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Literally came on Sup Forums for the Ryzen discussion
So, how is it?
inteljews in absolute and undeniable suicide watch
still smarter than inferior subhuman gentiles like you
Guess who gassed who
>Windows 8
Can't wait for the 12C/24T version of the Ryzen.
brb, selling all my Intel shares.
Who cares when infinity fabric and low clock speeds causes it to be shit for gaming
>ryzen clockspeed 3.2-3.6Ghz
how is the single thread performance even that close? i thought they were core locked r7's
It's only in CPU-z, that's why you always see AMD shills using CPU'z. It's because of l3 cache or whatever. Every other benchmark has it behind.
post link
>not using L3 cache
>acting like it's the hardware at fault rather than shitty benchmarking software
You are the niggest.
Already sold my Intel shares and bought AMD, there's no point trying to shill at me.
Inter is going to get bought out by AMD. It's the only way Intel will make it, now.
more like 16c/32t f.a.m
I never said it's hardware's fault. CPU-z "benchmark" is currently heavily biased in favor of Ryzen.
>heavily biased
>because ryzen is better at certain workloads
>Using L3 cache is cheating
>But shitty GAYMES that improperly manage CCX isn't
yeah no. they are selling it for 125 dollars more in the shithole i was born in. i though i would be able to afford one. nope.
Slower than my 2 years old 4690K.
>All I care about is 10-20% higher single threaded performance
Sup Forums is that way, faggot.
Hey that's pretty good
at least it's not the 1600x, that is going to chew your ass
have they tried OCing it?
I want to know the kind of max OCs they can get
The future is red. Let Intel drown in their own pool of Jew slime.
they can probably go higher than the r7's, seeing that the power requirements are quite lower
I know but I want to see it actually tested for confirmation
Should I get one of the r5s and then get the more
cores r7s one Ryzen begins to build up later on?
Looking to build a workstation/mild-gaming PC.
I'm going to buy Ryzen and marry Amada!
well, maybe someone will leak it
nonetheless at april 11 we will know
You can't compare GHz across architectures like that, scrubola. FX could hit 5 GHz and was still slower.
I want fuck Lisa Su
what the fuck are you trying to say?
>workstation/mild-gaming PC.
just buy r7 you nigger
if you can stand 370 fps instead of 390, get the r7
if not, get the 1600(x), they will probably overclock somewhat better, and you don't lose too much on multithreaded tasks
Was this Google translated or did some dumb paki write the article?
>oh no, muh fps is too low, only 170fps
Yeah, I was looking at the r1700 with stock-aftermarket-cooler.
After all it is the best value chip of the three.
Yeah, I don't look forward in falling for the 4k meme with high-end graphics card meme yet.
I'll see if AMD releases anything interesting with Vega or just get an Rx 480 for $125.
The human eye can't see more than 10,000 FPS in CS:GO.
>not owning the benq 240 hz monitor
>wasting money
>in a 1080p monitor
I only see very bad single threaded performance
So what is so surprising about this?
nothing you retard, ryzen 5 is DOA
>very bad
>literally 99% of 6700k's
pick one
>not owning the ASUS™ ROG™ 480hz™ 720p tn monitor
>when they tell you that the human eye can't see past 9001 hz
Why is the Xenon still the best processor though? Even when it comes to affordability, it's still one of the best ever made.
do not trust leaks
do not trust synthetic benchmarks
wait for release
t. 1700X owner
amd will crush the shitty xeons with their 32c/64t monster soon
>still smarter than inferior subhuman gentiles like you
..Said the sweaty, obese, socially awkward virgin. Agitated by the comment, the sweat from his forehead caused the bridge of his glasses to gently slide down his nose. "I showed him" he muttered under his breath as he forcefully pushed his pedo glasses up back up again..
Exactly. What CPU-z's "single core benchmark" measures is not IPC performance, but rather l3 cache speed/amount.
The problem is this is one benchmarking tool out of dozens. Keep shilling it, though. Normies will be convinced Ryzen has better single threaded performance than Intel.
then it's biased because ryzen's l3 cache is actually bigger and better or just because it's an AMD processor?
In all honesty, this is not even my board.
But if you are thinking in make a PC from the ground up and wants the best dollar per fps, would you guys recommend the Ryzen 1700X?
I don't have money for the 1800, and the difference between the 1700 and the 1700X is so small that I would go for the X.
Also, I don't intend to overclock until the warrant becomes void.
Recommend or pass, Sup Forums?
if you just want gaymen buy a 7700k and be happy, if you're doing anything else, like virtual machines, programming/compiling, video editing/encoding/transcoding go for the 1700 or 1700x, or wait for ryzen 5 reviews and see if their cost/fps is better than intel's
Just gamming.
I will probably play everything at 1080p with modern games at maximum of 80 of graphical capabilities. Shadow for example is something that I usually keep at the lowest possible.
7700k if you want it right about now, or wait and see ryzen 5 performance, either way you'll be able to play in 1080p no problems
I will wait for Zen+. Those zen will not break the 4 ghz barrier due to voltage and will be slower than intel in games due to split ccx. Price is good but it will not be better than what intel has to offer.
Maybe I will wait.
In Hueland, everything is expencise. So I really need the best performance per shekel. Also I need a video card so there is that.
Im not sure if that thing of "if you buy Intel, you have to use a Geforce, If AMD, you have to go with Radeon" that existed a few years ago in order to "marry" the system with the same technologies.
>After the recent leaks about hardware backdoors
shiggy diggy doo
huelander here too, I know, those prices are really painful
NSA demands that all hardware companies in US to have backdoors. So there is that...
Ryzen 5's are going to be the best value alongside Pentium's
Do not listen to shills telling you to get the 7700K, before Ryzen no one recommended it since it has pretty awful value, they only recommended it for the best build you could get for muh gaems (which is still a valid recommendation)
Also, the best value chip of the current Ryzen lineup is the 1700 of you're willing to OC
don't you mean xerox?
No, dont get the 1700x, there is next to no difference between the 1700 the 1700x and 1800x, overclock the 1700 to 1800x speed and there you go, if you know what you are doing, clock it to 3.9/4.0
every game will play over 60fps, with future games and massive maps likely to heavily favor amd over intel, see mafia 3 as an example.
However, if you can wait, I would tell you to wait because bioses are still not what anyone would call good.
>tfw going to fall for the Rypoo meme as soon as Zen+ comes out
Excited to set up a dedicated streaming PC using Rypoo, but going to wait this gen out.
Nah, don't worry brah. I can wait.
Maybe I can even get this Ryzen 5 that the other user said it will be launched soon.
All I want is a good enough computer to lpay some games and keep graphic power enough to play future games at 1080p with some fluidity.
Thanks for the tip by the way.
I already know what mobo, ram and videocard I'm getting, hurry the fuck up and release the 1600x
get the non X baka
>if you buy Intel, you have to use a Geforce, If AMD, you have to go with Radeon
no, this isn't the case
It's far from being shit for gaming.
yeah, it's not, it's just a meme perpetuated between stupid people, even he knows that
>Even when it comes to affordability, it's still one of the best ever made.
No, if you want value per dollar, you'll get a better selection if you look at AMD.
Plus, you've also got to factor in the MB cost -- which definitely favors AMD over Xeon.
You are a bunch of retards overhyping the R5 series.
The 1600X won't clock higher than the 1800X, which means it will be slower than the 1800X, which means it will be slower than the i7-7700 non-K version.
You are boring me out with your non-sensical hype.
The 1600X will have around 78% relative performance compared to the
Intel Core i7-6950X.
Any other assumption can only made by a retard.
>The 1600X won't clock higher than the 1800X
t. AMD employee
I don't know and you also don't, stop trying to guess shit, and through all history processors with less cores had better overclocks than their counterparts with more cores
You stupid retard, the 1600X is nothing but an 8 core CPU with 2 cores defective or not matching certain criteria so they get cut.
Of course you can clock any CPU up above 5Ghz with ln2 cooling.
It would be stupid for AMD to not clock them at their limit and thus make a bad figure in benchmarks.
And this time even AMD didn't market their CPUs as overclocker's dreams or whatever fuck.
You are really stupid to assume they will go beyond 4Ghz all 6 cores without exploding thermal dissipation and power consumption.
Is there going to be a BIOS-level fix for the weird Ryzen SIMD instruction bug that was discovered earlier this week?
even if it doesn't overclock, how is it going to be slower than the 7700 if single thread performance is that close?
oh right, I forgot, multithreaded performance doesn't matter
Well then, let me see them.
>not 1024x768 960hz
>tfw i7 6700k owner
>tfw anus on fire.
It matters, but only when Intel's on top.
Canadian prices are fucking retarded
Perhaps it's a bad idea to have a currency completely tied to the oil price.
>$235 for ram
Monopoly money isn't real money, syrupbro.
BIOS improvements to ryzen already
TL;DW - RAM running up to 3200, OCing higher before no boot
thanks for posting this makes me feel a little better about
>couple of bios updates to crosshair
no there's been one fucking update so far
where are the others?
near the end of the video he said the update isn't officially out yet?
and it should be out in about a week
what a fuckin sandnigger did he hax0r assus or some shit I want that fucking update too
>officespace reference