Current State of Windows

> Current State of Windows

At least it's honest

But being honest about a problem and doing nothing about it is even worse

It's actually not honest at all, it's just treating you, the user, like a child.

If they were honest they would tell you which bugs were fixed in the update (without you having to look that up on their website), and would let you decline it.

Why is this still a thing, even kernel updates don't require a reboot with ksplice. Why is this allowed?

Because Windows fucking sucks and not even Microsoft understand how it works anymore.

That's what you call idiot proofing for normies. If you don't like it, feel free to use something else.

I never said i use windows

Windows knows this is bad for PR.
Why are they doing this?

I don't have this problem.
I don't' use consumer versions of operating systems.

Only stupid normies do that.

Is that the actual message? Hahahahha

Windows 7 sucks more then Windows 10.

MS doesn't care about their reputation for home users any more.

No, it doesn't. Winblows 10 is a piece of trash.

And just that a bigger piece of shit existssomewhere won't make the one I stepped in better

And yet you're still using it for some retarded reason

But you do, dude.

Sad but true.

So I can argue with retards by actually bringing real proof (;

What alternative do you have? Linux? See this thread.

But why the fuck as your main OS, and not in a VM

Works on my machine™

>the most gullible faggot

Using it in VM is not fair.

>he didn't switch to void linux 6 months ago

at least he's a patriotic russian and uses AIMP

>post a post saying win 7 sux
>nice picture of Mr.Trump together with it

>What alternative do you have? Linux? See this thread.
Windows 7

My main OS is WIndows 7. Plus, I have a desktop and three laptops. I can spare one machine to run botnet 10.

>>post a post saying win 7 sux
I never said that. If anything WIndows 7 is the best (and only good) Windows version out there.

Lol, I'm Ukrainian (: And a woman.

You can disable automatic updates and update notifications. But you already knew that since you're a 1337 Linux user, right?

People actually use Windows so it has to cater to normies as well.

Windows 10 is turning the PC into a cable box. Wouldn't you agree?

>void linux
this is an 18+ website

>implying ukrainians are not just dirty russians

>cool, a new update
>system breaks
Fucking Microshit

>I never said that. If anything WIndows 7 is the best (and only good) Windows version out there.
>And a woman.
Obviously. The level of logic is numale or woman at best.

You forgot the best part, DISM is the slowest fucking thing on the planet. I can't even pretend to understand why installing system patches would take as long as it does on Windows.

Well then, enjoy your micro$oft branded buttplug deep down your anus (;

Look, the ruski microsoft shill again

>has no idea what's going on

also, you are the only one who posted a screenshot of using a microshit OS

>I never said that.
I think he means whats just shitty bait and you took it

>Am a woman
Bitch please, show tits with timestamp or gtfo newfag.


And..? That doesn't make it any less shite.

>keep bugging me xddd
Feels like tumblr.

>enjoy your microsoft butt plug
the buttblug must be real nice

>a woman

opinion discarded. pls go

How? I don't promote or tell people to use their shite.

lol, looks like an umbrella made of sticks

Fockin Vlad, cyka blyat

>forced updates
>forced UI
>forced ads

might be onto something there

Of course. Windows 10 is a service, not a OS

The words are actually suka and blyad. Also my name is Юлия (actual spelling) (:

>not knowing about Femanon
I think you might be a little green around here friend. Back to .


Go fuck Romeo, you have no tech knowledge

Me..? What do you mean?

You must be kidding.

>Go fuck Romeo
Hahhahahahahahah, that's a first. Seriously I never gotten said this. lol

Post proof faggot

nice meme shit you got there, if you want to upgrade your kernel you have to rebbot and most distros don't support it

Forgot this part, sorry.

most people using computers NEED to be treated like a child though.

Careful, you might forget to breathe some day.

No, it's cyka blyat retard. You can't just pick a language and fuck it.

Whatever you say.

>found the amerifat

>tfw idiots actually spell it "sika" instead of "suka" and think they are smart

cyrillic - latin
cyкa - suka
блядь - blyad (mid 'd')


Suca bliatd

stay mad lincuck

kek, this is satire right? Windows 10 isnt really doing this, right?

This. Why would you ask your "family hacker" to print something when there is a "PRINT" option visible right in front of your fucking eye. I swear they are fucking with me like this.

Op here
It's true

Solaris, dork. You'll have to go elsewhere for your attention now.

>Only stupid normies do that.
>Still uses Windows 10

We are speaking English here, not Latin

>My main OS is WIndows 7. Plus, I have a desktop and three laptops. I can spare one machine to run botnet 10.
Using Windows 10 just for shitposting? Are you actually serious?

kys shitlord

You use the latin alphabet.

Yes! (: Thetre's no real reason why anyone would use it other than shitposting. 7 is a superior OS on desktop.

>Not wanting updates

Hey, you're a stupid fuck


I don't have to, I can just patch while you have to kill your system every release lol

>Plus, I have a desktop and three laptops. I can spare one machine to run botnet 10.
Do you fuck normies or Sup Forums fags like yourself?

>MS and NSA

>Yes! (: Thetre's no real reason why anyone would use it other than shitposting. 7 is a superior OS on desktop.
I agree, but shitposting works just fine on Windows 7.

Somewhere in between. I can't stand men who are tech illiterates. And by tech I mean anything electronics related, not just IT. A man should be able to fix my shit if I ever break it, not send it to som repair shop which does a poorly executed job and a total rip off.

Ofcourse. And I ususally use 7. Only boot into 10 every now and then.

Yeah, a fucking trap.

Microsoft have seen what Google has done in the last decade and have decided to try to emulate their business model.

Windows 10 is more of an advertising platform now than an OS.

It's their an alternative? Sure. If you're a gaymer then you go for 7, 8 or 8.1.

Anything else then it's GNU/Linux where most people get a lot of satisfaction from installing, ricing and generally modding their chosen OS to suit their needs.

Me? I stick my cock into Ubuntu on a regular basis and I am unironic in the use of an Android phone to shitpost using Clover as it is comfy as fuck.

Can Windows 10 be improved? Of course not. Microsoft won't change course now. It's telemetry harvesting, forced advertising, freemium model, meme OS is here to stay.

And the sad thing is the only people who could force change, i.e games studios, won't develop for another platform.

Now fuck off.

What do you mean?

>implying rebooting once a week is a big deal

are you a furry?

Pic or it's a trap.

No. I'm ashamed that I even know what you're talking about even though I'd like to pretend that I don't know about that kind of stupid shit.

For free? No. I said before. Want pics? Pay me.

He will never post a picture.


This, what the fuck. I wonder how the fuck they managed to make it so fucking slow, the code must be a complete mess.

Did you had problems with your dad? Because that's a common denominator with attention whores

No, not at all. My parents are awesome :)

Looks like it's just the progesterone factor then. I'm sorry.

>frequents Sup Forums
>pretends to not know what furries are

your house of cards is collapsing. I'd still fuck your boipucci tho if it's waxed

can we have some form of proof you're a female? and besides that, why do you need to advertise you're a woman? can you not simply be anons with the rest of us senpai

Boot from a livecd and delete everything related to the updater from system32, worked for me on win7

Been, there done that, got the thread derailed and myself banned. Twice already. Also I posted a pic on Sup Forums once, in my first days here.. No more.