Why do laptops come with stickers but MacBooks dont


Because people that buy normal laptops usually care about specs, compared to Apple consumers.

why can most people afford rubbing alcohol but macfags cannot?

LMAO tell me you don't actually believe that

Because Apple pays a metric fuckton to Intel to allow them to not place a sticker.

OEMS get a cheaper price if they place the Wintel stickers.

You missed one.

Apple is very Brand aware, so they care to differentiate of other computer builders. That's why they don't follow the Intel inside program.
>care about specs
You're implying that the people read and understand the fucking stickers.

does that mean apples cares about consumers and doesnt want advertising to get shoved down their throat via unwanted stickers?

It's backwards, lad. Apple doesn't recive shekels from Intel, but other computers are subsided if they place the fucking stickers.

This. You literally $800 for good hardware that should retail for $400 each time you buy an iphone.

Whoever buys Apple product is literally mentally challenged.