Microsoft sold out to China

Go ahead, try to defend Microsoft.

>Mysterious new version of Windows 10 created for Chinese government

>tfw no qt chinese gf to eat wonton soup with

They didn't make this the main version of Windows
Also who cares

They already did the same for US government - so I don't see why they would change for the chinese government.

they're whores who sold out to our enemy.

I guess we will see more Windows malware soon.

microsoft has been giving china the source for windows for years. they create their own version with encrypted components. if ms didnt give them what they wanted china would simply ban it from being sold and... moneys money

welcome to the real world you fucking tool

>defending commies

never did that. welcome to the real world you fucking tool

I'm honestly surprised that more governments don't use OS' created by their own country.
If I'm not mistaken, China created it's own architecture/instruction set since USA wanted Intel to stop doing business with their government.

>Muh rel werld
Maybe you should go back to kicking dirt and banging rocks because clearly any form of advancement or betterment goes against your small mind.

>plebians can't vote welcome to the real world xD
>peasants can't own land welcome to the real world xD
>you can't domesticate animals welcome to the real world xD
>you can't just GROW your own FOOD stop playing god welcome to the real world xD
Literally you through the ages

welcome to the real world you fucking tool

>what a tool

This is part of the censorship program non-fake news has been telling us for months.

>ameriburger edition
>chink edition
NEVER10 x2

Your link is dead, anyone have an archive?

>tfw no qt chinese gf(male) to eat cheap wonton soup(fake) with natural oil(sewer oil) with

>private company decides to do business with a nation that isn't 'Muricka

How is that bad at all? Why should Microsoft only profit from us and no-one else?

Sorry, private businesses don't need to live up to your expectations.

It's not like they make much of a profit over in China anyways though, if any at all. Nearly every Windows PC is running a cracked license of whatever version of Windows to begin with. It reached the point where MS stopped giving a shit and just let the chinks crack it all they want.

This is a government project though. It's not aimed at consumers, and the government would probably pay MS for this modified version for security reasons.

Who do you trust more?
The strong-standing company, or "KEMI4555"?


>security reasons
>strong-standing company

Good Example of Strawman Argument #71:Muh Commie Pig

include me in the reddit screencap