There hasn't been a solid smartphone in nearly half a decade

>there hasn't been a solid smartphone in nearly half a decade

>Note 4

lg g5

more like there hasn't been a decent flagship

>Note 7

lg v20, although im still waiting to see if there's bootloop down the line.

>iPhone SE

Nexus 5x

ZUK Z2 is probably the closest in spirit to the N5.

In terms of outstanding value for money and reliability, can't go past the Xiaomi Mi5.

Western manufacturers have really lost sight of what matters.

There has never been a solid smartphone.

From time to time there's been things that you can kinda sorta bludgeon into being something close to acceptable, but that's it.

htc hd2, the phone of the hacker gods
literally runs everything

Achilles heel of the HD2 was the screen that wanted to crack too easily and was only 16bit color

This, most Chinese are making really good stuff. Just look at the Nexus 6p.

One+ One

Fuck oneplus in the beginning for being that one autistic manufacturer that refuses to sell an electronic device normally and trying to make ownership a cool kids club

It's only been two years since the BlackBerry Classic came out though

Only correct response here tbqh senpai

>nexus 6p
>bends like tinfoil
>battery fault, shuts down at 30%
>SD810 is shit although that isn't Huawei's fault

>mfw I still use my N5 after all this time
BRB, battery ran out while typing this post

No but seriously this battery is shit and LG won't send me a replacement

>power button plague

Loved this phone, the power button plague killed two of them

>glass back
If the battery was only marginally better I'd grab another one, I don't give a shit about updates and support

Say that to my face motherfucker

>64GB built in storage
>Best DAC on a smartphone
>Made from recycled Airplane wing metal
>SUPER fucking light, almost worrisome so
>Flagship specs even for today
>beautiful IPS display, one of the best on a phone currently
>Pretty good camera

Again, say that to my fucking face.

Only phone that has ever given me problems, returned it 3 times and just gave up and dealt with the useless gps, then the wifi chip died. I can tell from the number of complains its a common issue, no wonder it was cheap as fuck: shit build quality.

Those new Nokia phones look like they'll be good, specifically the 6.

What do you mean? My note 5 is nice

Nice try, anti shill. I've had my N5 for 4 years and the only damage that it's ever suffered came from me dropping it out of my shirt pocket onto the edge of a cinder block.
Dropped countless times before that on multiple materials and nothing happened to it. The thing is unbreakable unless you're an actual retard.
No other problems whatsoever other than battery life.

wanted to get a new phone since my htc m7 was getting kind of old and decided i can waste up to 220 bucks. at the time i got the m7 it cost me around 450. so i decided i would try a chink phone and went with the vernee apollo lite. 10 core 4 gb ram 32gb internal rom 1 sim and 1 sim/sd slot battery life is around 2 days worth for me but i only read 2 hours a day on it so im not a heavy user

i would say if you cant find a "solid" smartphone you are not looking for one. plenty of fish in the android market offer really wide range of choice

You got lucky then, also this it's like they knew people would hold on to it as long as possible and plagued it with problems.

Who cares? I'm still using my nexus 4 and it works perfectly fine.

I'm out of the loop on smartphone processors. How much of an improvement is the Snapdragon 821 over the 810? I'm thinking of upgrading from my 6p, but idk if a phone with the 821 is a worthwhile upgrade.

nice iMEME

>disappointing camera
>on screen buttons
>too light
No thanks.

Pixel is great desu senpaitachi

If they don't lag and have updates for atleast 2 years then yeah.

No landscape sliders anymore...

No reason to care...they're all the same slab...

These smartphones all look like the same shit to me


Thre's a kickstarter for a landscape keyboard for some Motorola phone, or you could join the portrait masterrace

Moto Z keyboard mod
In fact Moto Z is the most innovative phone to come out in a long time, but it's too expensive so NEETS on Sup Forums don't care for it

>galaxy S7
>non-bomb ver

Hello rebbit

Portrait keyboards are for men and professionals. Landscape sliders are for women and teenagers who are too stupid to type anything longer than 2 sentences at a time