why aren't you using beautiful macOS Sierra instead of arch? also hackintosh general
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can you pirate photoshop on mac?
Because they're both shit.
The amtlib method works for any Adobe application, at least it used to back when CC came out.
not OP
just buy mac you poorfag
who here /real master race dual boot/ - 9front + os x
I think my hardware is too modern and highend for macOS to be compatible with it
yeah, you can
Because AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+
It doesn't just werk on a T420.
>no wi-fi
>no sound
Using it on desktop, pretty good.
Also using it on my X220, but I'm really considering something else. I love the shortcuts and all, but it just feels a bit sluggish.
Hey, it's the only and true pedo-Sup Forums!
I want a hackintosh, but not sure of whether or not my hardware would be compatible, and not particularly bothered to check desu
Do you have an SSD in your X220?
I'm running Sierra on mine with a 256gb ssd and 8gb ram and it doesn't seem sluggish on my machine at all.
Fuck you and die shill. Keep giving $800 for good hardware that should retail for $400 you stupid fuck.
The only hardware that aren't compatible are AMD CPUs, but that would contradict your post.
There are still some Autists that made MacOS Amd compatible, but it's pretty much shit.
Yeah, I think it might be a shitty SSD though. It's a Micron C400, it was included with the refurb X220 I bought.
>no wifi
Change the fucking adaptor
>no sound
Find the fucking kext.
Because MacOS is horrible shite.
If Intel it will work, if AMD it will work aswell just not as good. The main problem is GPU support, but nobody runs a Hackintosh for gaming and just ends up dual booting Widyagame OS 7/10
if you dont mind 1 crash every 3-4 weeks, along with a total annual fuckup when apple updates their OS then go ahead
100% of all relevant online content gets produced on macOS
>can you photoshop on mac?
You can pirate probably as much software as you can on Windows, problem is it has the same risks.
Apple never forces you to update, unlike Microsoft, when you run a Hackintosh you just wait until someone fixed the issues of the update. I'm never getting crashes but it really depends on what mainboard you use.
> Have Intel Z270 CPU
> Have Kaby Lake CPU
> Have GTX 1070
I pretty much fucked myself. Can I install OS X on my setup?
so how is it living with atleast 1 kernel panic a month while scouring and sweating over the tony mac forums every time there is a point update to check if anything has broke or not?
to people in general considering hackintosh, it is not worth it at all and you dont get the full macOS experience either.
dont you have an onboard gpu?
the GTX 10xx series chips arent supported yet afaik
Repleace the GTX with a RX 480 and you're fine
Hackintosh is easy with post 2014 mobos for some reason.
Kaby Lake offically is not supported, but aparentely is working great.
I guess you hat a bad experience with setting up a Hackintosh.
I own a 2013 Macbook Pro and a Desktop Hackintosh, I had more issues with the fucking Macbook, to this day the keyboard and Trackpad just stop working occasionaly and it crashed more often than my Hackintosh ever did.
>the full macOS experience
The whole "Apple experience" thing is just superficial shit that only affects normies, I don't feel any different on my Desktop and the average Asper/g/er won't care aswell.
Try using Filevault.
mac os dont support vga monitor :l
My MacBook Pro battery died on me this week and i need OS X for Final Cut Pro X.
I have an old FX-6300/GTX 650 Ti BOOST machine here i want to try hackintosh on, how do i get started on it? Google searches just pop up useless outdated and badly explained stuff.
git gud nigga
AMD cpus are not supported and though there are some methods it will still be unstable as fuck
Surely there must be someone selling an old Mac Mini on Craigslist near you.
i do all my music production on a hack
midi studio and built in midi loopback is shit that wincucks would kill for
>download update
>it explodes
the only good thing about this is that apple always delivers security updates late anyway
wew is it really that bad? was thinking about using it on my t420 but cba if it crashes so often
It's usually fine, but updates without being prepared for them means you're gonna go through some stupid shit. Feels like using a very riced Arch installation.
Drizzy not welcome here, RMS reacts only
Or install a proper OS that doesn't require this bullshit.
>implying Linux and Windows don't each have their respective baggage as bad as -- or worse than -- the above
I have a high end desktop and a couple of thinkpads (t61, x61t). A modern iteration of MacOS would be fruitless on any of them.
>muh apple users are tech illiterate meme
I support my iMac and Macbook with a home-built NAS and a Windows game console that used to be my primary computer. I built them both myself.
I know god damn well how to use Windows and Linux. I just don't feel like it anymore. I want to tinker, repair, and experiment on my own terms and my own time. I don't ever want to be forced to do it in order to get my work done. Macs are great for this; for getting out of your way when you want to get something done, for always being ready for you, and for almost never breaking down for trivial reasons.
I work in Apple retail, and nobody ever brings a Mac in for service that's less than three-ish years old. On the other end of the spectrum, people bring in Macs from 2009 that *just broke*. These're some crazy reliable computers, on average.
Been on a Hackintosh for six months now, it's great, user.
fuck off enjoy your broken updates buggy OS dipshit
why not just use whatever ur hardware is designated for?
>just buy mac you poorfag
pig disgusting
>t. mactoddler
what method did you use to install it?
>Windows 10
I followed this guy
it's pretty good and it covers everything, what he doesn't cover in the main post you can find in the following posts and replies, people ask about almost every issue you could face, personally I only had a problem with USB 3.0 initially, but I fixed it with the rehabman kext. Ask any questions, user, I'll be here for a few hours.
You are wrong, get a good plist for audio and a 10 buck dell wifi card and you are good to go
fuck off kid
A while ago people said AMD was supported now though wtf
I can get another 2011 MacBook Pro cheaper than 2009 Mac Minis here actually.
cheers user, do you know if there is any alternative to unibeast that will run on linux?
vm, amigo
I was thinking about tribooting win10, ubuntu and osx then I remembered that I don't like apple and just wanted to try osx so I virtualboxed it instead.
Fuck off mactoddler.
get the fuck out of here you third world shit
كس امك :3
>Keep giving $800 for good hardware that should retail for $400 you stupid fuck.
Thanks for posting. You're basically declaring that you don't understand hardware or manufacturing costs beyond the most superficial of specifications.
The classic refrain of the 12-year-old Sup Forums shitter who has no legitimate response.
>I'm an "apple genius"
>I know god damn well how to use Windows and Linux
dunnow this doesn't sound right
>broken third party modified hakintosh
No issues, no KPs, everything working like on Real Mac. I update my system the same day the update releases. Even Hand-off and Continuity with Apple Wi-Fi card :)
If you know how to configure Hackintosh properly you can have 100% macOS experience without paying horrendous amount of money.
that's one thicc dock
Please here's the door. You can leave with tonymacx86 thieves.
FYI FireFault is working now on Hacks :p
this translates to:
your mother's pussy.
sure i believe that poorfag
Because I don't use botnets.
how do you guys download macOs in a PC?
did you pay for it?
>muh everything by apple and microsoft is a botnet meme
because the audio drivers don't work on my z270.
Hackintoshing is not worth it unless you build a specific computer for it
I spent hours trying to fuck with getting audio on my z270 , no luck. ethernet works, everythign works, except audio
what parts do you have?
I think you need to use an existing Mac for creating the USB.
can you do that in the apple store?
MSI Z77A-G41 (although it wasn't the best choice)
AMD Radeon R7 250X
Mostly used parts to minimize the cost
You can always think about creating virtual machine with macOS.
You can, but you will still need to install and configure proper boot loader, in this case Clover EFI.
>boot with the macos sierra usb flash drive
>next next next agree next
>install clover
>run script to use the cpu c-states
>everything but the microsd reader works
>even the trackpoint
Based T420 it just werks.
You don't, you just need the MacOS installer and the only way to do this LEGALLY is to download it from Apple, which only works through the Appstore of a Mac. There are ways around that.
Pirated a VM of mountain lion off rutorrents and used a throwaway email to make an apple id to download el cap through the app store.
Keep in mind EULA which tells that you can't legally install osx on non-Apple pc. You can have serious problems in the USA. In Europe we have better things like respecting local law at higher level than apple's.
For now only Sierra is available
Then download Sierra.
eh whatever i don't live in a police state like the us
Yeah, I'm a Yuropoor aswell, forgot about that. But there is not a single case of Apple pressing charges against anyone besides people trying to sell Hackintosh computers - in the end Hackintosh computers just end up as Macs in the statistics they like to brag about so much.
>>Yeah, well that's just like your opinion man
Running a Hackintosh on this thing, the Deskmini 110 by Asrock. OS X Installation is even officially supported by Asrock as seen in the changelog for BIOS updates. Nearly works out of the box.
what res screen? 1600x1200/1050 or w/e it is?
Can you replace a screen on a t420 and how easy is it?