Things normies say about tech

stupid shit normies like to spread about computers, ill start

>user, you can get viruses by opening emails!

>macs don't get viruses user

But you can.

>I like to post frogs!

>C is low level!

>implying you can't get viruses by opening email

this one is true tho...
source: i use macos and have never gotten a virus

but you can... dumb frogposter.

how is that even possible, all you get by opening an email is plain text and whatever file is attached to it, how do you run an executable by opening an email

> linux can replace windows user

>booboontoo is all you need user

they generally don't and it usually requires manual intervention

99% of people who own a mac are never gonna get a virus

similar to linux

> mpv is not a cheap knockoff of madVR that can't even run BlueskyFRC user

Here it is the virus, user

some mail clients load the html and images by default and those could contain exploits

You wouldn't even know...

Exactly, but what i'm trying to say is that you don't necesarily open the file by opening the email

Wtf??? you mean to tell me you don't open familyphotos.exe? I hate you now!


>this pc has more ram user! therefore is better!

>linux has no viruses

>a laptop with an i7 is faster than a desktop with an i5

say thanks to intels marketing department lel

go back to writing roller coaster tycoon assemblyfag

>user, your games are making the computer slower, not my 5 toolbars in Chrome/limewire.

The 'C' in C literally refers to it being high level.

You have a virus it's called AIDS