Hahahahah, americunts


>the land of the free!!!

>fckin flatheads
>get rekt

Thanks Drumpf!

what do all the incels pretending to be republicans on Sup Forums have to say about this?

my wife's son won't be happy to hear about this

Jeeeeezum crow. Well, they probably already had the data.

>It's another far left leaning thread with leftist babies damning less government regulation
Sorry big daddy government isn't going to be able to cuddle like with Obongo.

end your miserable life you fucking drone

>unironically being a statist

Is this making America great again? If you voted for trump there is nothing you can do. You can't even write your sentators because they know they have your vote anyway because you're not going to vote liberal and take a vote away from them. Goodbye to privacy.

Who cares about backdoors to your machine when your isp sells your data. I knew it would come to this but I wouldn't have dreamed it would come so soon. Let's have it. Let the red counties and states see what losing individual liberties is all about. Time to feel small for everyone. The 'show me' states will understand too.

How they can sell or even see what in encrypted HTTPS content?

They can see what servers you connect to. Aka your browser history.

so mandatory vpn from now on

Americucks eternally BTFO'd.

What's the name of that project for decentralized internet? I assume that or tor would be good enough to avoid this kind of bullshit.

It's another Sup Forumstard's post proving he can't see a difference between left-right which is an economic system, and authoritarianism-libertarianism which has nothing to do with economy.

(((american))) """"""""""""""""freedom"""""""""""""""""

Wtf, I'm mentally Hill now.

>americans are so cucked they believe they only have 2 options to vote for

>everyone who's voting yes are Republican

I-If you don't support the GOP then you're a Cuckold!! Please let the party take away more of your rights! It's for your country! You aren't a terrorist or a faggot are you?

Government regulation is cancer upon the society.

Just use ISP that wont sell your information, stupid fucking giga retards.

Jesus Christ.

>just use ISP that wont sell your information

1. no such thing
2. monopolies in certain area

Can't wait for the 'lol just move u dumbass" reply

>No such thing.
This leftist idea of all companies being corrupt to the bone is tiresome, get a new song already retard.

And if you think there is no such thing, form one yourself then.

Besides this Obongo regulation did not exist before him and Internet was fine before it. And it will continue to be fine after it, like it has been.

>j-just do it urself!
totally didn't expect that one lol!

>Government regulation is cancer upon the society
Government regulation forcing citizens to do things is bad. Regulation to protect citizens is generally fine. It's not like selling my porn habits is the ISPs main income.

ok, if rules are cancer we'll just make every crime legal. In fact, legal and illegal are no longer things. Enjoy, you fucking masochistic retard. i bet you hate anyone paying tax and enjoy contributing your life savings to some corporate fatcat

*because the fatcat totally earns it for being who he is

>if rules are cancer we'll just make every crime legal
>make negation of the law part of the law

"The freer the market, the freer thr people"
lmaoing at the "freedom" of late-stage capitalism.

How is wanting less goverment regulations statism?
Ancap maybe, even corporativism, but statism?

I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but it availed me nothing. What, then, should I have done, Eurotrash?

>B..but nobody can think differently from me, they're just pretending!

Vote Green Party.

Bernie should have ran as a Green Party candidate after getting cucked by the DNC. Maybe then the Green Party would have gotten the necessary 5% for federal funding.

still better than the dems

Go back to ,>>>reddit fag

>my wife's son won't be happy to hear about this
