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Technology #595
I've got a RX 480
Condoms are technology. What condoms are you using Sup Forumsentoomen? You do use condoms right?
Is it normal to begin to long for a luddite lifestyle as you get older?
Live in Russia
Why does Firefox strive to outclass all other browsers in terms of raw unlikability?
Wait Vega Sup Forums say, wait Vega
Across the board PC market price hike
/guts/ - Guts thread
Intel starts making i9 processors. What's so special about them?
Find a flaw
Tfw the original ps2 and the whole playstation brand at that time was so aesthetic
Let's go back in time
His motherboard isn't made by Gigabyte
Just got this pop-up a few minutes ago. Took a screenshot
Find a flaw
Convince me not to pull the trigger
Click bait
I keep getting an IP/Range ban on a certain board and for no apparent reason (I haven't broken any rules...
He doesn't use a Core2
Speccy thread
I just installed Kali Linux and downloaded Nmap
He isn't earning a passive income from his website
59 Hz
Mystery map
Send a friend a text file
So, I just installed the Linux OS...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What are the benefits of torrenting content instead of getting it through official channels?
Autism Tech
Neat or practical programs for PC? (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.)
The IBM Model M is the best keyboard of all ti
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Cum get an email
Is H1-B the 21st century equivalent of the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria...
Buggy chipset drivers
Have you ever been so lonely you coded a program to have a basic conversation with?
Eh whiteboii hand me over ur backpack
What are the actual benefits of using terminal?
5 cents of silicon
Have websites gotten slower? or are web designers shit now?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - "Extreme Case Modding" Edition
Monitor General (/mg/)
Spectre x360 15
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
A website,, sells Thinkpad x220s with Libreboot and Debian preinstalled for a minum price of £798...
/win10/ - Is it really more annoying than using a linux distro?
Windows 7 Appreciation thread
Ryzen 5 1600 running Witcher 3
Which Ubuntu flavour Sup Forums and why?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
So is this shit on my motherboard basically worthless? I can't find one device using SATA Express...
Some people are trying to get a fully functional text based environment...
Find a flaw
Is 2017 the year of the GNU/Linux desktop?
How overrated is this brand?
XFCE appreciation thread
What software is this?
It's time to lube up, boys
What is the most hacker thing you've done, Sup Forums?
Using a smartphone
Name better tech Youtube channel
Uptime thread?
What are some of the biggest product launch fuck ups in history?
"web programming is not real programming"
Home server upgrade thread
I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children...
Tfw fresh Windows 10 LTSB. No gay apps, it's basically like W7 but doesn't come with an imageviewer
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
He doesn't have a butane torch faucet
How much does does a CS BSc make in your country?
Lately I've seen overly long function names like initialiseGraphics(). Why not just use initGfx()...
Have to write a garbage collector for monday
Can you still use XP as a daily shitposting machine in safe ways?
Old thread
Try to set up vstfpd server on raspberry Pi in have lying around
What is the name of that tech
/wt/ watch thread
Why are you on Sup Forums?
File Server vs. NAS
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming
Hates windows 10 botnet and telemetry
What is wrong with my system?
Is this store still relevant?
Thoughts on Samsung galaxy s8
What is your opinion about hacking cars? How to make your car safe...
Bootlegging Advice
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why the fuck do startups only want Node.js developers?
How do you not live in constant fear of your SSD or HDD dying even though you make backups twice a week?
Spill water on keyboard
Screenfetch / Neofetch Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Any machine learning enthusiasts here?
Buy one of those gigantic noctua heatsinks
Why is Boolean logic considered important enough that George Boole is considered one of the founders of computer...
Don't mind me! Just pirating this car
How do I get my desktop to look like this?
Between CIA niggers, mandatory key disclosure laws and no net neutrality, Burgerland is lost...
Reminder that if you use encrypted messaging apps, you are basically supporting the terrorists
What the hell am I supposed to do?
Be me
Why aren't you paying for a Sup Forums Pass...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Can Sup Forums live without systemd in 2017...
Touch Typing
Palew Moon and it's (invitable) future?
Design Fuckups
Hiding tether usage
What is the objectively best browser?
What does Sup Forums think of C#?
Are the GMO plants such as Bt soybean safe to eat or not?
C++ as a general purpose language was a mistake
My friend told me that you can learn everything about html & css in less than 20 mins
Personal servers
What would happen if I RAID-0 an SSD with an HDD?
Tech story threads
ITT: Sup Forums designs the worst IDE
Are you at college? Did you go to college? If so, what was your major and what computer did you use...
Just use linux bruh
ISP Cucked
Name one must have program you have discovered this year. Pro tip, you can't
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hey Sup Forums. I have to teach a 61 year old relative how to use the computer...
Stupid questions thread /sqt/
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Hey Sup Forums
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Do I pull the trigger?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - "Cores" Edition
Wats the highest quality image format
How do I become a better programmer Sup Forums? I want my skill to go to the next level
He вoлнyйcя, тoвapищ, я пpocтo пиpaтcкoe винo, ecли зaхoчeшь, зaплaти!
Who is still running Pentium 4 and refuses to fall for the 64 bit meme?
Real question for people with mechanical keyboards like the one in the picture. How well do they really work...
Macbook with Windows for College?
Is Windows Defender any good?
Must know languages for an embedded software developer?
With Ryzen finally released, how does everyone feel about the FX series chips? Is it even worth mentioning?
What the fuck is their problem dude?
How to make this really usable?
What programming language would help me forget how much i want to kill myself
So Sup Forums
Post collections
Made a dating site from scratch
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming
/hpg/ - Headphone General
No guts thread
I need a keyboard that doesn't ghost
Sticker thread
EGPU For Video Editing
Anyone know anything about this keyboard?
Data hunt for evidence of cheating
Other than maintaining legacy banking system and US ballistic missile system...
Speccy thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Don't mind me just pirating this wallet
Who here is /LGA775/
Ugh groan zone
Clover v1.2.11
Running Non-free software on your wrist
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Going to build a new PC
How can a desktop environment be so retarded like gnome...
Tfw I got meme'd by this
If they still manufactured and sold CRTs, would you buy/use one?
Are Seagates really that terrible, meming aside?
Sup Forums memes you fell for
What are your thoughts on antergos?
Stop using LastPass RIGHT NOW
Perfect phone doesn't exis-
/bst/ Battlestation thread
My moms laptop is stuck on this screen. She's never had a password on her computer...
His uptime is below 60 days
I want lose my all fucking life in Forums, live in Posts and Thread
Can you make decent 2d games with python and pygame?
Why doesn't Aplel just add a mouse pointer and a trackpad when it's docked to the keyboard?
What can be done about YouTube 'celebrities' and the morons who support them?
Ask comp sci major to fix my computer
ITT: we generalize posts as regular expressions
Only .4% of girls taking a programming class in high school, how do we make the tech industry less sexist?
Why do you hate Go?
Android is for children / basement dwellers (iPhone master race)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows is fucking garbage
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What do they even do nowadays?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Does anyone here use Windows 10 LTSB on the desktop? I like Windows 10 generally, but hate the tiles, Cortana, Edge...
Is it too much to ask a portable device with a Linux based operating system that can play video and has a qwerty...
Samsung always wins
/wt/ watch thread
Why did it have so many problems?
Has anyone tried doing character modeling in free software that isn't blender...
Why does everyone learn programming online all of a sudden? I mean, what could you do with it...
Why most of linux users here are weaboo fat fucking faggots with pictures of naked anime girls opened in image viewer...
I'm new to this Free as in Freedom thing. Just got my distros in the mail. Which one should I install first?
AMD 5xx are pure rebrands
Why the Ryzen 1700X/1800X is Pointless AND Worthless
Linux users can't even average two ints
When I create memes, should I save them .JPG or .PNG?
Give me one reason to become a programmer
Code Indentation, TAB vs 3 spaces?
How would you treat your sexbot Sup Forums?
Apple design thread
What is the point of the command line in 2017?
What is the fucking point of 4K you fucking mongoloids if 99% of sources are 1080p?
US Customs and Border Patrol searched through my laptop and seized it because of pirated movies. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??...
How to make xfce4 look good?
I/O table leak of the X390 and X399 Platform, used in AMD's upcoming 16 to apparently 12 core chips for productivity
Open hardware thread
I use leafpad
Find a flaw
Youtube is dead
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
If your CS degree didn't teach/have you
Windows 10 window borders
In anticipation of debian stretch release in a few months. I'm shopping for a new DE
What happened to him?
Why does everyone suddenly learns how to program? I mean, there's obviously huge competition. Just look at Google Play...
Now that Linux is a botnet
Gnome finally implements a feature
/EDC/ - Every Day Carry
The state of Windows in 2017
/csg/ Chink Shit General
This thing is tempting
What's this thing I found on top of a trash can?
Tech nostalgia
Tfw there's no girls studying CS in my college
Do you practice digital minimalism?
Whether you like Samsung or not, this thing looks beautiful
Modern corporations are the new commies
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Not owning a 2 in 1 in the current year
You want to give money to AIDS research, right Sup Forums?
Do you guys think it'll be possible in the future to have your own ship?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Shit like this makes me lose faith in Apple and forces me to hate everything
What tech do you refuse to upgrade?
Should I study CS at university?
Is the Sansa Clip Plus with Rockbox still the greatest mp3 player of the decade?
Is Chrome really a botnet or is that just a meme? If it is, is there a way to protect yourself from botnet?
Gigabyte Aero 14
Base64 -d<<<H4sIAHGm0lgAA9NPS88p0VfQVXArykzNS8mpVHD3C9X3ycwrrVAIyShKTUzhAgC9Qtv5IwAAAA==|gzip -cd
ExpressJS vs Ruby on Rails
Games at 8k
What image viewer do you use? I've been using IrfanView but it can't play GIFS for shit
Gnucucks will defend this
Explain this Sup Forums
Stock Android experience
Lenovo Thinkpad Replacement Battery Issue
Can anyone meme me into Linux?
Is there any non-SJW free software left? They spread like fucking fungus
Think it looks cool
Mouse Thread
64GB Storage is engough
Le epic messy man
What os do you use?
YEAH DON'T FUCKING MIND ME JUST STE--I MEAN pirating this bottle of wine!
ITT: Times when AMD destroyed the competition
Screenfetch / Neofetch thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Guy runs big botnet and drains bankaccounts
Anyone got a good vim game? I was liking vim adventure then they asked for money
I EDC an e-reader instead of a tablet/phone. My current device, a kobo touch...
How do you feel about this list:
/videochat/ General
Give me ONE reason not to learn Python
Using VPN's to avoid ISP disclosure of internet history
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - "It's just like LEGOs" edition
Tfw you fell for the SSD meme
Why are you a pedophille?
1800X hits 85C on 4.1 ghz
Why do you use Linux?
Did i fuck up?
Looking to get into IT networking. What certs/books should I start with? N+ Security+ then CCENT CCT?
How bad of an idea would it be to use one of these for a home server?
Tried to install linux, erased all my porn into oblivion
Who are the geniuses of Computer Science?
Stop using nonfree software
Tfw you are an audiophile
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Sup Forums memes
Comma vs Dot as decimal point
How can I get fire tv to play files from my portable HDD? it says it only supports FAT32 which is fucking lame
Terry is live streaming
What is the best laptop to buy on ebay for under 250 bucks?
Find something wrong with this
What does Sup Forums think the best server operating system is?
The real reason most reviewers tested with 2133 and 2400 RAM on Ryzen
XPS 15
What technology will create the next dot-com bubble?
What's your excuse for not using the best web browser on the market?
Redpill me on Macs Sup Forums
Daily reminder that minimalism is the Unix philosophy
What technology was used to make this masterpiece?
Faggot phone AIDS edition
Why aren't you masturbating front of the webcam while thinking cia agents?
/mpv/ - madVR is still the best
We have come very far
Speccy Thread?
Can we have an emacs thread?
Developing OS For Anonymity
Is rakudo to perl 5 as c++ is to c?
Install arch
Repeal of Net Neutrality
Are you enough smart?
QBittorrent is a meme
Spectre x360 15
What's a good operating system to use ironically?
Why do people still buy physical media? Does Sup Forums horde physical media...
How do I make a roguelike?
Thinking Linux is the best alternative os
Vapes Are Technology: Vape Sup Forumseneral
Sup Forums Documentary & Movie Thread
Net's Nove Nackt edition
Ubuntu users: why not just Debian?
Internet Shut Down
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Internet providers
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
PC case thread
Serious question here
Can anybody recommend a good soldering set to me? I want to learn electronics repair for personal use. Also...
What phone browser does Sup Forums use and why?
Thinkpad is dead in enterprise
Would you buy a motherboard from Apple that let you build a Mac with your own parts?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Router Thread
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Uhh, what's happening with Ubuntu?
Model m keyboard user
People complain about getting virus alerts from game hacks or cracked games
Kaby Lake-X a joke, Intel BTFO cont
Help friends
Systeme /d/
Why is Winshit so ugly?
Why aren't you running the best Linux distribution?
Should I call for the 4k meme or go with 1440p?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Slow news day edition
Things Sup Forums lies about
FOSS worth donating to
/comfy computers inc/
Because of this bullshit the senate passed...
The city of Intel tears
Innacurate Ban Time
Is there any use for brainfuck?
Pleb-tier sales associate here. Ask me anything
Who makes the best modular power supply?
Why aren't you using the best PDF viewer that exists Sup Forums?
Give me one reason why I shouldn't own this exact setup
Pooxel is shit
Why does Sup Forums hate C?
So my family found out about that Senate vote and are starting to freak out...
* was a mistake
Does an mp3 player that has:
How do I get a computer without backdoors? Both AMD and Intel have backdoors...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
If I memorize every line of every program in a given gentoo gnu/linux distribution and step through them storing the...
Explain to me why Androids are better than iPhones again?
Tech brands you don't trust despite never owning any of their products
What the fuck is wrong with Debian maintainers
Best VPN
I assume the majority of people here work in tech
Has anybody ever donated because of this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Where can I learn C++
Order something on Amazon
Why is Sup Forums butthurt about golang? I thought Sup Forums liked minimalism,
Android users don't know this feeling of comfiness
Why the hell are you not using the best version of windows?
Which programming language has the absolute worst community?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Has IRC finally been replaced? Do you use Discord or do you still prefer multiplayer notepad?
What are they up to now, Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Am I going to die?
Hello and welcom to the anime thread
/tosg/ - TempleOS General: Don't you forget about me edition
/wdg/ - Web Development General
USA just passed a resolution to allow ISPs to sell your data to other companies
Running non-free software on your wrist
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
An executive running Linux?
Adobe flash is still prolific in fucking 2017
Ready your battlestations Sup Forumsents
/XMPP/ - General v. 4
Are you still going to buy Apple products?
Hahahahah, americunts
This is new Firefox design Sup Forums. Maybe it will change in time for 57 release
Intel Management Engine
Name one good reason why anyone should upgrade to W10
Is Libreboot the solution to this NSA UEFI botnet shit?
Assembly lang hw help
Hi Sup Forums what is the best poorfag smartphone?
Best operating system
I hate programming, please help
Their are people on this board who """upgraded""" to windows 10
I fell for the Arch meme, what is the best desktop environment to install?
What image editing software do you guys use?
Post Stallman's Face when he reads this
Going to grad school in the fall and needing a new laptop...
What's a good monitor to where when I tilt my heard the screen won't go dark?
I've learned all the Python 3 syntax but I'm still having trouble when it actually comes to programming, what do?
Uptime thread? uptime thread
Do LEDs effect hardware performance?
1080Ti overclocked beyond 3 GHz with LN2 with the stock PCB
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Technology is Cancer
Are you happy with your major Sup Forums?
It's clearly better
Look what followed me home, Sup Forums
Python is the best programming language
Just installed ZorinOS
Say it with me: ThinkPhone
Hey Sup Forums
What do you keep your notes in, user?
TFW I wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Is there any reason to use Linux in a VM?
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Linux Class
Fuck microsoft, how do I stop this?
What are the essential addons and tweaks for Firefox?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple's selling points?
Post legitimately good reasons why you're not running Manjaro as your primary distribution and also why you have not...
DVD Ripper
Go is a language for fags, triple niggers and googlebabies
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Is there any way to make Visual Studio work on Linux?
Do people use GPUs for anything other than gaming?
Apple will begin manufacturing iPhones in India
Post RMS's face when
Computer Science or Engineering?
You're running for president, what do you say to get the Sup Forums vote?
With the latest news from Congress, it's official. I need a VPN, Sup Forums. What's good out there...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Mozilla is right!
Romania has faster internet sped then america and romania is farely poor
How is this possible?
Managed to order pic related off newegg today
He uses non-free software
How do powerline adapters work, and how can I troubleshoot a set of them?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Stay with the stock cooler for non-k CPUs edition
Built a Fallout themed PC in the fallout 4 pip-boy edition box. Your thoughts?
Is 2017 the year of the GNU/Linux desktop?
Senate Passes Bill Allowing ISPs to Sell Your Browsing History
Ubuntu is actually pretty nice once you find compatible hardware
Sup Forums, is internet privacy a thing?
Why don't you have a 2 in 1 laptop?
So, what exactly is the day-to-day purpose of a VPN? Hiding your torrenting...
What do you use your tablet for, senpai?
Intel won, AMD finished & bankrupt
Best video recording program for Windows 10?
What is the best graphics API
know how to program/code
1 peter 1:23 edition
How did you get used to hot drinks, Sup Forums...
Is the Raspberry Pi 3B backdoored / botnetted / CIA niggered? I'd like to use it for as a hardware firewall. Otherwise...
Will windows ever be good again?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Name one reason why you don't have a mid tower
Why use vim when atom exists? Atom editor and plugins are faster because v8
How many computers do you guys have? I currently have one machine but am thinking about getting two more machines...
Guts thread
More leaks and rumors have been coming out about X399
Mac love thread
Normies waste their time on Facebook, NEETs waste their time on Sup Forums
Lincucks BTFO
Do I go back and get it or?
Speccy thread?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What port is that one on the left?
This isn’t just your browsing history or cookies. It’s geolocation data, financial info, passwords, health info...
My Computer Engineering Teacher just said in class that Mozzila is safer than Chrome. Is that correct?
This is a PSA for all actual Sup Forumsentoomen on this board: If you want FF to not be slow pile of shit...
So why isn't Sup Forums getting together and writing Pepe OS?
Wow, fuck Razer
Where did UI design go so wrong?
> his CPU is beaten by an i3 that costs 179 bucks
Name a better Operating System
Why do you guys hate Windows 10 so much? It works great for me
If you look at VAULT7, you will be arrested
It's over Intel is finished!
AMD Confirms It: Ryzen CPUs Are Locking Up PCs
Stop referring to the GNU/Linux system as Linux
Fire Fox isn't dyin-
DRAM prices expected to rise still in 2017
Do AMD CPU's have backdoor's as well?
I buy and do all these things to earn street cred and respect from Sup Forums
XMPP general
Post a screenshot of this thread if you're using a custom css for Sup Forums
Don't mind me, just posting from my glorious iPad from the toilet
Starting a career in IT
Power9 IBM, Intel, AMD, finished, etcetc
What is wrong with AMD users aka Ryzen fanboys? They just don't want to understant that AMD is inferior
women can't code
Why does anyone even need these overpriced turds...
Underrated under appreciated language
If python compiled to machine code like c/++ you would use it
I have i7-7700K. What should i buy: 1060 6gb or RX480 8gb?
Tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O' <<< '^78=E^ uC:6?5=J v}&^{:?FI %9C625'
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Can people find my steam?
Books every programmer should read. (You can mention books for an especific programming language too)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How can we end Samsung cancer?
What's next for the CPU?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Password Strength
I only play starcraft2 so i dont need it
> the moment games or desktop applications use more than 8 cores
/wt/ Watch Thread
Simulated R5 1500x/1600x gaming results, they're all the same
Name a better laptop than pic related
Just noticed I passed 1 million blocked requests with uBlock Origin and wanted to celebrate it you with you Sup...
Which image viewer does Sup Forums use?
Favourite vape mod?
Why are motherboard makers putting the m2 drive between the GPU and the motherboard? Is that even safe...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is DirectX dead yet?
Cemu Discussion
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
TFW reading about how much tax fraud and credit card fraud cost the US per year
Umm, user, you're laptop display is ten eighty pee, right?
What best Sup Forums client for Android?
What are the things I can do on other systems but can't on MacBookPro?
Technology is Cancer
Boss is monitoring me
No iOS Clover?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Can someone explain to me why this board seems to have largely taken an anti-firefox stance on this board? Also...
What router does Sup Forums use? I just bought pic related. Is it any good?
Best and most beautiful mobile device on the market
So my pc that I'm using right now is fucking up. I built it in 2009 when the i7 first came out...
Is 7.1 headphones a meme?
What's he programming now?
AMD doesn't actually believe that they can compete with Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors, do they?
Why aren't you running GNU/ HURD instead of Linsux?
Why do people keep falling for ransomware and why are they mostly American?
Let's settle this
What happened to Terry? I miss him
A e s t h e t i c
How to use xbox 360 controller with linux
Sitting in public space, Uni for instance
Best open source apps on Android?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Corrupting an SD Card
He hasn't overclocked his shitty 60Hz IPS monitor
Is Firefox the most feminine browser?
Spectre x360 15
Get new PC
Is there any way to unlock a dell bios?
GNU/Linux games, not Sup Forums
I'm sick of programming communities that are run by faggots
Microsoft sold out to China
Why hasn't any browser in the last 25 years ever done this
Thoughts on Lua? It's pretty goddamn barebones, making it kind of impractical on its own...
Speccy thread
Why are all printers shit?
Someone give me the quick rundown on zen is the 1700 worth it? Im about to purchase it
Rooting & Installing Custom ROM on Xperia Play
Tfw you can't watch animu as the distro you tried believes media codecs are evil and has them blacklisted
Linux Mint Appreciation Thread
Programranmg drunk
Fucking hell just do adds already
Desktop Envirments
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Post your Keyboard
Sapphire Radeon Nitro Plus RX 480 4GB GDDR5
Everyone—except tech workers—knows that tech workers are mostly white men
$20,000 worth of BTC
How do I not suck at ipv4 address? I'm studying for some certifications, I get a little bit...
So how does Sup Forums feel about devuan?
Follow up on yesterday
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Should I get into c++ or java?
Explain this role without using buzzwords
Why aren't you using Trisquel GNU/linux
Surface Book
Worst meme job titles you've seen. I'll start:
How was the Dial-up era, Sup Forums?
Is your CPU stable at 5GHz, or are you a clocklet? Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Pc is asleep
/tosg/ - TempleOS General: God's chosen edition
Be fullstack dev
What are some God tier paid mobile apps that are so good you actually bought them?
Name one good reason to get an Android phone over an iPhone
How can other DEs even compete?
Home server thread
There are people who pronounce SQL as "sequel"
Why aren't you using this Sup Forums?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - No typos edition
RYZE from the ashes AMD, your time has come. The r5 series will be the best CPUs to purchase
Why isn't Solus installed on your computer?
Robots should be taxed if they take people's jobs
Screenfetch / Neofetch Thread
Intro to program class
OS for old ass netbooks
What will it be called?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
VP9 for everything
The city of Inteltears
Encryption is over
Name one ((1)) freeware software better than its proprietary counterpart
Why are Apple users literally stupid?
Why do laptops come with stickers but MacBooks dont
The phonecall that saved AMD
Why dont you sit with us and __hack__ on things, user?
Why do poojeets suck at hardware engineering, much less software?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Reminder that if you use opus for portable player, you're using it wrong
He doesn't know assembly language
/bst/ Battlestation
Can someone explain to me what a monad is?
Hi, i am a professional progammer
Is FOSS society getting massively cucked by SJWs?
Capacitive buttons > Software buttons > Hardware buttons
Itt: literal 0/10 software
Software bugs causing deaths
I need a laptop for writing books. Recommendations?
Who here /core2duo/?
How accurate is this?
Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results 2017
Umm what's that user...? you are still using firefox? but it's so slow and old...
What's the official Sup Forums-approved VPN?
Does Sup Forums use AHK?
Tfw got a summer internship in Mountain View all expenses paid after asking Sup Forums for help studying for interviews
Why would anyone buy a founder's edition card? Do people really need a fucking oven inside their case?
Is the uni comp space saver still worth it?
Wow apple's new design is so innovative and does not look like a streched 5s at all no...
It just occured to me that you can't really say "would you download a keyboard?", "would you download a speaker?"...
How do we save them?
Laptops with off center trackpads
Today i bought a thinkpad E570 brand new for $830 AUD (635.38 USD)
Does it even matter any more?
I just got a new monitor (ASUS VG248QE). I want scientific proof that it is running at 144hz while playing video games...
/SQG/ Stupid Questions General
What does Sup Forums think of the new Brisk menu developed for the MATE desktop by Solus devs?
Anyone remember moot's
Whatever happened to the low end video cards? Haven't seen any gt or r7 cards on the market in a while...
Samsung 850 SSD
Just got a new PC. What programs should I download straight off the bat? Think Java, Adobe Flash, etc
Live in USA
Little help
After years of using mechanical keyboards
I want to get my foot into an IT call center so I can advance my career but everyone wants some sort of experience with...
Tfw fell for the 16GB RAM meme
Apple is the king of tablets
Is Wire literally /ourIM/?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Gemini PDA Android & Linux
Find a flaw
Screenfetch / Neofetch thread
Anyone running a hackintosh machine currently?
Tablets are more useful than laptops in 2017 and if you disagree, you're mentally challenged
/wt/ watch thread
I want to use a webcam to remotely monitor my washing machine and dryer so I know when my clothes are done
How often do you format your PC?
Meme Text Editors
What's the easiest language to learn?
Computer Science Cutie Thread
Should I learn Lisp as a first language?
Find a flaw
Picked up a motherboard (asus prime z270-A) and got home to see processor slot was like this...
Whats your favourite case Sup Forums? I'd vote for the S340 Elite
Holy fucking shit!!!
/dpt/ - Daglig programmeringstråd
The only sane choice
IT Support Interview Review
Libretorrent 1.3 for Android is out! Free yourself from the Flud botnet today!
Void Linux
Piracy is wrong and there is no good excuse for it ever. you neckbeards think it's okay to steal people's hard work...
I'm beginning to learn Python. What is wrong with my code?
Why doesn't LXDE come with PulseAudio?
He hasn't made the upgrade to Fedora yet
How do I get these ants out of my Kindle? I put some sugar water next to it and they came out
/- PC Build General - concerned shlomo edition
So my fat ass negibours kid comes home everyday and sits down infront of his gaymin computer to play with his "friends"...
Cat /etc/hostname thread
Dual Chamber PC cases
IPhone 7 (Red)
Guys, I'm fed up with AMD, they don't launch a new videocard, and NVIDIA has become their own competition...
How do I learn how to program?
Serious question regarding Arch
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Intro to program class
User, is this card ok for a desktop? Or the signal would be too weak to reach another room?
Microsoft releases PhotoDNA for public use to help fight the spread of child pornography
FizzBuzz is pie, forget about it
Apt-get remove ttf-liberation
I wonder if it's even worth switching from Ubuntu. It's great
I need some guidance here, bros...
Last thread died
Apple becoming cheap
Moving from Ubuntu standard to CentOS by the looks of things
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
DE Thread
Holy shit they fucked up the architecture design lmao
Base64 -d <<< 'L2ZnbHQvIC0gRnJpZW5kbHkgR05VL0xpbnV4IFRocmVhZAo='
What do you place your butt into all day?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why aren't you using a mechanical mouse?
Autism Captcha
How would you feel if you had to become a Net Cafe Refugee?
I'm sorry but 4:3 simply made more sense than 16:9
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Will Photoshop ever come to Linux?
Is this Libtard Facebook bait or is this actually a possibility?
A e s t h e t i c tech thread
Sup Forums has been replaced by spooks, it is no longer safe to post here
Can you encrypt a tape drive?
Sup Forums iceberg
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Things normies say about tech
Previous thread: >>59485993
Pointless Stupid Gimmicky Technology
Do AMD drivers still suck? I'm looking to get a new GPU and RX480 seems superior to GTX1060...
Thinkpad Circlejerk Thread
TFW it's almost another month wasted without getting started on learning programming
What type of MX Cherry switches does Sup Forums prefer?
Android O-MG Released
Microsoft services are down
Lmao Intel how could you let a company 10 times smaller than you without any money do this to you
Chromium. Google Chrome
Nvidia on Suicidewatch
Clock your monitors above 60Hz you stupid assholes
>not owning a GPD Win
What is wrong with my iphone?
Https wtf !?
> if your game already has 60FPS, does it matter if you have a Ryzen and not an i7?
Sup Forums was wrong again about functional programming languages
Am I making a mistake?
Is macOS really unix
You are from a third world country or unemployed if you use Linux instead of Windows 10 or Mac OS...
PSA: Don't buy the M65 Pro
KDevelop 5.1
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...