What is the most aesthetic computer operating system?

what is the most aesthetic computer operating system?

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they all suck; windows is junk; IOS and CHROME OS are the best and should be 100 percent free software.

The one I'm using


Mac OS X 10.3

>literally i'm too stupid to install arch but still wanna fit in with the super cool Sup Forums hacker dudes: the distro

Chrome OS is just a Linux distro based on Gentoo

Who said otherwise?


Plan 9.



Windows 95

Definitely this, followed by 10.6, 10.4, 10.10, 10.12, BeOS, GeOS, Amiga Workbench, and GS/OS (in that order)


10.5 and on has just been downhill from Tiger. I mean, 10.10 and up looks better than 10.5-10.9, but it still looks worse than the previous ones.

windows 98 duh

Not at all. I was using Arch previously for over a year and it's fine it's not even difficult at all to set up or maintain like people here like to say here and I never had a single thing break. I chose Manjaro because I tried it live and it's fucking nice. Yaourt is in their repos and pamac is set up OOTB and my Arch install was old as hell and I had a fuckton of packages and files and wanted a fresh start and frankly the idea of just going with Arch again felt boring.

>too stupid to install arch but still wanna fit in with the super cool Sup Forums hacker dudes: the distro
Newfag doesn't know about arch-anywhere arch-anywhere.org/
I'd bet that the majority of Arch installs here are done with this. Don't get me wrong it's a nice install script. It will get you on your feet with any DE in the repos.

OS/2 or temple

maybe this too

AmigaOS no doubt

What could have been

This and Windows 2000

Windows Vista


Incorrect. The answer is Windows®™ 7.

I was gonna say some meme OS for the lulz but this guy already posted them all.

>not using riced arch with KDE

Windows 7

most aesthetic
most A E S T H E T I C



Debian without any GUI installed.

Wasn't yaourt shit compared to other tools ? wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_helpers#Comparison_table
Manjaro should consider pacaur.

And do you actually use pamac ? Whatever the distribution I find it weird to use a GUI when you just need to write one thing to install remove a package.



Windows 10


These guys know

My brother

Windows 95

The meme was real for me.
I quit arch after Pacman broke my xserver for the third time. Used it for almost a month.
Tried Manjaro but then I realized I might as well just use Mint.

Red Star

Win ME

Anything with low res bitmap icons and colors like #008080 with grayscale accents


windows 93

How do you say it's based off Gentoo when it only takes portage from them
OpenRC and other Gentoo related tech is not used and most of ChromeOS was built from scratch

Windows 95

Little does he know Sup Forums is 50% autists, 50% pedophiles, 0% talent

The only correct answer is HAIKU

TempleOS of course

9front, seriously. It is also a fucking great os.
Haiku is pretty good too

Solaris 8 with CDE

My watch

Haiku is pretty QT.

Unfortunately every time I install it I realize all I really do on my computer is shitpost on the internet.

Love the pastel color scheme and the concepts behind it with regards to networking, hate the shit font rendering and retarded excessive mouse use.

A E S T H E T I C/10
That color scheme makes my wee wee hard

>Mac OS 9
>Windows 2000
I want to go back...



There are actually a lot of normies on Sup Forums. I think a lot of people grew up with Sup Forums and then discovered the other boards as they got older and got jobs and stuff

Linux Mint Cinnamon. But you already knew that.

The only truly aesthetic Windows is Windows 3.11 for Workgroups with icons designed by Sue Kare and the marble wallpaper

I like that HDD dock


what is this masterpiece of aesthetic and why did I never heard of it??

i think it's called a "wristwatch", user


also, why don't we see those in a e s t h e t i c pics? (I even bought one of these yesterday they are so damn sexy)

>hating bitmap fonts


what do you want to do? send me to Guantanamo Bay?

is he /ourguy/?

someone post sweetos.

OS/2 Warp

Objectively the best answer.
I don't get why just one user has said it so far


Amiga OS

The fuck is that? It looks like a weird clone of an old Amiga.

MagicWB is gorgeous

Pebble, custom

Define 'aesthetic'.


>tfw an operating system will never look this good again

Just wait for the flat fad to go away.

The increase in screen resolution will fuck it up though.


Do they already support Wi-Fi?

not OP but I've seen this around my department

Yes.... but no user accounts or permissions :^)

Windows 98

So? It's a single-user OS.

Windows 3.11