Is DirectX dead yet?
Why would any sane gamer even consider Windows anymore?
Is DirectX dead yet?
2k17 year of the Linux desktop
idk maybe try asking the video game board
>implying anyone uses windows anyways, for any reason
Because drivers still aren't even close to par with their windows counterparts.
Maybe not on par with, but majority of the common stuff is well supported. any modern day system runs just fine.
It runs "fine" but i'd rather take the 200 more fps.
>Why would any sane gamer even consider Windows anymore?
Vulkan won't change anything.
Making games cross platform with opengl has been possible for ever but still game devs don't bother supporting linux.
>sane gamer
>Is DirectX dead yet?
no but considering games developers wants to use vulkan to have better performances on windows 10, 8.1 and 7 + have the ability to port to linux, it might be a good thing.
And there are also some stuff being worked on to make OS X port from vulkan easier.
Also all game engine have a vulkan port (or will). Unity, cry engine, unreal...
But I don't think DX12 will die soon cause windows might pay some companies to be windows only. Gamers will continue to use windows unless they have a very good reason to make the switch
If you want to see linux market share growing significantly, ask Valve to create Half Life 3, Portal 3 and Left 4 dead 3 linux exclusive games (or temporary for the first months).
The gamer doesn't choose which Graphical library to use. And there's more to making things multi-platform than choosing a Graphical library that isn't DirectX. Although that's definitely the biggest part.
i do, for many raisins.
DirectX is better than ever.
I feel sorry for all those retards meme spouting about AMD and Vulkan.
Vulkan is literally DoA, DX11 is still as strong as ever, DX12 will be slowly pushed by W10 and incompetent devs.
You literally get 2 games a year that have Vulkan support and you have the audacity to ask if DirectX is dead yet?
Okay user.
You need DirectX for Xbox one.
>Making games cross platform with opengl has been possible for ever but still game devs don't bother supporting linux.
The problem was opengl was very different to directx developers didn't like switching between the two. Dx12 and Vulkan are much closer to each other.
The biggest issue for vulkan is the video game industry is garbage, they won't listen to consumers or consider which API is better in the long run, it will just be which ever is less work right now. Apple or Sony could kill directx, either of those two adopting vulkan on their platforms would seriously hurt DX. Apple chose to be idiots with metal while Sony don't consider taking indirect action specifically to undermine microsoft,
Yes. It's the best API at the moment. I hope it will be the new standard. There isn't a single reason to use DX12. The only reason to use DX12 is getting paid by M$.
Because Linux sucks fucking dicks
stupid phoneposters
Fuck You™
Sent from iPhone 7 Plus with Retina Display™
>literally 20 games
What you take us for?
>Why would any sane gamer even consider Windows anymore?
Maybe because of the decades of windows games?
>300 lines to make a triangle
Unless the alternatives are at least less shit, Windows will be the default.
Why the fuck would I want something that's going to limit my gaming if I can have it all?
Casuals are the ones who just play shit.
Else you would not care about what you play on to play that one game.
DirectX 12 games keep popping up, AAA titles with great rating.
Why not want to have DirectX 12 and Vulkan? Instead limiting yourself to just Vulkan or even a system without DirectX support.
>Why not want to have DirectX 12 and Vulkan? Instead limiting yourself to just Vulkan or even a system without DirectX support.
If dx dies vulkan will become the default. Having closed 3d APIs extremely stupid and hurts development. Imagine if the internet was like that, instead of HTML you would need to use some MS format for windows devices and then build it all over again for other brands.
There are literally no arguments for DX11/12 over Vulkan. Vulkan will be the new standard and Microshit gaming will be dead in a few years.
I use Linux as my daily driver, I game on it where I can and I can safely say that no sane gamer would think this was a better experience. Wine is a total crapshoot, half my games don't run, games that do run invariably run worse, most of the games that have been ported don't work dependably because the developers who ported them are not used to Linux and fucked up the porting so it works only on Ubuntu if it works on anything at all... It's a real mess.
>I feel sorry for all those retards supporting the only API that might give us true freedom to choose our operating systems
Were you dropped on your head as a child? Even if you don't like Vulkan, it's failure (if it fails) will be nothing to be smug about.
>Is DirectX dead yet?
sadly not yet, perhaps never.
however, we've had a major victory lately with SC ditching DX12 (and eventually 11) in favor of Vulkan, and that's a good reason to be optimistic about it.
>Why would any sane gamer even consider Windows anymore?
because even if Vulkan takes over, Linux will still only get a fraction of the games.
take Doom2016 for example. before and after it came with Denuvo, the thing ran perfectly on Wine. yet it'll never be "ported" (eg repackaged in a single day's worked and pushed through steam) because the suits over at Zenimax are morons.
we are not discussing games specifically, but rather the technology used in creating them
in other words, fuck off
>If you want to see linux market share growing significantly, ask Valve to create Half Life 3, Portal 3 and Left 4 dead 3 linux exclusive games (or temporary for the first months).
that would be the dumbest decision in video game history
my system would have complete DirectX support if it were up to the Wine devs
the only reason they don't is because MS is actively trying to protect its monopoly
and you're lapping it up like a good little consumer lemming cunt
While that would just make people angry, he has a point. SteamOS is basically like trying to get people to switch to a new console, without exclusives there's just nothing to recommend it. Maybe give them out for free or at a discount if you play them on Linux instead.
SteamOS is complete and utter ass. it tells you everything you need to know about Valve and their refusal to integrate the Linux platform properly. as long as they stick to their puritan development practices they will NOT benefit from any of the advantages of GNU/Linux, which are only possible because of FLOSS to begin with.
Valve is doing more harm than good with their half-assed attempts. Steam definitely had an impact, but until they let us work on the client itself it will have absolutely no advantage over the Windows version and therefore no inherent value to anyone not already on Linux to begin with.
It would help if they actually properly supported Linux in their other ventures too.
Their VR doesn't run on Linux.
Their VR demo game doesn't run on Linux.
Their updates for Dota and other games regularly break the Linux client on start up because they're clearly not even testing it.
It doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
They're just not the company to do it. They can't even reliably support legacy features when updating their games, they simply aren't capable of a targeted company-wide push like what they need to do.
It looks like Khronos is going retarded again
Desktop poster are aware that their platform is dying off. That's why he was defensive.
>One possible path forward to help resolve this dilemma is to define a portability solution that enables rendering code to be written and run, at close to full efficiency, over Vulkan®, DX12 and Metal-based systems.
>Literally the next sentence after a picture demonstrating exactly who and what the problem is
Oh for god sake.
Oddly enough more versions of windows support vulkan than dx12. There's basically no point in using dx12 even for windows specific things. It's just reducing your market. The only one holding back progress here is apple because they made an incompatible API and they refuse to support vulkan apparently.
It's all up to the devs to get their shit to run on vulkan and test on linux.
>considering games developers wants to use vulkan
No they don't. Vulkan is DOA. DirectX is an established technology and is here to say for the next 100+ years.
>why would any sane gamer even consider Windows anymore?
Probably because there are thousands of Windows exclusives and literally no Linux exclusives.
Having some indie games with linux support doesn't change the fact that almost every single game released before 2010 will never have official Linux port.
Direct3D is basically a dead-end at this point. It will *never* make it to iOS and Android and it will never be anything on the web as long as it's proprietary because web browser devs only support free standards like opengl and vulkan
You heard it here first, no established technology has ever been replaced, even given hundreds of years.
Except xbox one, you can't use vulkan there. There goes the plan.
Also apple, they don't support vulkan either, only some abomination called moltenvk.
no because xbox
People own the xbone?
So Vulkan is compatible with every game from the 90s all the way to today? Amazing.
>Except xbox one, you can't use vulkan there. There goes the plan.
>Also apple, they don't support vulkan either, only some abomination called moltenvk.
Xbox is doing pretty poorly, unless scorpio is an unexpected success the platform may not continue.
Sony could cripple MS by supporting vulkan on PS4 but they are probably weary that destroying dx may make the PC platform stronger. MS poor support for dx gave the xbox 360 and PS3 an edge early on.
Literally kek'd, thanks user
wine has excellent directx up till 9, they're still working on 10/11. Any game that uses vulkan will work in wine very easily.
try running a 1050ti on linux using the current nvidia drivers. the system will randomly crash due to conflicts with the kernel.
Tf2 and counter strike source.
Wine is better than a port, it's a standard layer for all things instead of shoddy outsourced ports.
And yet it still manages to make any game feel like a shoddy outsourced port.
Everything runs at approximately native, pre-2010 it will run better on linux anyway because windows' backwards compatibility is complete shit.
Would be nice if this were true, but I lose 15-20 FPS on any title with all of the relevant patches, staging or not, some games are reduced to single-core performance, some are forced to DX9 which is not an option, some won't run at all (see: Overwatch).
>any dx10 games existing before 2010
Sounds like you've fucked up your drivers or something then.
Found the pajeet.
DirectX won't die soon. Vulkan will fail too since no one really cares much about driver overhead nor portability since most of gamers are on Windows anyway. Developers care more about tools, platform and ease of development.
>Learn to dev with Windows DX which is the most used gaming platform.
>Learn Vulkan hardly used by anyone.
Hmm. Yeah no.
>Most used gaming platform
>DirectX 9
Yeah, Vulkan probly has better support than any directx past 9 by a lot and is still growing.
>People actually think Vulkan is good or has a chance because DOOM
Doom was well coded by passionate and competent developers. It doesn't run great because vulkan, it runs great because ID studios. Doom runs just as well in vulkan or OpenGL
If you have another vulkan game with "great performance" say so but you don't, there's just DOOM.
DX12 is just as capable as Vulkan, DX11 is dead
DX11 was aborted, DX12 + DX11 still isn't like half of what DX10 got which isn't a thousandth of DX9. OpenGL naturally progresses into vulkan which has always had second most footing to directx9.
>DX10+DX11+DX12 < OpenGL which will become Vulkan.
its not different enough to ever justify not switching to it
t. game developer
I'm not talking about marketshare you dipshit
I'm talking about api capability, that DX12 and Vulkan are basically the same idea of an API and that DX11 capability pales in comparison to DX12 or DX11. I'm just pointing out that claiming Vulkan is "amazing for gaming" based on one graphically intense game and one online board game from last decade is fucking retarded
Oh yeah capability-wise the only actual downside is who controls it. Vulkan isn't technologically superior, probably. Just more open and likely portable.
Doom could be qually good on openGL.
It is equally good on openGL
I could barely reach 100fps with DX12 on normal settings while Vulkan provided a steady 150 on high settings.
What you said about developers is probably true though.
>Vulkan has had the "second most footing"
Explain please
Let's see this one
Doom doesn't even have DX12
I mean people who used OpenGL won't be switching to directx, they'll be moving into vulkan. The developer base is getting larger for opengl/vulkan and is at best stagnant for directx.
ffs I mean OpenGL
>OpenGL is very different from DirectX
That is a very very good thing. DirectX is horrible and everyone agrees. The problem is it took ages for Graphics Card managers to make proper OpenGL drivers and by the time they did too many libraries were written in DirectX for people to switch over. No one makes their own shit anymore and if they do they're probably being sponsored by Microsoft to use DirectX.
But how long has Vulkan been out?
Even how long has doom been popular?
Developers have had time to try out Vulkan, and what did we get from 2016? Talks Principle board game? Nothing else?
How do you know people will switch to Vulkan? Because it's "comfy" or because it's "profitable"?
That was the case circa DX9.
DX12 is a lot different than DX11
DX12 is very low level, has great opportunities for optimization and multicore (up to 6 core scaling) support, and has the evil monopoly corporation profit, which will draw developers
Because it's the open standard on which people will build SDKs for things, just like openGL was only lower with more power. DirectX abstracts a lot of that but they've killed off some of their more popular SDKs instead of building anything on it. Nobody's adopting directx but everyone will have to adopt SOMETHING and vulkan is open and not starting from way behind this time. Directx9 will probly reign as king for a while yet though for people actually using the raw APIs.
Oh also with the opengl/vulkan adoption gains a lot of that comes because it's available on mobile devices too.
That's the point of vulkan. It's a matter of game developers only knowing windows and optimizing for windows, the differences are not as big as you want to make people think, the worst case may be 50% less fps when a game was posted with a wrapper but generally the numbers are at last +80% and improving. Most games that uses a proper multi platform engine has very similar performance and vulcan helps to even the play field even more, just check videos about how soon 2016 runs on wine with vulkan.
Please tell me this is not your argument and that you're just pretending to be retarded please
One of PC gaming's biggest advantages is every game can be played from the past. If I had to discard my library every few years when a new api came out, it wouldn't be any different than a console.
Why would you lie on the internet ?
>sane gamer
They are in the minority.
So basically you're saying 1 bug for 1 piece of hardware works as an argument to negate the good hardware support linux has in general?
it seems to be working fine.
This is why i asked if you was pretending, that's a false dichotomy, vulkan will not make your old games stop working, why would you need to discard your library when a new api comes out?
On the contrary, vulkan will allow the users to choose their operative system without needing to wait for compatibility layers to mature. Wasn't being an open platform an advantage of the PC platform? It seems to me that for the PC Master race a platform being open only matters when the argument benefits windows.
OpenGL was the most used 3d graphics library for games. PC market is small compared to portable devices and consoles