Is rakudo to perl 5 as c++ is to c?

is rakudo to perl 5 as c++ is to c?

whats updoc

very carefully haha. please do not submit posts to this thread without giving me a (you)

go back to nigger

please don't use hate speech to emphasize your points

subhuman degenerate

maki has like 10 lines of dialog in the whole fucking show, why do people like her so much?

it's like waifuing one of the girls from touhou who was never depicted in any game and only exists as a brief mention in some background filler

i think i might not be the one who came here from another board.. just speculating lol

weebs tend to lap up idolshit the best

As long as the character is "cute" it sells


minna-san this thread is about rakudo perl and/or the c programming language. please stay on topic

OP derailed it with his autistic yurifagging

This thread is now for saging



>i'm literally in love with a shy rich girl tsundere girl who's naive and still believes in santa and would never hang out with me if she was a real person

that's really cute user good for you

maki is real

*her (male)

whos this male i'll kick his ass???

maki's own boyfriend

who she has passionate mating press sex with every week

delete that post

maybe he's a nice guy instead of one of those rudeboy assholes