please try again

>buying McBooks

>well constructed

>good OS

How does this float with Linux?

>implying OS X isn't great.

Please return to plebbit

>tfw the xps is literal perfection except for the webcam
why did they do this?

Huh. Looks like you're right. That's good to know.

top bezel too thin for proper webcam placement

i got the XPS 13. My only regret is not getting the 1080p matte screen, don't make my mistake.

I end up running it at 1080p all the time anyways because 50% of the time I am just remote-ing into my work PC

Is there a difference between the hardware of the XPS 15 and the Precision 5520?