What image editing software do you guys use?

What image editing software do you guys use?


Pinta on Linux, Paint.net on Windows and Pixlr on Android.

>pic related

but also


Lightroom on Android. Gimp on Linux. Paint on Windows if I'm desperate


Anyone tried Natron? It looks pretty bitchin but I don't do a lot of photo/image editing. Video stuff mostly.




Photoshop and Illustrator.


Paint or paint.net for simple edits and photoshop for complex things

GIMP in single-window mode

CSP + photoshap cs3

Photoshop in wine


I use GIMP, although I'm really confused as to why its shitting itself on the Terminal font. Supposedly its reading it straight out of Windows/Fonts, but it's not even close.

Affinity Photo

I don't do much image editing outside or simple stuff like converting from one format to another or resizing or rotating. The most "complicated" thing I do is probably add text.

Due to my simple needs, imagemagick is all I ever use. Pic not releated.

GIMP to draw circles

Turn off hinting you retard.

Oh my god I'm so glad I listened to you and certainly didn't try this myself beforehand.

For what it's worth, a lot of these fonts are having this issue. Every one of these fonts are supposed to be monospaced, and you can see by the mim that they clearly aren't (and the "i" especially isn't close to the real fonts). They also all seem to be defaulting to the same thing - notice also the difference between the "i" after f in fix and the "i" after m in mim when using 8513fix. This same variation happens with all of them, as they are all defaulting to the same thing.

But that isn't to say all MS fonts aren't working. Courier and Consolas are completely fine.

I had this same problem not too long ago. I fixed it, though.

Photoshop CC. Everything else is trash.

Photoshop because I'm not a savage

Photoshop. Its the most powerful and versatile image editing software I've ever used.

Lightroom for RAW processing, Photoshop for everything raster and Illustrator for vector

>yes I'm an Adobe cuck
>deal with it


Fuck that GIMP piece of shit


What a le master troll XD

my fucking nigger right here


I used to use Photoshop CS2, but Microsoft broke it with a GDI security update so I had to switch back to Photoshop 7.