Post Stallman's face when he reads this.
Post Stallman's Face when he reads this
this has been known for a long time you Sup Forumstard
No, it has been speculated for a long time you fucking simp
>something that's been known for fucking years
Any idiot that runs Intel gets what they deserve.
This is already known. Pretty spooky desu
What do I buy then? Do we have to make our own hardware from zero?
The Russians have an x86 clone called Elbrus because they don't want CIAnigger backdoors.
You can choose if you want to be backdoored by CIAniggers or FSBvodkafags.
if this is shocking to you then you dont understand enough about computers to use them and be concerned about your privacy.
So la di da the government can spy on you with computers and phones. There's nothing you can do about it so what's the next step if you need to limit exposure? You stop using those things. The only people who have problems with this are perverts and terrorists.
Prove me wrong though
What's ACTUALLY concering is if people in, including but not limited to, russia or china, india (you know those heavily populated areas with computers but not wealth), can figure out how to backdoor those processes, it's certainly not impossible. It really wouldnt be that supprising if there were people who've hacked global banks and are siphoning tiny amounts of money.
The game is not getting caught, so how are you going to assume you've even identified the best players.
People have known this
It's currently being posted for chaff
Sup Forums confirmed bluepilled
Send this to Terry. What CPU is he using?
>incredibly long winded "nothing to hide, nothing to fear"
>prove me wrong
FSB don't run my country and can't gulag/blackbag me. CIA plausibly could and show every intention of doing it to anyone who questions their narratives, means, or ends.
It's a no-brainer to pick the russian backdoor if you live in a western country.
yeah its wrong but what are you going top do about it m8? if you use the internet at all you can be compromised.
to me it's like you guys are bitching that it's hot outside when its summer. stop whining and fix it if it's such a problem for you, fuck
>I'm not a LARPing faggot, here's a W-2!
There are well over 20,000 people in the United States who could provide this kind of shitty "proof", but of course Sup Forumsshits will eat it up because critical thinking isn't required to confirm biases.
It's still hearsay, and there's nothing you can do to avoid it anyway short of using older hardware that can still be bugged conventionally.
The only way to win the game is not to play, stop living your life on the fucking internet and keep anything you believe an alphabet soup may take interest in off the grid, but even if you didn't, I wouldn't be afraid anyway since these shitheads can't even track down mudslimes planning attacks on Facebook while hoarding zero-days they shouldn't need if they have unrestricted access to a system through the ME as we would believe.
I am so fucking sick of nu-Sup Forums
Everyone knew this shit when they FIRST implemented it. Almost a fucking decade ago. You think Richard fucking Stallman doesn't already know this since then? Just fuck off. Please, fuck off. You're making this board terrible.
Don't with friends if you disconnect your PC from power or at least b make sure it's not connected to the internet then you're not getting surveiled on.
But you can't, so let's not talk about it like an option. The shit's pure vaporware to begin with and even if you somehow found a way to import it, it wouldn't be that hard for an agency that wipes their ass with a few grand to swoop in and bug your shit in transit. Especially in the current climate, some retard ordering Russian military/government systems is going to drum up some attention if shit's as deep as you think it is.
Are you retarded?
does AMD have this?
actually, there is 300 million people in the US that could just print one, there is literally no anti forgery in the OP.
Since 2013 at least they have implemented a similar management system.
I'll be one of those obnoxious faggots and link the libreboot write-up on the subject:
It's true, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're a (You)-starved intern with some time to kill.
Daily reminder that intel sucks dick
AMD Ryzen obviously since that company actually cares about their customers
>These shitheads can't even track down mudslimes planning attacks on Facebook
Why would they go out and catch their own minions?
>AMD Ryzen obviously since that company actually cares about their customers
So, my C2D is safe?
Sup Forums has a serious problem with roleplayers
Fucking LARPers everywhere
If they're working together they're doing a shit job of doing whatever they're doing since it's causing instability and many people to question the current order they're trying to maintain.
Of course, you could allege that they're using them to accomplish exactly that and create transitions towards far-right authoritarian regimes, but that's a pretty retarded idea considering the current methods of controlling the wider populace are far more sustainable because the subjects are actually willing to go with it. And if a dipshit commoner like me could observe this, it's certain that those born and raised to consider these kinds of possibilities have observed it as well.
I think pol has a serious problem with VPNS.
Am I really supposed to believe all these different countries post at the same time in the same thread?
If it can be engineered, it can be reverse engineered. Here's a project — It's called "Let's put an end to FUD". I'll tell you how we do that. Simple, really. Someone needs to install a clean version of Windows 10 in an empty drive in a modern pc. This will be our baseline pc. Then, get a modem and disable all of its wireless features, but turn on logging of all incoming and outgoing transmission attempts. Then, wire that pc to that modem and allow the pc to run untouched for a week. Check the logs. Any unauthorized transmissions? Do the same on a relatively old pc. Check the logs. Compare transmissions to modern pc. Do the same on modern pc but with a linux distro installed. Compare transmissions. Do the same on the old pc with linux distro installed. Compare transmissions. Report findings to Sup Forums.
that's not his argument you dense shit.
it's absolutely VPNs. so many shitposters fake flags so they can screenshot the threads and post on le epic /r/Sup Forums
Complete bullshit.
Please explain how this so-called surveillance hasn't been noticed or proven by anyone ever? So it can fool your cpu big deal. That has no effect on your router or any other external network hardware.
Yall are a goddamn embarrassment. Any A+ certified moron could run some basic network diagnostics to prove it if it were happening.
>it has full access to the TCP/IP stack
They only activate it on high profile targets tard. You must have the F+ certification.
whats new? additionally thus is why you should get an fx8350 and an intel atom processor. best combo
how the fuck is this even a secret when people have wireshark
recon dot cx/2014/slides/Recon%202014%20Skochinsky.pdf
dumb anime poster
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Network hardware is infected too.
yes it does, one backdoored device can compromise the whole system. since me has tcp ip access do the math, it can update the firmware on the target device
>Network hardware that isn't running x86 Intel hardware is infected with Intel backdoors
Okie doke
>in all likelihood all hardware is backdoored
>you're not smart enough to take advantage of this
Just use risc-v. Basic 32bit MCUs are already out.
I'm brazilian
Sup Forums is diverse
deal with it shitlords
>You seriously expect me to believe there are device drivers for webcams, microphones, network devices as well as programs to compromise all these devices on some tiny part of the cpu.
Yes that's exactly what OP is saying you dumb fucks
>CIA and FBI waste time spying the 99.99% world population only for check pirated movies and chinese cartoons.
>When they should spy Trump, Russian gov and other interesting targets.
Tell that to David Calak
>Any idiot that runs Intel gets what they deserve.
What makes you think that any hardware isn't carrying a backdoor?
Unless you hand crafted it yourself it has a built in backdoor.
Even when you buy chink shit you now just have given PRC a backdoor.
I have learned english to stay away from idiots like you, congratz on shitting up every other community.
Go fuck yourself Dilma lover.
It works independently. For example, take iLO: you can use a shared port for it and then do ifconfig eth0 down an it will still work, even though you've disabled eth0 port.
Wouldn't this be glorious?
So you're telling me if I started a company in Zimbabwe that made networking devices with custom ASICs, I wouldn't be able to detect a sneaky device with Intel processor trying to phone home because some American government spy mind controlled my African slave engineers?
Model: 4157ZMC ThinkStation S20
CPU: Intel Xeon X5677 (8) @ 3.4GHz
who here /comfortable/ without ime?
You might as well just say wireshark was written by intel. People aren't that stupid, Russian would be watching very intently with their own networking software router level.
I'll slap my tinfoil for this specific case and claim that this is an AMD viralling tactic, the same way they viralled the chip itself, again, on Sup Forums
It's literally two posts of some very generalized "information", are people seriously this mentally impaired to take it as an ultimate proof?
>was not taught english alongside native tongue
You're no different.
I nominate you.
That would work if you weren't under government mind control to automatically forget anything related to Intel secret packets
Here's the LARPer posting again guys Ask him all the tech-specific questions that only someone who's really in that position would know, that would whether he's authentic or just a LARPing shill
>that would whether
that would prove*
>slap my tinfoil hat on
In order to debunk a claim that the US is putting backdoors in our shit? I don't even know what's a conspiracy anymore. Somebody hold me.
I don't even know anymore. Nowadays it seems like everything has been backdoored, so I keep wondering what's the point of even trying to prevent it?
Have I become too jaded to this whole mass surveillance thing when I think that all those "opt out of this spying feature" doesn't even matter? It's not as if they would ask nicely if you want to be spied on.
>hardware has backdoor guis
>i work at intel i should know
>so let me just out myself out on a public forum
Real smart, i don't care how many virtual machines and vpns he's running, intel and federal agencies will have his head on a stick if what he says is true.
> Russian would be watching very intently with their own networking software router level.
There was that story about "Chinese backdoors": some guy discovered IME presence while working on his own hypervisor and thought it's a Chinese backdoor since all the mobos were made in China. Apparently FSB is OK with it since they were interested at first but ceased any cooperation after a couple of weeks.
But that's exactly it.
Everytime there's a terrorist attack, it's like fucking clockwork "terrorist was referenced by intelligence for years" and still there was no fucking action.
Five corners confirmed for voyeurs and probably cucks.
Oh shit this is HUGE, world changing, this is THE END.
Not really, 6 months from now nothing will be different than it was 6 months ago.
>Dump about information that comes AFTER mentions by wikileaks
>Look, I'm an employee, I have an inkjet printed piece of paper with nothing more than Intel's address on it, surely only an insider would know this.
The current order is well maintained, there is no risk in losing it
What they're doing right now is literally exposing in small controlled doses that they're in fact spying on everyone, their endgame is having people accept this as something totally normal or even mandatory and so far they've been absolutely succesful at it
A lot of people work in Intel, why the fuck would you believe this asshole? There's no proof, why would you even discuss this shit?
I dont believe this
And he decided to post it on the Sup Forums, where stupid and angry teenagers hang out. Why is there discussion of this post?
I just can't. 77 replies, what the fuck
Why would you all apply logic and thinking to tehcnology and programming, but can't see dumbest fucking baits.
How do you dress yourselves in the morning?
It's been speculated you turd
Anyone stupid enough to think they don't is, well, stupid.
You can pretty much assume any off-the-shelf components you didn't create yourself or don't have public, verified whitepapers and diagrams of all the parts probably have some shit like this baked into them to varying degrees.
You didn't even reply to the right post you stupid gook
uninstall gentoo if you have i3/5/7 there is no point in using Free Software or GNU/Linoox
>Because we knew about it ten years ago it doesn't merit having a conversation about it know
Have you got any videos or articles with Richard talking about this?
How can we be sure that the people writing those papers or people doing code auditing (like Truecrypt/Veracrypt) aren't working for the gov?
>mfw I bought AMD just because it was so much cheaper
>mfw I inadvertently saved my own ass
Are the atom CPUs compromised? What about an old Pentium M 1.4GHz? Or only systems with intel ME?
Fuck off.
If you trust the rest of the processor, then you can buy a Phenom II (1090t and 1100t are still good for most things besides 4k gaymen) as those were the last processors released without a publicly announced backdoor. Otherwise, you can try disabling ME if you have sandy bridge or ivy bridge.
Giving up is bad, user. You should feel bad for not even trying.
That was true up to and including the Phenom II desktop processors. Shitdozer and everything after have backdoors listed as a feature.
Look for vPro, AMT, IME listed as one the features.
>Vienna is both Tasmania and Adelaide.
AMD does the same shit
see >The PSP is an ARM core with TrustZone technology, built onto the main CPU die. As such, it has the ability to hide its own program code, scratch RAM, and any data it may have taken and stored from the lesser-privileged x86 system RAM (kernel encryption keys, login data, browsing history, keystrokes, who knows!)
You're a fucking idiot, the ME sits between the PCI-e bus and the CPU, it can filter packets before they even reach wireshark. neck thyself
>Fuck off.
Go fuck yourself intelel shill
>Early anecdotal reports indicate that AMD’s boot guard counterpart will be used on most OEM hardware, disabled only on so-called “enthusiast” CPUs.
What counts as an "enthusiast" CPU?
>reading comprehension
Fuck off, you retarded monkey.
>So la di da the government can spy on you with computers and phones. There's nothing you can do about it so what's the next step if you need to limit exposure? You stop using those things. The only people who have problems with this are perverts and terrorists.
Prove me wrong though
Facial recognition of an anti-administration protestor, pinpointed as an organizational back bone and donation collector. Charles is dissatisfied with his government and advocating protests for a proper representative government.
In a stunning announcement, Charles is now arrested because he was in communication with foreign government agents and spread IS propaganda via social media. And child pornography.
He is now being detained for violating several national security protocols, thanks to an anonymous tipster.
Nine months to two years of being held in a maximum state penitentiary is now being railroaded through an extra-judicial court that determines whether he serves time in a federal prison black hole for politics the current administration holds as "undesirable", or detained in Guantanamo for aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.
If you aren't worried about this potential outcome, when will you be?
He's not worried because he believes that he will be working for the new Stasi, like most of the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" posters.
>imy face if i was a commie who actually never did anything who was about to be audited by a agency more powerful than the cia, nsa, and the fbi combined.
The idiots think that because there's a backdoor then they'll only use it to READ.
They don't realise it can be used to READ *or* WRITE.
they're all marxist and muslim so yeah, this post is correct.