Why are you shitlords speaking in English when only 25% of the world understands it?!!
Won't you like a healthier internet for everybody?!!!
Why are you shitlords speaking in English when only 25% of the world understands it?!!
Won't you like a healthier internet for everybody?!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
The Chinese have their own Internet, so that 25% should be 50%
that other 75% can't afford computer s or internet
>Won't you like a healthier internet for everybody?
No, honestly I only care about myself. Fuck everybody.
Speaking English is racist now?
Firefox's startup screen makes me more furious than any non-autist should be.
yep we better make a website in fucking bingo bango wingus dingus language because that one african with a computer might need to watch youtube
That's still a lot of people who doesn't speak english.
We should care more for our oppressed mexican friends and refugees!
Even worse!
We should be giving them computers and unlimited internet access instead of funding military expenses and making drumpf more rich than ever!
>Mozilla is right
No, Hitler was.
Fuck you niggers, English is the standard language of the internet, always has been.
It can be if you want
Убeй ceбя, дepьмo пятнo
The Internet isn't a fucking place. It's only as healthy as ISPs and the people controlling the DNS. You'd think a *browser* organization would understand this better than most. Then again, Firefox really hasn't been developed for years, unless you count ripping off Chrome and keeping up a disgusting political appearance.
My website about using nuclear bombs to homogenizing the planet is in Esperanto
English is the most important language in the world and anyone who is important can speak or at least understand it.
Funny, I don't remember the Internet starting out in computer labs in Zimbabwe. But what do I know? That fact might be too offensive to be canon anymore.
so why dont those non english niggers make their own websites then? expect someone else to do it?
Link pls
No entiendo lo que tú hay dicho, pero estoy de acuerdo.
The Wall.
>Only 25% of the world understands English
I wonder what that statistic is when you come back from your idealistic globalist vision of the world and appropriately discount shitstain third world places with blocked Internet access like China, the middle east, etc...
They didn't say it was racist though.
The only thing one can really say he was right about is that Europeans are entitled to be proud of their accomplishments. His implementation was wrong on basically every level. He claimed to be fighting Bolshevik degeneracy, yet he made invading capitalist countries a higher priority than fighting the USSR. And the Holocaust ensured he would be hated unless he both won the war AND had a supremely powerful propaganda department. Hitler's actions are largely responsible for why European nationalism and "white pride" have such a bad name today. If he hadn't done the Holocaust, and instead just removed Jews from positions of power, and had focuses his military campaigns against the USSR, he'd probably have been more successful and well-liked by history, not to mention that the European right would likely be considered more legitimate in the modern day.
Well then don't expect any help from your fellow humans from now on
ITT: Everyone rages about how shitty the non-anglophone world is, failing to realize that was the point.
I can't be arsed to look it up, but I'm pretty sure English is the most spoken language in the world. So even if it's 25%, that's more than any other language you could pick. From personal experience, you'd be shocked at how many people at least know a little bit of english. I have family in a very poor arab country, and the few times I visited as a kid, I was surprised at how many people would talk to me in English. Even dirt poor people with nothing, somehow could speak a little bit of it. Impressive really.
OP er en stor homse falle for SJW feller.
Pls imagine I posted a pic of competing standards xkcd, but replaced standards with languages and second panel with OP
Of course we either need a lingua franca or to make content available in other languages. I just look at my Colombian people and I seriously hope they have access to this kind of places like Sup Forums or even Reddit (we have something called hispachan but is metastatic/b/-tier), because only botnet (Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Instagram) is what domains the spanish cyberspace and probably what domains other languages cyberspaces (except China, Rusia and Japan). English cyberspace is the last refugee for internet freedom.
>he belief that words of native origin should be used instead of foreign-derived ones
Speak Icelandic, then. English will never get to its level.
Just learn esperanto, the universal language
What the fuck is this shit
Why are they wasting money on making css frameworks
CSS grids were created by a W3C committee, retard.
>I can't be arsed to look it up, but I'm pretty sure English is the most spoken language in the world.
It's second if you include non-native speakers. In terms of native speakers it comes in third or fourth.
>that source code hidden message
wew lad
>mvk iu estis tiel pugdolorigita pri Espreranto
American is the official language of the Internet. Learn it or fuck off.
Me obrigue.
Tu español es una mierda.
But I don't speak Spanish
Mozilla went full SJW
I can't speak anything but English and the only language I would remotely care to learn is Afrikaans why should I learn that things I have no interest in?
No! Everyone should speak English, the god-tier language which should be the universal language of the whole world.
Because the world doesn't revolve around your ignorance.
You are being just as rediculous as OP no one should have to learn anything they don't want to what we need is to make better translation programs
This is not a reason I should work to learn a language what advantages would learning a second language bring me?
Being called names in a foreign language because of your awful run-on sentences.
I'm much to lazy to take the time to puncuat another thing I have no reason to do
lol english is known by about 80% of the world
give or take 5%
they got their numbers wrong, go figure sjw firecux is being shitty
>mfw I learned english on Sup Forums
>mfw therefore when I speak english IRL I must refrain from spouting gross shit every two words
>native French : 75 million
lel that's completely fucking retarded
>phoneposters in 2017
Who gives a shit you easily triggered sissies
Jesus fucking christ ban these threads already
http put post get smtp ftp etc ...
internet uses English, deal with it
English is the world's language.
they only should provide help if only the nation/people of any region ask them to, those who don't ask to don't deserve the help, and btw there is the saying: "do not feed them teach them how to using the fishrod".
Sjws just like feeding people (causing more harm than good and make people lazier killing the compentance in tech industry). SJWs adding stupid and insecure ads like this is unacceptable.
English is not my first language but I don't have any problem with 52% of all websites are in English, after all most Academic resources online, I feel like that it easy to understand the concepts when reading English sources than in my own language
>it's a gobblurgaet is triggered by Firefox episode
WTF!!! Nigger i had the same thinking!!!!
I've never seen such a bunch of insecure, butthurt little snowflakes than you faggots that make your way over from pol to shit up this board.
If I had a dollar for every one of these threads I've seen where one of you triggered little anus suckers gets your tightie whities in a twist over Mozilla, I could have paid off my car loan a year ago.
Well, you better tell them about it!
>falling for the b8 this hard
>40% of the global population has access to the internet
>a chunk of that percentage is blocked off from many websites anyway due to censorship laws
>english is the unofficial business language
seems fine to me
English is very concise and simple to use, making it suitable as a world language
Besides its the most spoken non-native language
Look at mandarin, they don't even have an alphabet and need to memorize like 3000 characters
>Well, you better tell them about it!
There is a reason english is used by all pilots/air traffic control
Maldito mamaguevo que mierda hablas el español los gringos no tiene capacidad de hablar otro idioma que no sea el ingles
Speak American or GTFO.
daily reminder americans invented the internet. and personal computers. and cellphones. and airplanes. fuck only major modern technology any other country has to its name is the germans with the car. and the nuke kek.
we giveth, we can taketh away.
Saw this in the news today. No one wants to speak a chink language apart from Japanese.
English is a great langue for conveying information, and is also spoken in all first world countries.
Pretty sure the point was that we're oppressing third worlders or some shit.
This seems unlikely to me too. Aren't there like 65 million people in France alone? Add French speaking Swiss, Belgians, Quebecois, and half of Africa, it must be more than 75.
>americans invented airplanes
lol no.
>give third worlders internet and PCs
>it's in the language of the inventors of internet and PCs
>this is oppression
UK invented the internet, only thing america invented was obesity.
>mistaking the web and the internet
every time
hue hue hue
>ACKSHUALLY w-we like h-helped, a little, so that means we wuz kangs
kek, sure lad. & if you don't count our 12% population of niggers, US has far lower obesity rate than UK. it's tied with finland at like 40. your move, mohammed
so besides Germany, Europe's last hurrah was the radio. and with the nazi's demise, america was left alone to carry the flame. yuropoors BTFO