ITT: we generalize posts as regular expressions

/God I (fucking)? (love|hate) [a-z]+fags./i

OP is, as usual, a massive faggot




No, thanks.



rm -rf /


You just matched every possible thread on Sup Forums :^)

the . at the end should be something like [.!]*

/What does \/g\/ think of [a-zA-Z]+\?/

/(AMD|Intel) (BTFO|is finished)/


>make my regexps for me Sup Forums

/^perfect \w+ do(es)?n'?t exis?-$/i

How is that a regex?


That's a perfectly valid regex.



This is [a-zA-Z]{1,}[\.!,] (say something nice about (him|her)|please (don't |no )?bully)[\.!,]

> what is sed


/i wish i knew regex. it's so cool/i

/[a-z]{3} thread/i

Perl was great to learn but unfortunately it has abysmally hideous syntax.

Like all fake scripting languages.

Absolutely problematic. Those regex symbols can present themselves as difficult and threatening, please consider using VerbalExpressions instead.


>using {1,} instead of +
absolutely disgusting

Fixed. You can't make empty posts.

What is the fucking point of that line?

>muh punctuation


Ryzen sucks (nigger|fucking)? (dick|cock)s?

/I bet( you|cha) can't (golf|shorten) your (code|script) with that(| being obviously (verbal|too long))\./i

S -> But can P parse parentheses? E
P -> ( RE )
RE -> RegEx | Regular Expression
E -> ha E

At least I can't make deeply nested two kind parentheses.

S > SP .
S > SB .
S > S S .

SP > ( EP .
SB > [ EB .

EP > ) .
EP > [ ) EB .
EB > ] .
EB > ( ] EP .