Linux Mint Appreciation Thread

How long have you been using mint? Why is it better than all of the other overhyped distros when it comes to desktop experience?

It's a good DE for ubuntu, but i prefer xfce.

Just werks, keeps up to date on packages, and it controls like Windows.

Why use it over ubunutu

I don't use it.

chiya is my gf

Mint has XFCE.

It's lighter than Ubuntu and is pretty competent in terms of theme management.
Also the application store is quite nice.

I'll admit I'm pretty new to Linux.

But it seems where other distros won't recognize a piece of hardware Mint recognizes everything 100% every time right out of the box.

Is there a way to have my wireless mouse not behave like a spastic on this OS.

I have the speed all the way down as low as it'll go and it still jumps from one end of the screen to another at the slightest tap. This doesn't happen with wired mice.

Unfortunately I had back surgery and I can't bend down to unplug my 1 functional wire mouse.

Because it just werks

>It's lighter than Ubuntu and is pretty competent in terms of theme management.


>How long have you been using mint?
8 months

> Why is it better than all of the other overhyped distros when it comes to desktop experience?
It just werks. Easy install, easy to get into.. works like Windows.

It's the only Linux distro that got me off Windows addiction.

>lighter than Ubuntu
my sides

>literally a terrorist distro

Amy Schumer is lighter than Ubuntu.

now now user

Good evening for you, Mint brother.
Today is my first day. Zero filled my HDDs and installed Mint. The whole win10 thing plus the end support for winxp was a good incentive to make the change.
I'm only confuse in how to play my animu.
Don't want to installl the mint full codec pack.
Any sugestions? FFMPEG will do the job? Do I install mpv?

If you've moved from Windows to Mint, just use VLC. It's very much among the easiest players out there though it may not be the fastest or look the best.

On windows I used CCCP (with MPC-HC). Is the something similar on Mint?

>bloated abortion of a distro
>install image repositories have been hacked twice.

>install image repositories have been hacked twice.

I thought it was only once.


literally anything is better than linux mint. arch is for tryhard ricer anime watching manchildren.

Is there any meaningful problems with Mint not found with other Linux distributions?

I am currently using Mint xfce, works pretty well on my shitty Acer Aspire 5050.

Daily reminder that Cinnamon is a bigger mistake than Gnome 3.0.

Using lsb_release -d since
echo $(ls -tcd --full-time /lost+found | awk '{printf $6 " " $7}')

The website was hacked, not the iso server.
The download link was altered to point to a different server in Bulgaria.
Feb 20, 2016.

So just the once then.

you are confusing cinnamon with mint

what kind of mouse is it? perhaps there are some kind of drivers you can install for it?

Honestly I don't see any real problems with Mint. It's probably one of the most stable distributions ootb. Literally it's just updating and drivers.

xfce is pretty neat if you want light weight resource consumption.

At least cinnamon fucking works. Gnome gives me cancer.

Are you overweight?

really laggy on my VM

mint was cool in 2012. its just a meme now.

i think you mean arch

probably because of the video device you have allocated for it. what's chromium as far as GPU? kek

hit em with the facts user.

>what's chromium as far as GPU? kek
get this: my gpu IS my cpu

that's surprising considering you have an i7. what VM software are you running?


how much video memory you giving it?

I can double it. should I double it?

you can try doubling it, maybe give it more cpu as well?

I have it at the max settings. I can only giv it 2 cpus. doubling it still left it laggy :/

perhaps try running with a different environment? Xfce is lighter than Cinnamon.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install xfce4

assumes ubuntu

well Mint is a derivative of Ubuntu

i've been using it for about 14 months now? overall i like it.

I've been using it for about 2 years now and sometimes I try and venture to another distro just to satisfy curiosity. I always end up coming back to mint. Plus with my high end specs It's kind of silly not to use mint since i'm not looking for minimalism.

i tried upgrading my version, from 13 or some shit, i don't remember, and it fucked over my battery gauge, for some reason. truly the only reason i have to not try reinstalling 7 on it is all the freaking roguelikes i compiled on this thing. i like it, yeah, but i'd rather just use 7, or something that would run better with the ease of windows. it's really a hassle sometimes, i like linux, but as a dilettante, i can't be bothered with some of this shit.

hmm, seems legit. i only rocked a vm of it for a day or two. liked what i saw tho.

i will say that i grabbed the "Lenovo ThinkPad T420 Recovery DVD Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64"
and it hilariously ran at 80c upon installation. it was insane.

Mint is Mossad.

Been using mint for a while...... need to maybe update my shit.

leave it at 17.3

I enjoyed this cartoon

your comment and your comment alone - specifically coming from Sup Forums - has convinced me to try mint

>Kernel: 3.19.0_32
>Bash: 3.4.11

mpv should work just fine. Customizing might be a bit confusing if you're totally new to things that aren't windows, but you could always just ask someone to share a basic but workable config file for ya.

My own setup is pretty much just the defaults tho. If you just want something that can play animu and don't demand no fancy functions, it'll work fine out of the box, probably.