You want to give money to AIDS research, right Sup Forums?
You want to give money to AIDS research, right Sup Forums?
One more reason not to buy Applel products.
I will need to see what 1) bottom line print refers to before answering any of that.
What is this? Africa?
>tfw people here are too young to remember product red ipod nanos
No. Why would I care about AIDS? I'm not black or a faggot.
>tfw when people here are 2 young 2 not thinking about this technological piece of crap
>imbluying Sup Forums shitposters don't need AIDS
I was seven then Grandpa
>what is american aids epidemic
are you 12?
this , society should focus less on aids and more on cancer , there is a much much bigger chance of me getting cancer than aids
Go away Ebola.
Not for applefags.
Kek. Have fun supporting Charlie Sheen.
>implying people cared then
>implying people care now
Being gay ia bad? Wow you disgust me.
>You want to give money to AIDS research, right Sup Forums?
No, I couldn't care less about faggots, killing them all would be a bette solution to eradicate that man-made virus.
Go shit on streets son of a Ranjeet.
i don't care about third world countries
>homosexuals don't use apple
>Being gay ia bad? Wow you disgust me.
All joking aside, it really is no matter how SJW you may be. It's a genetic illness like down syndrome that makes you sub-human.
Really wish people would wake up and see that so we could finally start working on a cure or effective treatments, I understand you can just zap the gay out of people.
>inb4 "b-buht some animals are fags like me too!!!111"
Doesn't mean it's a good thing. Lots of animals are born with down syndrome.
tax optimization
That's exactly what a faggot would say.
they should make special edition anti-nigger/fag iphone
>they should make special edition anti-nigger/fag iphone
No, they shouldn't, smartphones are useless nowadays, intelligent people won't buy one.
>It's a genetic illness like down syndrome that makes you sub-human.
The joke's on you buttface. Being gay is unnatural.
It's pretty OK for the neo-Sup Forums because the neo-Sup Forums actually consists of pajeets and gaymers, the generation grown up on iPads and other monkey-tier toys. There're no more nerd-tier memes like the "install Gentoo" meme, because nowadays it's NP-hard even for a Sup Forums habitue to use Gentoo as a primary OS on a daily basis.
Stay buttmad, shitskin.
>2% of the population having 80% of STDs is just a coincidence
What? It's completely natural though. Animals get this genetic illness too from time to time. Never said it was a good thing.
go back to your designated shitting street sanjeet
Remember kids, RED actually does nothing about AIDs. All of their money goes to AIDs awareness, in other words selling more red shit.
It gives server time to folders. Their folders. That they will use to cure the aids their consumers are getting causing them early graves, lowering Apples bottom line.
tfw neo-Sup Forums never even had to deal with IRQ conflicts
>What? It's completely natural though. Animals get this genetic illness too from time to time. Never said it was a good thing.
Hahah please educate yourself before posting on Sup Forums.
no. cancer is mainly caused by smoking, and the people who CHOSE to start smoking are usually the people with negative net present value
being gay is NOT A CHOICE, and gays have the right to have random fun without getting AIDS
I want Sup Forums was cleansed from shitskin pajeets.
At least, Jews are smarter, more polite and more developed than inferior subhuman goyish savages like you.
>It's completely natural though
No, it's not.
Fucking the wrong mate is not something that should happen to humans.
Animals are "dumb" and do not give it any though.
Only humans can be worthless faggots.
No one unironically uses Linux except losers.
Stop samefagging, son of a Ranjeet and go shit on the gutter you came from.
You clearly don't.
Animals choosing not to proceeate because of a mental deficiency is unnatural.
I'm not the one who supports a poo-in-loo company.
Problem is: being a fag is due to genetics. I hope one day we can CRISPR the gay out of people so they can finally be normal human beings.
i had one as a birthday present from my grandma
used to watch southpark on that tiny little screen and 2 hour battery life
So are homosexuals naturally less intelligent to the extend they're unable to use condoms?
Written and sourced by faggots with an agenda. What's your point?
Remember all those studies the tobacco companies funded in the 60s, the ones where the proved smoking doesn't cause cancer? What do you think I'm getting at.
Scientist are wondering why haven't you still overdosed on sleeping pills.
Can you name the gay gene?