USA just passed a resolution to allow ISPs to sell your data to other companies

>USA just passed a resolution to allow ISPs to sell your data to other companies
>you fucking voted for Trump
Eurofag here, kek'ing hard. Land of the free.

I already turned on full telemetry to Windows 10 because I have nothing to hide. You need to give your telemetry to ISPs to improve service.

Britcuck most likely
How does it feel to be a serf of the nanny state?

Sup Forums was a mistake

Not Britcuck actually. It feels great to live in a country where my government is not completely retarded when it comes to IT (could always be better though).


Sup Forums is going to go full damage control and soon act like they always hated trump.

>Eurofag here, kuked hard
fixed that for you.

i honestly found it hard to believe this wasn't already the law


Only a couple of months till the church is the divine authority again over everyone.


>you fucking voted for Trump

It has nothing to do with Trump. This is all the doing of the Republicans in the Senate, most of whom hate Trump. The President is just a figurehead for the most part. It's Paul Ryan and friends who are going to fuck you from behind while you're too busy ranting about Trump to notice.

America, land of the jews, where 50 year olds decide that your data does not belong to you, but the highest bidder.

America the country that does not give a shit about americans.

>everything wrong with America is now Trump's fault
How very convenint

>the church
haven't you read the canoodian news?
the mosque will will have all the authoritay.

i actually used to like america. however with recent developments i'm not coming anywhere near it. it is probably the shittiest country in the world atm

Europe, land of the sandniggers, where 50 year olds decide that your child is ready to fuck them and that you can rape infidels.

Europe is the continent that does not give a shit about Europeans.

Last I checked president has veto power faggot. He impliedly approved. Funny watching all you trump chucks get cuckd

So it's back to what it was like a year ago. Why did we need that law in the first place? I doubt it even stopped them anyways

And SOPA passed under Obama.

No matter who's president, Americans will continue to lose their freedoms. It's been happing ever since the 1920s. Every law passed since then only takes away from the people.

Are you trying to imply that Hillary wouldn't have pulled the same shit? Also funny that someone from Britain is complain about the US's policies when the it's trying to do the same thing.

SOPA failed under Obama though.

>implying I'm an Amerilard

You don't even understand your own political system. Trump's opportunity to veto it hasn't even come up yet. Not that he will, because he can't afford to fall out even further Paul Ryan and the Superfriends.

Enjoy raving like a loon about the big evil orange lightning rod whilst your freedoms are quietly removed by other people.

Sup Forums here
if you don't support Trump 100% and would give your life for the president, you are a liberal cuck CTR shill traitor blacked liberal muslim leftist marxist globalist democrat cuck scum!

Fuck off shils!!!
I want shils off my board
Ban all communist and leftist shills and anyone who doesnt stand with Trump and advocate for him online!!!

Anyone who doesn't support Trump is leftist scum

Praise kek!!! MAGA!!!

Can I buy Trump's data from his ISP?

You're not from Sup Forums

no silly, that's a matter of national security

can't let the commoners have any control now

they'll ignore it and call anyone who brings it up a virtue signalling cuck


>It has nothing to do with Trump.
It's not like he wouldn't vote for this shit.

Liberal cuck detected. I bet you voted for Hillary you CTR shill. $0.05 has been deposited in your paypal account. Can't wait until Trump drains the swamp of you and your ilk

Stop shitposting

>Trump drains the swamp

>I want daddy Trump to rape my taxes while I watch and masturbate
>calls other people cuck

It's not shitposting to tell the truth about Trump that MSM is lying about, you libshit traitor. OP is clearly a paid ShariaBlue shill

Trump is going to MAGA whether you like it or not, communist.

i just love how usa got played by 2 parties system
it's sad becouse for many years usa was benchmark for it, technology and freedom.

Virtue signalling has become quite the logical fallacy du jour

Hillary wouldn't have done this because it makes no sense. It was put in by Obama it has no effect on her popularity at all. Also the democrats in congress basically unanimously voted against it while the republicans unanimously voted for it.

Didn't vote shit and don't live in the US Toвapищ

Don't care.

But I'm sure FSB ( KGB ) will be happy to buy data from US providers, thanks.

Please work on your false-flagging, you're too obvious

Okay chaim.

Imagine if Hillary won the election and appointed a bunch of billionaires and Goldman Sachs/Exxon executives to her cabinet.

People would be rightfully outraged, but Trumpcucks are surprising silent when their cheeto cult leader does it. Really makes you think

>land of the free, unless you are a business owner
wrong. it's land of the free. period.

The only one falseflagging here is YOU, libshit shill.

Do you not support Trump?

And after Trump won, they blamed third-party voters for it instead of actual Trump voters.
Americans are fucking retarded.

I'm so glad to have Europeans, those paragons of justice and integrity, to lecture me on the shortcomings of my country.

At least he will build the fence and ban Syrian rapefugees. :^)

> Europe is a country

Educate yourself, amerifat.

And it still more likely to get shot by a random nigger in the US than it is to even bump into one here.

>he will build the fence
American taxpayers are going to pay for it too

succes breeds jealousy and enemies like no other
also slaughtering over a million civilians in an unjustified war probly has sumthin to do with it
godforbid another country genuinely attacks the u.s now, all of nato would be like "oh no no no we're not getting sucked into nother 20 year war that'll bankrupt us and make our streets a war zone AGAIN"
honestly idek why trump wants to disband nato, anyone who's already apart of it should've left the moment they realized they were sucked into a war under false flag attacks. and all those millions who died because of it, you can even blame the current syria/isis caliphate on it too.
why are the scummiest most dumbest shitbags in positions of power? i'll never understand how politicians can be so fucking evil and still so fucking stupid at the same fucking time

Iraq wasn't a NATO mission though, only Afghanistan was.

> Trump drains the swamp
> Random companies get to rape us now for a few bucks

Let's see if Trump will protect us from this shit.

If Sup Forums Oscars were a thing I'd most definitely give my vote to you.

>government agencies on every continent have your data
>Muslims are taking over your country
>lol merica drumph
Enjoy your enrichment eurocunt.

Some people are going to lose part of their property to make room for it too. Also it's going to disrupt the migration of native wildlife along the border

Spics migratory route doesn't count.


What if majority of the land adjacent is owned by a white guy? Land near the border is cheap. No Mexican is going to want to live near Mexico that's the point of them coming over

I tolerate spics if they're here legally, I know a lot of them voted for trump and support the wall despite what media wants you to think.

Has Europe need of another attack already?

>CA pls

Yeah but theyre generating money off of you and you see none of it

Fuck off spics.

Not even a spic.

Also, Exxon's CEO aka Trump's Secretary of State just approved Keytone XL.
Everything is possible under Trump's administration if you're a large corporation.
Net neutrality will probably go next.

>yfw it includes browser history, financial data and even the content of emails

Top fucking kek America, this is what you get when you vote a guy to power who only cares about money

American education

Everyone on welfare is doing the same. I'll support your antimarket jihad when you decide to end the nigger baby factory.

European education

No way you're talking yourself out of this one fatty

> financial data and even the content of emails
It's supposed to be encrypted.

muh rust belt jobs

Yeah I'm sure your average American will know to get that shit done.

> I have to decide between rapefugees and companies selling my freedom

How about being against both, why are amerifats too stupid to come to this conclusion?

Also your country is alread far more infested than europe will ever be, stupid Trumpcuck.

Fuck off effeminate numale.

Thanks for being Warren Buffet's free oil train shill. Kill youself if you honestly believe corporate interests aren't on both sides.

>Allah be praised we Muslims of Europe are much more holy than Merica.

So do you have any argument on your privacy being sold to companies? Or are you just gonna yell 'lol muslims' over and over, like it's argument.

Fuck off anti corporate commie nigger

>le snowflake politics
>perfect only
Enjoy your rape.

If Hillary had been elected, do you imagine we'd be in a better position?

>corporate interests are on both sides therefore it's okay to shill for Trump and Exxon
LOL enjoy being used cuck

>Allah be praised we Muslims of Europe are much more holy than Merica.
is that why they slaughter more people there rather than in someplace like lets say MERIKAHH?
or is it that americans are better people than eurocucks and aren't worthy of having heads chopped off or being ran over throughout the streets?
not even once.

Not an argument. You deserve rape.

>confirmed nigger who can't read

Angry Trumpster spotted, hope you love paying for Trumpcare because my employer pays for my insurance and the millions of illegals out there aren't going to pay for the wall or the healthcare :^) have fun faggot

Yes because Hillary Clinton wouldn't be stupid enough to make the entire Goldman Sachs board of directors her cabinet.

I don't think she'd appoint someone retarded like Rick Perry to the DoE either.

>Corporations are the bad guys
You deserve to be thrown out of a helicopter.

How does that make it right? Do you jerk it to bill gates being so defensive towards microcuck

You have no argument? While I'm glad you admitted it

>hillbilly Clinton shilling is now this lazy
Just lie back and take the cock sven. You're our muslim bitch either way.

>merica so bad I wanna be muslim
Good faggot. Take in all our trash while we fight wars for zog. XOXO

Trumpfags are from reddit, thanks Sup Forums for supporting mass immigration.

You sure are obsessed with Muslim dick, are you sure you're not projecting?

>having to go back

>implying you can read nigger

>look at me not caring about you REEEE

>M-muh Hillary
Hillary isn't president cuck you voted for Trump and you got him and so far he has done what he said he was going to do, it's not our fault you couldn't comprehend what he was going to do that's why Republicans were split on Trump. He's a lobbyist but since he's in on the game other Republicans aren't guaranteed fair prosperity

>USA just passed a resolution to allow ISPs to sell your data to other companies
>implying ISPs didn't sell data already

No, hell I actually prefer Trump over Hillary because of all the butthurt it caused.

I hate the rapefugee shit and everything that is coming with it.

But Trumpcucks basically abandoned ALL critical thinking when it comes to republicans too, as you can see in this thread.

Either that or they are simply unable to differentiate between libtard propaganda and a fucking vote in the senate for an actual fucking bill.

There is a difference between supporting Trump, and swallowing corrupt politicians cum.

Can we get to the fucking point here.

I'm sure even trumpvoters can agree that they do not like their browser history, financial data and content of their emails being sold to companies for profit?

Trumpcucks hate any independent thought.

I'm a Muslim so yeah. Projecting my powerful American Imperial dick into your weak effeminate European cunt. What's it like to be a colony and an open air brothel for brown cock?

>both sides fallacy
You've been conned by an orange buffoon who's incapable of talking above 4th grader level. But you can't admit that to yourself so you keep spewing cult shit like a good little brainwashed drone.

>What's it like to be a colony
You should know best American, or do you not know your own country's history?

No, if Trump wants it then it must be good. It's what's necessary to MAGA and purge the country of liberals and mudshits.

If you question Trump, you are a cucked traitor and need to leave