Be me

>be me
>Get chromebook from college
>It is enrolled
>Web filter and everything is enabled
>Cannot even edit the fucking proxy settings because it is set by faggot admin
>Devmode is also blocked
>mfw it internet is literally north korea at school

Install gentoo on it

Go back to r.eddit and never come back.

Fucktard devmode is blocked

exciting enterprise features :^)

r.eddit is fucking system admin faggot

then give it back? lmao

why do you care?

>get use of a device for free
>complain about restrictions
Buy your own Chromebook if you're so upset, they cost like $200

wanted to install gentoo and literally all work is done on normie drive

I had a Chromebook in highschool that was locked down in the same way. Taking the battery out and putting it back in made it possible to use dev mode. Once that spread around a whole bunch of kids installed Linux.

For how long should it be left out (battery) user?

>north korea
Don't colleges get government grants out the ass?

A few seconds I think. It's been a while.

Just dual boot

How to do dat?

newer ones may not persist such information in memory anymore.

the fact that any of them did in the past was pretty fucking stupid on their part and also annoying when you'd lose battery and couldn't boot linux unless you wiped the firmware clean with a seabios payload.

My Chromebook Acer C720 has Gentoo aboard and upgraded SSD.

How do I open the case to lift the battery?


wtf are you even doing?
it's not your shit. just don't fucking use it if you don't like it.

for fucks sake.

This is the chromebook I have Sup Forumsuys. I am trying to find a way to open the case

>given something by college to do college work on
>reeee's because college don't want ham-fisted I'm Mommy's Special Smart Boys breaking it
not sure if troll or plain stupid

>be me
>get laptop that isn't mines
>be upset that I can't do what I want to do with it outside of what the sponser wants you to do with it
Admins are accounting for the biggest fucking idiots when they set up settings, it's a good thing.

Thats fucking ugly
My guess is that there are screws hidden under this 4 rubber feet

Is this a thing in American schools? I read about it more and more. I mean private colleges you pay for it yourself, so what.

But also lots of public highschools. When I left high school 2 years ago laptops weren't encouraged, they were outrighted banned lol


>be Canadian
>have literally any mild disability
>get a Macbook Pro free through the college
>I own it and can keep it when I graduate

inb4 OP kills his chromebook trying to """""""jailbreak"""""""""" it and has to pay over 9000 dollär to the school