His motherboard isn't made by Gigabyte

>His motherboard isn't made by Gigabyte

Other urls found in this thread:


>his waifu is a turkroach

How'd she know?

Mine is, and the fucking thing crashes about 10% of the time it wakes up from sleep. Happens on Windows, Linux, and OS X, tried different power supply, ram tests totally fine.

More like GigaBackdoor lmao

Gifabyte is botnet now?

quality of motherboards varies over the years. Asus is now dog shit, gigabyte is starting to turn that way as well.
MSI was mediocre but now produces quality boards

But it is

It is. It's also a buggy piece of shit.

MSI would be good if it wasn't for their design.

Any MSI motherboard is gaymer shit with armor and camo on it.

So is having a shitty motherboard with gaudy aesthetics from a company with third rate support "in" these days?

You have to ask?

Gigabyte used to mean something but now it's shit

>changing boot options never saves, it's not fixable
>have to manually select boot device every time

Gigabyte makes pretty plain looking boards.

MSI and ASUS are the gaymer gaudy ones

last time i had a goygabyte motherboard it had problems with the usb drivers, no thanks.

The first and only Gigabyte board I ever owned died and Gigabyte took weeks getting it back to me. In the interim I bought another ASUS board and it's been rock solid just like the last one I got.

Gigabyte a shit.

Which ASUS motherboard?

I just bought a ASUS Z97-A.

>tfw ASrock is makes the best motherboards in 2017

ASRock really came back to life with their 1151 motherboards and the overclocking feature for locked CPUs.
Their reliability is good now.

With 1150 and older sockets literally all motherboards fell apart with time or just died and ended in a FUBAR state really fast.


Why? You dont have enough money so you resort for frail and cheap mobos?

Literally the worst company their Ryzen boards are bricking RAM,

Asus or Asrock

their z97 mobos seem fine desu, i dont see where these memes are coming from

Used to be until I fried it by overclocking.

2bh I bought my Gigabyte mobo because it said JAPANESE CAPACITORS on the box.

Top kek dat marketing

Why are you posting my wife?

I've bought Gigabyte since 2007 and I'm pretty happy, IMO if you get the chipset drivers elsewhere after the first couple years (intel provides) you're in good shape. The BIOS' are largely good although the 2500K build I made for my brother in 2011 had a pretty shit BIOS, like most manufacturer's they're schizo on the UEFI layout but F2 will generally get you to a traditional style BIOS layout.

It really wasn't if you had to deal with failures of motherboards during the capacitor plague. Gigabyte went with solid (non-liquid) Japanese caps rather than cheap chinese ones that had bad formula and would eventually burst and went with the ultra durable marketing.


Ahahaha, because Qflash and fuck Asus.

i have a gigabye 970a-ds3p + fx8350 that's currently refusing a gentoo/funtoo installation. everything goes as it should until emerge attempts to pull in llvm or genkernel attempts a kernel recompile for the initrd. i dicked around with iommu in bios and grub but no cigar.
any pointers?


My favorite feature for my Gigabyte mobo is when the computer won't start after BIOS and I have to reset a couple times till it does. I already checked other hardware, it's the mobo itself. When I bought it it had high ratings but now it's like a 3 star rated board. I learned my lesson buying things that are super new

Kek, last time I used a gigabyte motherboard, the BIOS chip died. They put the chip close to the PCI ports so when I used my graphics card for anything, the heat would slowly cook the chip.


Who is this qt

>He thinks a motherboard makes a difference
>His motherboard isn't the cheapest ASSRock

why most motherboard are made by asian

Lurk moar

Most budget boards lack BIOS options.

have fun changing your RAM speed.

isn't asus better?

High end yes.
Low end? No.


Anus is trash

Also one big problem with ASUS is warranty, unless you are buying from them trough amazon dont even consider them.

Good luck with RMAing something from ASUS.

>bought a 6800k
How does it feel to get memed?

>His pc boots up without needing to be rebooted 10 times and bios entered at least once

But i love their design.

>They bought ASUS/Gigabyte

>didnt buy ASRock/MSI


who EP45-DS3 here

I had no problem doing an rma on my Asus board. That being said, I'm probably never buying Asus boards or components anymore. The board wasn't at fault but still...
I wouldn't mind their high end monitors.

gigabyte mobos are fucking ridden with sound card issues you fucking nigger

no bullying aloud (。>﹏

Ep45ud3p is mboat tbqfh famalamadingdong