Is this store still relevant?

Is this store still relevant?

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Yes I buy stuff from there all the time.

Mostly for office related stuff, but yeah, it's still relevant.
Last I checked, my store still sold mid-level GPUs, but the selection was utter shite.

Yeah. They stay in business from all those $100 luxury hdmi cables they sold years ago.

I think they're a hidden goldmine for open box discounts. I would never buy something there new, but if you are patient and frugal you can find some really good deals on stuff that someone probably opened for 5 minutes and decided they didn't want.

They have a decent selection of basic stuff and they price match. Pretty great for stuff they have that you don't feel like waiting for shipping on.

My store has reference 1080s for $550.

You can go there and price match shit from amazon. Useful if you want shit same day.

Best buy is pretty comfy and useful for me , i explore tech there and than buy what i like from amazon or ebay

How does one access these open box discounts?

It's garbage for computer hardware compared to Microcenter. They have good deals on TV's though, they were practically giving away 4k TV's during Christmas.

They're actually competitive with online sales unlike nearly every other brick n mortar store. It's not just limited to exclusive products either. Almost always better to buy a TV from BestBuy instead of Amazon both in terms of price and return policies.

They also have large appliances.

They still sell them. Basic HDMI cable is like $25.

Amazon's showroom.

I love Amazon but does anyone else worry that if Best Buy goes under, Amazon won't have any real competition and they'll jack their prices?

It's the only place you can try out computers before buying them, so yes
Plus, comparing televisions in person

Also, Black Friday sales

I really don't think it's in Amazon's best interest to do that. After all, isn't the marketplace only a fraction of their revenue? From what I gather, most of their money is on advertising and web hosting

>Amazon is one company

>I really don't think it's in Amazon's best interest to do that.

Look into any monopoly in history. Greed always wins out over common sense.

Yep. They have some quite excellent deals on TVs. And they price-match.

just walk around the store, for PCs they usually have the boxes for the PCs under their displays. Some boxes will have a big red sticker on them that says they are discounted due to the box being previously opened. You can also spot one if it has the 'best buy tape' across the top of the box since they had to seal it again. This only really applies to TVs and computer stuff. Never really seen it happen with any other kind of merchandise.

Don't they always have bins of opened movies that they sell for $5?

>Buy TV/Laptop at fullprice
>Return it for full refund
>Come back the next day and buy it with open box discount

It's what's happening now for memory manufacturers. Samsung & Micron are playing nice now to make RAM cost it's current price and it's basically "You can't not have RAM in your build so fuck you, you'd buy it even if it was $200 for 16gb."

Jesus Christ. Who's retarded enough to actually buy that? Amazon and Frys sell 10ft long cables for less than $15.

As does walmart. And frys.

lol I guess you could do this but I dont know if they would recognize you or if someone else would snatch that shit up first before you got back

>Jesus Christ. Who's retarded enough to actually buy that? Amazon and Frys sell 10ft long cables for less than $15.
People are ignorant.
>Amazon and Frys sell 10ft long cables for less than $15.
Ignorant like you.

Or they don't want to wait on monoprice shipping.

Go to their website and put in a zipcode that's nearby to you. Then look at an item and scroll down for open box deals. I got a Tab S2 8.0 2016 version for $295 this way.

Got an 8gb rx480 for msrp

>All these retards bragging about going to best buy then buying off of Amazon
You know they price match, right? Why wouldn't you just take home the thing you wanted to buy at the price you found online?

How do you price match? Just find the same item and pull up the amazon listing on your phone and show the cashier?

>walk in, try out laptops, try out keyboards, try out televisions, try out stereo systems, try out headphones, try out phone cases
>walk out
>buy what I liked online

Pretty much.


they dont price match ebay or used/refurbished products from amazon

Amazon charges tax in my state and Best Buy price matches anyway. If I see something online that is available at my local Best Buy ill go grab it.

Does Best Buy price match Amazon now? I know at least 3 years ago they would not price match online marketplaces like Amazon and only matched other retail prices.

The odd TV sale or getting a Logitech mouse... That's about it.

>ignorant like you
Excuse me?

Of course, and make sure to use your local Geek Squad and get charged 400 dollars for them to plug in your router!

Geek squad is still operating? I assumed you would have to desperate to use them for shit like data recovery since most issues can just be looked up or solved by rolling back a driver.

Are you fucking implying the average pc user would look up a driver?

The only difference between any of those cables is the sleeving. There's literally no reason to get anything better than the bare minimum unless it's going to make a bunch of hard turns or go through walls.

Geek squad is half the reason pedos are always on Sup Forums asking stupid questions.

Yes. Why would you buy that shit?
Why you should buy monoprice cables

I'll go there if I need something ASAP. Amazon will dominate if they get the OK to drone products to your door for same day delivery. Big box stores are thinning out but at least we're past the sleaze bag salesman days of the 80s.

I am still shocked at how many people still buy overpriced shit there! But then again 25% of people are retarded.

Amazon takes a straight business week before they even think of shipping my shit out. When it eventually hits USPS or whatever, it's at my door step in less than 2 days.

I've never paid for shipping from Newegg or Jet, and it's always been next day shipping because I live so close to all of their warehouses (LA).

Amazon is quantifiably the worst

Literally the only way to do it. +1 to this, big time.

Hdmi cable quality doesn't matter. They all do the same shit. Why buy $25 of plastic and copper then the $10 plastic and copper gives the exact same quality? I bought some philips cables in bulk for like $6 each when amazon had them and no one else did, and they all work perfectly fine.

Do you not know what monoprice is?

Huh. I've bought from them and get my shit in 2-4 days without prime in DTLA. Longest I ever waited was 2 weeks for some fishing line because it was "driven" from new jersey to california.

>Amazon will dominate if they get the OK to drone products to your door for same day delivery.

Even if they get the ok this will only be a thing in the biggest cities in america that has a distribution center in the same town.

There are businesses that do Geek Squad. Except they get the better part of the service.

The last time I got Amazon to package my shit within the week was in 2012.

I've been steering clear of them for years because they'll have my stuff sit at their warehouse for an entire week.

It's pretty well documented too. Everyone complains about it. The response is always "lol get prime" which makes no sense when you already get next day delivery for living 100mi from a major distribution center.

I have some of those too. Used them for my little brother's ps3 and he uses another one for his laptop when downloading large files. I just got the philips in bulk for various use since I'm the family member who "fixes" computers and TVs.

If I buy a laptop there and return it a week later, will I get cash back or just store credit?

They're the only place within a semi-reasonable distance of the Santa Cruz segment of the west coast that sells technology.

I live on the Santa Cruz segment of the west coast.

Therefore, yes, Best Buy is still relevant.

You know they will price match most competors right?

I tell people all the time, that this method beats overnight shipping. You get your shit the same day.

Not for me. Last time I was in a Best Buy was about 5 years ago looking for thermal paste which they didn't have. Ending up finding some at one of the few remaining Radio Shacks. I buy most of my stuff from Amazon and get it within 2 days cause of Prime, unless I need something sooner than that in which case I make the rare drive to the nearest Microcenter. Because of Amazon many other physical retailers offer free shipping now.

>being poor

Hell yes! It's universally recognized by the clueless as a place to get help. You need to point to the best-buy geek-squad list of pricing when explaining to your aunt's best's friend's step-sister why you're charging them to fix their computer for the fourth time this month, and why they're still getting a great deal.

>"Hello, are you up for a phone upgrade today?"

I bought one of those tv's. Its kinda shit. (most tv apps through the tv's 'smart' interface cause the tv to restart). I use a roku with it and it only restarts like once a day. Great looking tv as far as picture though. Still happy with the purchase though, you get what you pay for.

But yea nothing beats microcenter as far as prices and getting everything you need in one place.

fuck no.

I rather have the item now thrn wait up to a week for shipping

Plus if you ever worked at a fed ex /ups you would never buy anything on line ever again

It's only good if you want to abuse the pricematch policy on mainstream items like tv's.

Beside that, it's a hellhole of corporate shill: they only sell heavily advertised meme brands.

I thank the lord every day that there's a Micro Center near me instead of that place.

Yes, because its nice to see something in person. You can read a million reviews, watch thousand of youtube vids, but until you get one in your hands for that tactile experience, it can make a huge amount of difference for a purchase.


I'd rather wait for prime vs deal with a best buy. Half the shit on the website says 3 or less available so when you show up, it means they don't have it, but they'll try to sell you something that matches one of the specs for 50% more and then all the accessories, then push credit cards, then warranties, then geek squad installation.

Only because they price match other decent retailers

only tech store near me so yes

>8GBs RAM in the form of two 4GB cards is $140
>same thing on Amazon is $65
>even lower at $50 on ebay buy it now
Best Buy is totally irrelevant to me unless I can't wait 2 days for a part.

>Being too autistic to say "no thank you" and move on

>move on to laptop department
>"Hello need any help?"
>repeat forever until you leave

It would be suicide for them not to

Yeah it's real fun getting to smell exactly what India smells like.

Surprised nobody else mentioned this. Every best buy I've been to had smelled like sweaty nerd

>"Nah, I'm good. I'll let you know if I need anything"

If I need a new TV I'll go there
For pc parts I go to micro center
Games walmart

I bought my last laptop there, of course

I used to buy their returned or outdated merchandise because sometimes I could get it at surplus auction price (without having to spend all saturday at a surplus auction).

In 2007 I bought an install of ubuntu just for the box. I hate myself for not keeping it or taking a picture -it would've been a great trigger-pic for Sup Forums. There was a big old "BEST BUY" logo and pricing sticker ($19.99) covering the ubuntu logo.

Last time I was in there it looked like a poor-man's Apple store. Maybe that's just the one near me though

Yea. It employs shitskins so they're not roaming the streets aimlessly after school.

>Go to Worst Buy
>Fingerfuck products
>Check price on Amazon
>Leave Worst Buy
>Buy on Amazon
>Save $$$


I go there for appliances and to price match with a barcode scanning app.

>spend 2+ days waiting for a shipment from Amazon
>spend extra time unpacking and throwing away boxes
Why are people on Sup Forums so stupid?

I used to work at their outbound repair facility. It's basically where they ship off computers that can't be fixed at the store. They just laid off a shit ton of people.

I quit and I don't even work with tech anymore, but it's indicative of a big picture. Best Buy is failing as a company.

Get an accomplice then to camp the electronics section.


relevent in the '''''''''''current year'''''''?
not anymore

go to a store and ask

went there yesterday to get a usb-c cable, shit was 20bucks, some were even 35dollars.

What the fuck happened?

another thing they do is put stuff on their website as like 10$ but when you go in the store is literally twice as much. Because their website has "marketplace sellers" and some horseshit. They obfuscate their prices, it's such a horseshit company.

best buy just sells overpriced shit, and then makes it even more overpriced. I only go there to look at stuff, because they have a lot of stuff on display. Then I buy said item at a computer store

Just price match at best buy you stupid nigger

Microcenter is often meh on pricing. They're only really good at CPU prices and for picking up cases.

Yes, ever since they price match from Amazon I buy from there a lot.