Don't mind me just pirating this wallet

Don't mind me just pirating this wallet

If I like it I'll pay for it!

You know pirating is literally stealing? They lost out on sales....and now they're going poor because of you!!!

stop with this shit bait thread

Shit thread, shit poster. Neck you're self, cunt.

Post this on Sup Forums you faggot, you'll get the butthurt you're looking for there.

Nice argument fagatron.

You're seriously stealing from the families that created this product!

and what are you gonna do about it???? huh?????? thats right, nothing



Give me a quick rundown on pirating, How will I know im not getting any extra shit in my programs


Don't mind me just pirating this wallet

if it's in russian/spanish/portuguese, there's extra shit

Extra shit like bitcoiner miner? You can't, but the higher the seeders is generally a better sign of being safe than no comments and less seeders.

I thought it was the russian and chinese you had to avoid, how big of a scene does spanish speaking countries have?

desu, no idea, just talking out of my ass

afaik like 80% of central/south america barely use computers to begin with. then again, i just pulled that number out of my ass, and have never lived in any of those countries.

>Get all my shit from rutrackers

>Don't mind me just pirating this wallet

>If I like it I'll pay for it!

More like trying on a piece of clothing in the store before buying it.

I think mexico does have a warez scene, but not to the scale that russia or china does. Anyways, if it's not in english just don't trust it.

Where do you fags torrent your porn


Except you aren't in a store. And you won't pay for it.

Just saw this thread on Sup Forums
Try harder next time.

Really, faggot?

Hey look it's a Sup Forums faggot thread

>stealing from the families
Yeah, the warburg family

If any executables are less than 128MB (especially the "crack" if that's separate) run em through virustotal. If it comes back clean then you are fine.

If it's a keygen then put that fucker in a vm, with a linux throw away host, physically disconnected from the network. It always has a virus, but sometimes it also generates a key.

fucking retard